Posts in "Power And Purpose"

What If Nike’s Logo Meant Food For The Poor?


By Diane Gold

Food For The PoorWhat if Nike’s logo meant food for the poor plus water, clothing, shelter, health care? Or Apple’s or ExxonMobil’s? What if these multinational corporations’

“primary goals were to clothe and feed the world’s poor in environmentally beneficial ways?”

Use US Firms To Build Electric Grids In Developing Countries Causing Unsustainable Debt


This quote is from John Perkins’ Confessions of An Economic Hit Man who worked for powerful non-governmental United States companies whose job it was to get contracts with greedy leaders to use US firms to build electric grids in poor developing countries causing unsustainable debt through bank loans that had to be paid back, through default, by giving US land access to house military bases or discounts to access natural resources like oil.




Although existing multinationals may not change their mission from money and power to ethics and humanitarian concern, WE CAN build companies whose logos symbolize provision of food, water, clothing, shelter and health care to the poor as well as other companies who teach us, the poor included, self-sufficiency. We are not waiting for any company named in this article. We are collaborating: people, strategies, creativity and technology. This includes you and me, so let us be creative now; for it is time to build the concept.


Imagine Nike 2.0 Corporation, worth the $18 billion it is now, focusing its primary attention on helping people get adequate and healthy food, clothing and shelter. And all their artists, designers, scientists and sports doctors who know health, shoes, clothing and style; all their marketers and advertisers who know how to create a market and spread the word would be working to this end.

Creating Best Ways To Feed, Clothe, Care For And House EveryoneImagine Apple 2.0 Corporation, worth the $500 billion it is now, focusing its primary attention on helping people get adequate and healthy food, clothing and shelter. And all their artists, designers, technicians and computer scientists were putting full effort into creating the best ways to feed, hydrate, clothe, care for and house everyone adequately.

School children the world over would learn that the logos of these major companies meant safety from suffering because the major portion of these multinational companies had one focus: caring for the human condition.

Imagine if even 20% of the efforts of these companies was spent on ending the suffering we know exists from lack of food, clothing, shelter and health care. It would take a New York minute (this is fast) to be able to use these fine minds, already employed and experienced, to create workable strategies and technology that ethically insured care for everyone.


Civilized Living Sustainably without Taking More Than Is NecessaryWhat does it mean to be civilized? Does it mean being more sophisticated by wearing upscale and fancy clothing while we pillage the environment to get raw materials to manufacture modern comforts OR does it mean living sustainably without taking more than is necessary for community survival while insuring the rebirth of the resources used for survival?

I just watched several movie clips about tribes that have not been very touched by “society,” as we of the written word know it. The most “untouched” tribes use what they need, then move their group further down within their tribe’s territory so that the earth can replenish itself. These untouched societies are an inspirational example of how to live, environmentally. Supposedly unsophisticated and less advanced, they live with respect for the earth and its resources.

What happens to us when we get the taste of wanting more? More adornment, more land, more drugs, more food, more power, a bigger house, car, office building, bank account? How does consumerism take over our brains? The answer is simple, although not so simple. It is society’s teachings.

We do trigger certain neurotransmitters in the brain (hormones), in some ways similar to the craving for external things is mostly a whim with no thought teaching ethically and being ethical. We can always run over someone who is weaker. Is this civilized?

MULTINATIONALS WORKING FOR THE GREATER GOODMultinationals Giving Part Of Their Profit To Food For The Poor

Back to the “solution” topic. So let’s say we had these multinationals giving part of their profit to food for the poor, including water, clothing, shelter. health care, not on a random donate basis, but as part of their corporate by-laws. Wouldn’t that fix the suffering, the hunger, the lack of health care? YES, it would.

Wouldn’t living less by manipulation be a good thing for our collective consciences? Wouldn’t we all be more productive because of it, rather than having to be burdened by the weight of knowing we are achieving profit through manipulation of developing countries, individuals or circumstance?

If we figured that among the top 22 companies that made over $100 billion in annual revenue in 2012, 2013 or 2014; we’d have $3.56 trillion dollars in revenue (Financial Times, 2012). If we calculate the profit at the lowest amount I found for any one of them, that’s 3% (according to Forbes’ World’s Biggest Public Companies as of May, 2014). That leaves $106 billion dollars.

If we take 10% of that as per the old British tithing system of one-tenth of the whole, that leaves $10 billion dollars. That would barely make a difference. In the US, alone, according to, it would take $175 billion to bring every American up to the poverty level.

But if we use the high number of 10-20% profit, common with multinationals, we get $356 billion or $713 billion, each, if divided by 10% achieve $35-$71 billion.

That’s a start and can change our mindsets as to our responsibility for each other. Plus we have to add in all the other companies that make between $1 and $99 billion dollars that I did not include.

Or what if each company making over $1 billion 20%-50% of its profit every other year to helping others. That would truly reduce suffering.

As John Perkins says, again in his Confessions Of An Economic Hitman,

“We must commit ourselves absolutely and unequivocally to shaking ourselves and everyone around us awake.”

What he means is it’s important to let people know that there is manipulation of developing countries who have US engineering firms arrange loans for them to build infrastructure for modernization, only to have the loans end up crippling the countries with debt as their leaders become wealthy.


10% Of Gross Profit For The PoorThe answer is not as mind boggling as I thought it was. It’s right in front of you and me. It’s tithing, an old English unit meaning one-tenth of something. Much of the developing country manipulation could be monitored, and every corporation that made over one billion one hundred eleven million dollars would be required to give 10% of its gross profit to those in need for food, clothing, shelter, water and health care. The collector of this profit would have to be an independent agent, a non-government, non-profit establishment that published all incoming and outgoing funding to the public.

One other caveat would be necessary. Any US companies doing business with developing countries would be responsible to fund 10% of their gross income back to these developing countries if these developing countries defaulted on their debt after the company engineered new. Also, projects done by US companies in developing countries would have to be posted in a daily column, like the horoscope or the ad necessary to be placed before a US citizen can hire and sponsor a foreign domestic worker.

These two items are food for thought and could make the change, although it’s difficult to see infrastructural deals with developing countries until these countries are already defaulting on their debts, some years later.


Here are several action steps that may be helpful.

1) Do some research, and decide on a cause to fund, or microloan to give if you had extra money.

2) For the next month, take 10% of your net salary and place it in a separate bank account or in a jar marked food for the poor. If you work for yourself, calculate your gross profit for the month, and give 10% of that. See how it feels to be without this income.

At least, we’re not living on $1.25 a day.
Give As If You Had Extra Money

3) Once a week, the money in the separate bank account or jar to your favorite place. I know it might burn because we had just saved up enough to buy something important to us, which we will not have to sacrifice. But, as Rob Schneider says in Water Boy,

“You can do it!”

This will give each of us the experience akin to the multinationals. We don’t want to part with the money, but we can. Once we do it and realize we are helping others with it; we will adjust to it.

4) Evaluate whether you can continue to do steps 2) and 3) for another month or two. If yes, do it. If it’s not something you can continue, you might want to think about using that money for long term care insurance since suggests that 70% of over 65-ers will need it. And the younger we are when we get it, the more affordable it is. Of course, if we eat well with regard for eating a balanced plant-based diet, this statistic may turn out to be quite high.

5) Pass on this experiment and the general concept for the major players. It takes some getting used to. But, so did the first time our society began teaching that it was OK to bend our ethics.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition, conflict resolution and habit change with an internet show about health and peace making, Tuesdays at 2 pm, HERE.

She believes it’s her duty to help some others. She has been able to pick the circumstances, but there is much to do. She says,

“My eyes have been opened by John Perkins and his discussion of his life as an economic hit man. In 1968, while at a community college for 6 months, I joined a protesting group because I believed in democracy. We talked about big business and that the War In Vietnam was wrong, but I had a minimal view of the big picture, until now. I knew big business controlled politics. I didn’t know that bankers and engineering firms could control resources, countries and war, until now.
“I am grateful to have my eyes open. I am saddened that my beautiful United States has not developed a system of checks and balances to prevent the corporate mindset from overstepping its ethical boundaries.

“We are an ethical nation. Each of us individually, for the most part, is ethical. When we stand as a group, and each of us steps slightly over the ethical line, disaster hits. And we fall into the quagmire of personal deception. Let us understand why other countries see us as imperialistic, those words I remember from 1968 and why so many citizens in developing countries know about the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank and how these institutions tried to cause debt or did.

“When I told one of my best friends from the Dominican Republic about my having read Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man, she acknowledged having to combat the grasp of these banking institutions on the Dominican Republic.

“We are our sisters’ and brothers’ keepers. Let us act that way from this point on!”

“Finally, let us all take good care of ourselves because we are so worth it!”

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Patient Rights vs. Doctor’s Orders


By Diane Gold

Patient rights vs. doctor’s orders is an issue very much ignored. We have been raised with the habit of accepting doctor’s orders, to believe ethics are important to our doctor and that s/he believes in patient’s rights. Growing up in the New York Metropolitan area, I was raised that way. But, that was 50 years ago.

Through the years, though, I now know it is my duty to myself and others to gather my own information about my health, including recommendations from qualified doctors and many other sources.

VIOLATION OF PATIENT RIGHTSViolation Of Patient's Rights

So, here I am, in 2014, being all sophisticated and thinking I am completely prepared to make my own choices about what drugs I allow into my system, what tests I consent to have, what health care providers and process I choose for my ultimate health care.

So I choose to go to a breathing specialist because I had what felt like phlegm (sorry, gross) somewhere around my vocal cords, and my vocal range (how high and low I can sing) had seriously diminished (which could be from age). So I walk into the doctor’s office to have a breath test because the previous week, I had consented to it with this specialist.

So, the tech directed me to sit in a booth where we go to breathe into a machine to measure lung capacity, and the technician asked me to blow into something outside the machine. No explanation of anything we were about to do.

I did not have my glasses on so did not see that I could have been about to blow into something with drugs in it. My fault, absolutely, since I know no one will advocate for my patient’s rights as well as I will. I stuck my head outside the booth and breathed into what the tech had in her hand and immediately felt dizzy. I asked if I had just inhaled a drug and received the answer,


I asked which drug to which I got the reply,


I objected that I had not been given the choice to inhale a drug or not before I got it and stated my objection and surprise.

Heart's RacingI finished the test with no major reactions and went on my merry way, although I felt violated. Almost immediately after leaving the medical office, I started feeling speedy. And then more speedy, and then more speedy, to the point where I was sweating with my heart’s racing; I knew I was sick and was having a reaction to albuterol.

I researched whether albuterol was close in structure to epinephrine to which I am allergic. Although it’s not, it causes similar issues, especially in people with sensitivities, like me. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I recall being informed and refusing any drug for a similar test 3 years ago, although this refusal is not in my chart. Be it in there or not, this time, I was not informed that the test involved administration of a drug or that blowing into a hand-held device would administer the drug.

Unfortunately for me, the tech forgot to look at the epinephrine allergy in my chart and mistakenly administered this drug. But, the worst part was not being given the choice, even though the allergy note was sitting on the top of my chart waving a flag.

I had the good old American reaction to sue, sue, sue the doctor’s office. According to my attorney, the only way to sue for loss of work, pain and suffering, the actual few hundred dollars I might have lost for the day, not being able to work, or the sick time which I can never get back; would have been if I had had a heart attack, a major cardiovascular event like a stroke in response to the drug or died.


SolutionsSince I lived, my mind started to run away with me, and I thought about running to get my medical records for the attorney. I calmed down and realized a much better solution instead of pointing fingers, blaming and taking to the legal system I so revere.

My solution was to tell the doctor that I would agree not to write an expose, only a helpful article, and I would not call the county health commissioner or the doctor board or the AMA with complaints. I would also refrain from going to one of the health care rating websites to tell my tale since we are all human, and we all must recognize it’s our job to be diligent about making sure that doctors and staff read our charts and give us choices. It shouldn’t be our job to teach this; medical schools should make this ironclad. Because we have allowed doctors’ egos to forget us and dictate our care; they have been taught to give orders, and we have taken them. We all must change this.

I was pleased with my solution, much more lasting for many future patients, than an attempt to defame people who have worked hard for so many years and may learn their errors from this experience. I also requested to be placed on the local Hospital Ethics Committee with the doctor in this story, for which I await a response.


Doctor's Orders


Many of us believe the doctor and go with the doctor’s advice, because this is the habit with which we have been raised – trust the doctor, doctor knows best, the doctor is the expert, and doctors have the impressive answers. Some of us ask the doctor to proceed without explanation. Others of us listen to explanations and put them in our folder along with other advice. Some don’t have enough money to go to the doctor, although the Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act in the United States has had a positive impact.


Seduction Of The EgoAlthough the Hippocratic Oath, taken by every MD, includes keeping oneself away from seduction; the biggest seduction and the one most difficult to see as we are being seduced is the seduction of the ego, thinking we are the skilled, the almighty and the awakener with a better solution than the patient. The Osteopathic Oath mentions retaining the respect of the patient. If we are filled with ego and if we disrespect our patient’s rights, how are we fulfilling our oath?


It comes down to our taking responsibility for ourselves. Doctors can guide us and make us aware of the latest research studies, new pharma and their favorite integrated medical technique. But, we are truly the responsible party when it comes to our health. Who better than we can advocate for us?


Plant MedicineIn conclusion, it’s important to be aware that the doctor is a consultant from whom we can hear expert opinion. S/he has studied hard to be able to evaluate a certain brand and branch of medicine. Unfortunately, the doctor who has studied Eastern medicine, Western medicine, Native American medicine, Latin American plant medicine and international tribal medicine is in the best position to give medical guidance; but  I don’t know of any who have all this training.

The bottom line for all these medicines is that accepting doctor’s orders is only valid once each of us has done our research through reading or second or third opinions of other specialists. Since most of us don’t have the time, money or lifespan to live with the dis-ease; we usually go with the first doctor’s advice. That’s all well and good as long as we are given full and transparent information, time and encouragement in researching the recommendation and our other treatment choices and all choices are offered by a doctor or researcher with ethics and value for patient rights.


Here are several questions to ask your doctor that may help you evaluate whether your patient’s rights are important to your doctor. Any doctor who is not open to discussing the below may not be thinking enough about patient’s rights and you or your family member.

1)   I want to get a second opinion since you just gave me yours. How does this make you feel?

Any doctor who would feel slighted or annoyed at this very important right is suffering from ego seduction and needs to be advised so, whether by you or by someone. Make sure you do not suffer because of it since it is a patient’s right to explore as many options as s/he sees fit.

2)   I have found a health benefit from this nutritional strategy. Do you feel comfortable discussing it and do you value this type of medical strategy as much as your suggestions that are non-nutritional?Nutritional Strategy

3)   How much direct coursework, if any, were you required to do on nutrition in medical school? Did you do any nutritional coursework on your own?



Plant-Based Food IndustryWouldn’t it be nice if the plant based food industry were a cooperative in itself and could get a direct benefit from creating such a course for medical professionals the way pharmaceutical companies benefit directly from courses they give on their new drugs as solutions for specific diagnoses.



4)   Is your opinion more important than the patient and can you explain your answer?

5)   Would you give a patient who seemed to completely disagreed with you time to explain why s/he felt the way s/he did, or would you just write in the chart, “Patient refused treatment,” and move on to someone who was cooperative?

What feelings would the fact that the patient disagreed stir up in you?

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition, conflict resolution and habit change.

She believes it is crucial to maintain personal ethics and that the more powerful we become, the stronger we must display our ethical stance. She says,

“While we are struggling to develop a work environment that feeds and clothes us as well as our families, we are busy finding our way. But, once we have passed this level, as I see it, if we choose to rise up as higher humans, it is our duty to humanity as a whole to demonstrate ethics in our daily decisions.

“As usual, I am not suggesting that we do nothing but pro bono work, nor am I suggesting we not make wonderful profits. I am saying that it is not sporting, that is, in good, ethical fashion, to prey upon those who are ignorant of their own rights. Prey upon someone who understands the preying field.

“What I’m saying is that it’s our duty to show right from wrong, even when circumstance, technicality or ignorance could have led to our easily taking advantage of someone with less or no knowledge.

“Living well within ourselves is the way. Let’s do it.

“Finally, let us all take good care of ourselves because we are so worth it!”

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The World Is Flat, A Perception Of Truth


By Diane Gold

The World Is FlatWhen we say, “The World Is Flat,” people look puzzled because our current perception of truth is different from this. But, at one time, this was current thought. This article aims to show how, with new or updated information, what we used to perceive as true is replaced by a new perception, which may or may not be what truly exists in the real world and how through mis-education or swarm mentality, we may not be seeing the real truth, supporting what is ethical and being the best that we can be.


Although we know that Eratosthenes measured, within 2% accuracy, the circumference of a spherical earth in or circa 250 B.C., perception (knowledge using our senses) and religious debate about evolution continued this non-empirical theory in more modern times. One person told another who told another who told another. Then a large group perceived that the earth was flat.

But, let’s look at how we originally found the earth to be flat:

1) we heard it our tribes from our families, our peers and our educators – imagine each person telling one other person would change what the entire tribe perceived.

2) we could see with our own eyes a flat image across the field which looked like a flat earth, our perception of truth.

Although we were not correct, we believed, from all our fine education, the good intentions of our parents and community and what we could see far and wide that we were correct. Until…

1st Spherical Earth Photo, 1946Overwhelming evidence to the contrary appeared. Navigational instruments were using more sophisticated instruments to calculate distances, Magellan’s crew circumnavigated the world, (Magellan died before the culmination of the voyage in 1521), student education was more accurately based on scientific evidence rather than perception.

In the 1680s, Newton’s treatises taught us about gravity (the force that allows a stronger object to pull another object. Which led to later discoveries that gravity can pull object bodies greater than 400km in diameter (N. Whewell, National Space Centre) into a sphere as a result of their gravitational pull toward their center. And (according to Int’l. Astronomical Union), in order to be called a planet, a body must have a strong enough gravitational force to sphericize].

And, then, the first photo proof that Earth was spherical came in 1946 from U.S. Army Facility, White Sands, New Mexico.


OK. So we have seen a simple perception, “The World Is Flat,” and how perception can change our actions which allow us to see subtle visual changes that we missed before and grand changes from credible science. Think about new concepts and how their creators, inventors, champions were ridiculed for new ideas – until they weren’t. If it were 1707, and I suggested to light the house with a light bulb and electric circuitry, few would have listened. Someone worked and succeeded at that very issue, almost exactly hundred years later. And Thomas Edison perfected the process and brought it to market 50 years after that. He is quoted as saying,

“I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Although others had created the incandescent bulb, Edison, with money and power, perfected the life of the incandescent light bulb using his own and previous ideas that finally changed perception as people saw the bulb. The same revelations came with the airplane, the computer, the cell phone. We saw, and we perceived it to be. And yet, these are all technological objects.


As with all ideas that were in their beginnings and have not taken root, a cooperative network based upon collaboration seems far- fetched. But, what if we worked on our greed and chose to replace it? As we know, if it’s not motivated by money, we have to dig deep within ourselves to become evolved through a different kind of motivation.

The idea of wanting more or something tangible is not bad. Most of us were probably taught to excel, do more, get more, strive hard to get more. But, how many of us were taught to step on others to do it? Not most of us. But most of us are not part of the 1% who have to make more ethical decisions on a daily basis than the 99% because they do more and manage more.


Mixed PerceptionsWe each have mixed perceptions about getting ahead. We each define our own ethical lines. Some of us believe we have to go about excellence through the bureaucratic systems that exist within multinationals, (such as corporations being friends with media outlet owners who protect bad stories from coming out of the friend multinational, who are friends with politicians who pass laws

protecting corporate interests with the promise of campaign contributions who partner with food and drug industries and manufacture food that is not healthy for us which, in turn, makes us sick so that we have to use the health care and insurance system to get better which brings money to the insurer, manufacturer, the food and drug industries who supply the original item that causes massive side effects creating the new problem,

all of whom need the banking system from whom to borrow money for said insuring, manufacturing and health care as well as consumers who need to borrow and rack up debt because they don’t have the money to live or buy their foods, clothing, drugs or shelter.

Plus, the whole while, we are spending money militarily to keep ourselves safe (which is necessary), but we are doing it in such a way as to further the military industrial complex for profit’s sake, rather than to look toward the peaceful conflict resolution process to diminish conflict, death, starvation, debt, strife and make money in other ways.


Evolving Into Peaceful Or Cooperative CoexistenceOthers of us see the vision of evolving into peaceful or cooperative coexistence, not from waving peace flags , but from joining together and actively choosing companies whose ethic is not greed. This, in effect, would support a new network of companies that were not involved in greed as motivation but who joined together to build a new infrastructure to replace the old one described in the above paragraph.

1) This step would socially prove to others that it is possible to live ethically. In a similar way to our reading labels on food or choosing organic produce; we could decide to buy only from entrepreneurs who work outside of greed. This would insure that new, ethical companies would flourish.

2) This step would further change people’s perception about how it is possible to live a mainstream life without buying into the corporate greed structure, but without ending up in “New Age” land. It would be similar to our knowledge going from “The World Is Flat” to The World Is An Oblate Spheroid.” (That’s the technical term for our planet’s shape, whose rotational axis’ diameter is shorter than the diameter of its equatorial axis.)


So, what can we conclude? We are creatures of perception, and our perceptions change. We gather our impressions from what we see, feel, hear, taste, touch and then we put our latest knowledge on top of that. When we are made to see newness, we perceive it. When we add empirical fact, we are enhanced.


Consider supporting:

1) PREVENTION methods like tai chi and nutrition rather than reductionist (one-at-a-time) cures for already sprouting dis-eases that arrive because we never did anything to prevent them,Perception Of Truth

2) UNATTACHED MEDIA INFORMATION, meaning media that would share information while disclosing how its news could be trusted based on who its advertisers were, what political affiliations it had and how free its journalists were to write without censorship,

3) FULL DISCLOSURE, meaning products and services manufactured, conceived, created by an individual or group that discloses all financial and special interest relationships it has, including religious, political, media and academic affiliations and relationships of any of its board members by filling out a newly formed full disclosure chart that all consumers would see as obviously as we see nutritional facts (which are not fully disclosed) on packaging,

4) ADVANCEMENT ETHICALLY WITHOUT GREED, meaning we would only support organizations that advanced humanity in an ethical fashion, whose employees were ethically treated, who used materials that were sustainably developed (meaning we could replace them) that did not hurt life in the process (like slave laboring Thai shrimp workers or animal torture).


Watch for the sensational opening of an ethical network that will, not only, make us powerful with knowledge and tools, but will offer us ways to communicate with, get involved with and do business with change makers who will advance our perception of truth and the ethics of our world.

Here’s a closing thought from Thomas Edison,

“Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.”

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition and habit change.

She believes we can believe or perceive one thing for many years, and that perception can change to something quite different. She says,

“One of the great things about being alive is that we evolve, share, grow, change, adjust, choose, rejuvenate and reinvent. This means we can learn at any age.

“One of my biggest goals is to be able to build bridges for myself and others to transition from one belief or perception to another. If, in one decade I believe that big media tells the truth and then in the next decade, I realize big media does not; I want to be free enough to deal with the new information and have my readers be ready to perceive this new information. If in one decade I believed that milk was good for the body and in another, I discovered it causes cancer; I want to be free enough to adjust, move on and communicate this information in such a way that others will get it with eyes wide open.

“Long live transparency. May I find a way to remind people how important it is to keep an open mind.

“Finally, let us all take good care of ourselves because we are so worth it!”

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Our Habit Of Trusting Media -5 Mistakes We Make


By Diane Gold

Trusting MediaOur habit of trusting media begins at a very young age. We are raised to become knowledgeable through reading and watching news reports, more or less based upon the habits of our parents or caretakers, and we have assignments in elementary school reporting on the current news events.

Similar to being raised to accept the word of the family doctor, trusting media is part of the foundation of our youth, a cornerstone of our society. Some families raise their children to be seen and not heard. Others raise them to question everything, as in my family. Today’s children are raised closer to the question everything model due to the abundance and availability to 3-year-olds on their computer tablets.


What Has Changed Greatly Is The PopulationSo how, in today’s world, do we make mistakes in trusting media?

People are still the same, although technology has changed. Unless we have been scorned between birth and 18 months to 2 years (according to Erik Erikson, psychologist), we learn to trust the world. Nothing has changed here. What has changed greatly is the population, which, as my friend J will emphasize, affects everything.

When he and I were growing up, there were more jobs, more food, more land, less greed per capita because there were less people. When more people started vying for the same jobs, ethics and greed led to corruption and dishonesty. This leads us to mistakes we make in trusting media.


Most of us don’t take the time to read 10 news reports every morning. We start with 1 and may get through the headlines and 1 article plus the financial section if we have investments. That means we get a very small view of what happening. Often, it’s the view of the news outlet that was subscribed to in our youth; and, if we continue to get our information from the same news outlets, we may limit our growth.


Media OwnershipWe all advocate for our own company, want it to thrive, want to give a good product or service, really want to do the right thing – to start. When we get so powerful that we are on the board of directors of lots of industries about whom our journalists might write; we might consider censoring what gets written.

In 1983, 50 companies owned American media. As of 2011, there were 6 in America (Disney, News Corp, Fox, Time-Warner, CBS, Viacom with Comcast and Sony following). That’s a huge amount of power for just a few companies to wield.


As mentioned earlier, including news reports in our lives is part of the foundation with which we were raised, whether it’s to check a stock, read a comic, be connected to our neighbors, check the lotto numbers or read about the daily condition of the world. People have different methods; they read a printed newspaper, watch video news or read news commentary through rss feed technology. What we might not consider is that journalists are people, too. They have families to feed, mortgages to pay and editors who can censor their work.

Blood Is Thicker Than Watera) When a journalist presents a story that negatively impacts friends or family of the media conglomerate’s owner; the story will be disapproved or edited to create a softer version of the truth. It’s similar to the “blood is thicker than water” principle where we protect our families from harm at all cost. An example could be an environmental disaster that is attributed to a company that the media conglomerate owns.

b) If a journalist presents too many stories that might impact powerful friends of the news agency, the journalist fears for losing her/his job. This brings us back to the population issue we mentioned earlier since the larger the population, the more journalists will be waiting in line for a job.

c) Journalists want to further their careers, as do we all. In order to do this, we sometimes befriend the people we end up writing about. Should a story with negative impact cross our radar, aside from the vetoing power of our editor; it would be our ethical responsibility to decide whether to protect our career and softening or hiding the story or going ahead full speed ahead for full disclosure.


Trusting media would be great, if each company did not make self-sustain through advertising contracts. Every media company sells some form of space to media buyers who represent companies with products and services who hire the buyers to spread the word of how we can’t live without their ware.

Therefore, each media company goes out of its way to protect its asset, the ad contract. If any information would negatively impact the relationship of the media company and its income, the ad contract, the media company will be do everything in its power to be protective. This means vetoing articles that may step on toes. This binds the editor and the journalist from disclosing the whole truth as the owner sees fit.


When we absorb the views of others, exclusive of our own research, we pass by the opportunity to create and discover. It’s almost like drawing on white paper with a white pencil that has no textures at all. Everything blends in with no thought, never giving ourselves an anchor or foundation with which to come out of the box of other people’s thoughts.


There are lots of ethical issues attached to trusting media. In fact, in my opinion, all journalists take an oath upon embarking on their profession. Unlike the medical doctor who recites the Hippocratic Oath or the veterinarian who recites the Veterinarian’s Oath (oh, the thrill at watching my daughter do this one), the journalist’s oath is implied. This unspoken oath includes being truthful, writing unbiasly without preconception to the outcome, protecting sources of information, resisting the temptation to be swayed by political, financial or popular gain and never omitting reportable information that would compromise an interest or person in any one direction.

Unfortunately, due to greed, convenience and human nature; the journalist doesn’t get to exercise her/his oath due to editors, politics in so many places for some of the reasons listed above. And we never know when and where news is omitted, spun, softened or flat out reversed.

When it comes to trusting media, we can trust outlets that are not attached to advertising, politics, other multinational companies and the like. Oh, wait. Those parameters knock out the biggest names in media. Suffice it to say, as long as we are aware of the mistakes named above and then some, we can have an understanding and be aware of trusting media. Networks that are financially unattached and journalists who are encouraged to omit nothing can be hailed as true and trusted well.

New media companies are being created since the existing major players are susceptible to omission and favoritism. These new networks, if all goes well, will have a system of checks and balances in them to insure their transparency. After all, the main ingredient in trusting media is independence from influence and full transparency.


Here are several action steps to replace blindly trusting media.

Slanted View Of The News1) Decide whether you would like a slanted view of the news. If yes, look for your favorite provider (unless you find a miraculous, objective source). If not, obtain your news from, at least, 5 different places on a regular basis. (The really good way to get a clearer picture would be to change news sources to a new 5 every week for a year. That would give a great overview, and I’d love to hear about it.)

2) Notice the relationships within your newspapers, news magazines or news video services of choice: who owns them, who the advertisers are, which way they slant. A simple way to know which way they slant is to read the editorials.

3) Notice which news sources always omit or downplay certain stories, and decide if that’s acceptable to you.

4) Click HERE if you would like to learn more about a new media network. Choose Other Stuff and type in LEARN with your contact info.

5) Click HERE if you would like to contribute to a new media network. Choose Other Stuff and type in CONTRIBUTE with your contact info.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition and habit change.

She believes we can choose to believe what we hear or not. She says,

“It is truly important to think on our own. If we listen to cliques excluding creative thought, where will we be? If we learn to put a value on the place or person from where what we hear came, we will learn to hear ourselves.

“Listening to media is a great thing, as long as we realize its biggest advantage is to encourage independent thought. Let us be selective and moral, based on what resonates with our truth. Although it may feel cozy to emulate someone’s words or some journalist’s article; our own words are the most powerful, if we let them be.

“Be thoughtful in trusting media, knowing it is comfortable to believe a convincing story. Let’s think it out, making certain we are looking at the whole picture, who owns what, who is independently reporting.

“Finally, let us all take good care of ourselves because we are so worth it!”

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Profit From Peace – The Peace Industry TV Show


By Diane Gold

Proft From Peace- The Peace Industry TV ShowProfit From Peace is an ideal that has fallen through the cracks in discussions at the university level, in primary and secondary schools, across diplomatic and corporate tables. It’s not really in the back of our minds, yet, either.

Peaceful coexistence is talked about a lot. Personal peace of mind is a popular topic. Yet making profit in a peace environment is not considered.

Well, why not? As I see it, people know what currently works for profit and don’t want to do the exact opposite of that, infrastructurally. But, brilliant entrepreneurs can create a new industry of peace that can transition us into an entirely new method for profit: The Peace Machine. Let’s think outside the box as to what a TV show like this could accomplish.

Let’s consider the peace industry show, Profit From Peace, in development. Just as Donald Trump’s The Apprentice, runs a competition-like job interview show whose prize is running one of his corporations; the British The Apprentice: UK’s prize has evolved to become an investment in a business of the winning candidate’s creation. The British version is more the concept we have for Profit From Peace, discussed here.

Pitch The Peace Business Plan Each candidate would pitch the business plan of her/his created company, including how to finance and manage it. The show would include role playing a board meeting run by the prospective director of the company.

To qualify, the business being pitched would have to profit from peace and peaceful coexistence similar to the way we now profit from war: only the peace economy would include green transportation instead of petroleum or diesel spewing vehicles and energy efficient lighting on all our roadways including photoluminescent paint that depicts roadway lanes and current weather conditions.

It would also have to be funded, in part, by a multinational company whose products typically are used in wartime, business investors and/or celebrity investors, all of whom are TV judges of the ideas being presented before them.

The challenge of the show is to come up with a lucrative enterprise that can, eventually, replace the current war economy enterprises so that profit motive is removed from influencing whether or not we go to war. If we remove the profit temptation, we look through different eyes.


I want to make it very clear that I support our military’s being strong. But, as with martial arts, just because we have the training and the equipment doesn’t mean we use it to solve a conflict.

I also stress the importance of creating a new infrastructure that can stand on its own, inclusion of the business of war, so that the powerful business concerns that currently fund war products would be motivated to support peace profits for profit purposes.


Making Money Through Peace, Not WarWe already know how to make money from war. Military equipment, location and protection technology and gear, air, land and sea vehicles need manufacturing, technological assembly, fuel for transport, human personnel, financing up front to pay for the above, medical costs during and after war. We have mastered this art. Let’s explore another.

What if we focused our attention on making money from peace? That would be a game changer. By doing so, we would be taking away the demand for extra war products by not creating wars, which would entail developing other industries than those making money from the projectile products of war. Plus, we who would like to develop this profit from peace set of industries would be motivated to examine the ways to seduce multinational companies to begin coming on board.


When I looked on the almighty internet for the phrase “profit from peace,” there was one entry. In 2011, on a site, one person questions “what if we had peace industries.” Not surprisingly, the discussion was closed with only 2 comments. I found lots of links showing discussions of people making peace with money but none specifically targeting making money from peace. Furthermore, when I searched for peace products, I found flags, clothing, mugs with a peace sign, jewelry; but no infrastructure for profit from peace.


Although there are big bucks to be had from war; people die, families get fractured, cultures get lost. So, as with every strong habit, if we can replace it; it will go dormant. That is to say that if we start showing strategy that will work, we can turn companies who profit from war into companies who profit from peace and support us.

Business Investors And Celebrity PeaceniksBUSINESS INVESTORS

There are some business investors who tend to favor projects that involve human rights. There are also those financiers who are looking for the next best start up. Finally, multinationals donate money to worthy projects, as this one might be viewed. So there are many possibilities for funding.


There  are many lists out there of celebrity peaceniks. They are mostly written by non-peaceniks and may include people with a broad range of charitable interests. So, even if I called Woody Harrelson, Jane Fonda, Diahann Carroll, Harry Belafonte, Jeremy Gilley of Peace One Day, together; each might have a very different agenda. But, together, we can do it, meaning get celebs on board!


Profit For Peace, The TV Show, is such a huge idea that, I think, any celebrities who actively pursue upgrading human rights would jump on board. I’d like to think so, and only time will tell.


Below are several action steps we can take that can contribute to the TV show to further the infrastructure of industries making profit from peace.

From Military Planes To Human Rights Ambassador Planes1)   Create 1 business idea that can take the expertise of a company that currently makes profits from war and use it and its already built manufacturing plants for the purpose of peace. An example might be  having an airplane manufacturer shift their emphasis from military planes to human rights ambassador planes for protection of human rights throughout the world.

2)   Make a list of 3 industries that can be used for profiting from peace.

3)   Write down what you think would happen if we kept looking at new ways to profit from peace.

Profit From Peace - Embedded In Our MindsHopefully, the profit from peace concept is now embedded in our minds. It can only grow as we talk and refine it. If we are consistent, don’t disrespect the profit position of war manufacturers and give them an alternative; we might have embarked upon something that will work.

4)   Last, but not least, if you would like to be involved in this project; please connect.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition and habit change.

She believes there is a way that is within our grasp to profit from peace. She says,

“Before there was an auto industry, or a computer industry; someone had to have the concept. Once there, focused, systematic attention had to be paid to each task devoted to success. The conceptualizers of our time figured out the next step. This meant many, many failures, each of which, as we know, brings us one step closer to success.

“Let’s focus our attention on the idea that the peace industry is active and that it is worth creating products and services, funding and supplying and distributing products. Let’s make more money, which would have nothing to do with war, from peace concerns now. We can put our minds together and work toward profit from peace and can help in the development of Profit From Peace – The Peace Industry TV Show.

“Finally, let us all take good care of ourselves because we are so worth it!”

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Right To Freedom: What If Big Biz Sues GMO Law?


By Diane Gold

Right To FreedomOur right to freedom is the biggest opportunity we have in our lives: the right to create, collaborate, recreate, befriend, congregate, speak out, choose, share, cooperate and vote. The United States was founded on these principles. So, it goes to say that when we the people use our precious system of justice to pass a law, this law is the expression of our voice and is a mirror into our use of our right to freedom.


What happens when big corporate dogs (Grocery Manufacturers Association, Snack Food Association, International Dairy Foods Association, National Association Of Manufacturers) go after a small innovative state that has voted to make labeling GMOs mandatory? Can the people be knocked down by lobbyists who will not go away because the companies who back them have deep pockets?

This is where the joining of our single voices, our fortitude, our vision and our commitment turns us into a swarm of warriors for any cause that can be heard and gain momentum. It is the way to combat even the most powerful organizations.

Corporate GiantsAs is common knowledge, the corporate giants including Monsanto, BASF, Dow, Dupont and Bayer, are the largest producers of GMO seeds, Monsanto-trait seeds being used in 80-90% of farming worldwide. Most on this list are connected with each of the food associations lobbying to stop the already passed legislation for GMO labeling. We have to ask,

“If GMOs are so good for us or not bad for us, why is it so bad to have to label foods that contain them?”

Here’s what Attorney General William Sorrell said on June 12, 2014 when speaking to his lawmakers about a possible lawsuit,

“and it would be a heck of a fight, but we would zealously defend the law.”

By now, many of us have read The New York Times’ quote by Monsanto head Phil Angell about his company’s responsibility for testing the safety of GMOs,

“Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is not our job.”

Of course, this doesn’t mean Angell wants unsafe food. It does mean his company is not going out of its way to investigate all the research against GMOs. Much testing has been done by other companies and universities, but, there is not yet a strong conclusion for GMOs to be outlawed. There have been studies pointing to the dangers of GMOs. There are also reports disproving danger.

Properly Labeled Food Items - No GMOsWhichever research we believe, shouldn’t we, the people, have the right to a properly labeled food item by our government so that we can decide using our right to freedom? I, for one, am not interested in using GMOs when I have the chance to decline them.


Since the job of businesses is to increase revenue, it may not make sense to speak to the corporate giants, since their views remain to expand dollars and cents, with the possibility of health taking a back seat.

Since our job is to care for ourselves, our families and our communities by exercising our right to freedom and making good decisions, we must speak loudly about the things in which we believe. This would include our freedom to have our governments regulate labeling any food items with transparency,  no matter the relationship the government has with the food company.




1)   We know that working as a group gets more done than working alone. So join a group that represents your belief in this instance. I’m not being pushy, but one small action matters. Here’s a link to a petition if you’d like to help the existing State Of Vermont:

Draw Something Against GMOs

2)   Draw something. Have you noticed the main search engine and owner of Android’s logos/doodles ( the big G) have been animated and more creative on a daily basis? This kind of art is motivating, inspirational and makes me move. So, whichever side of this issue you believe in, what about making a drawing and sending online to, at least, one social network?

Write Or Sing A Song Against GMOs

3)   Write or sing a song about our right to freedom including lyrics that say what you believe. This is a very old and effective way to get your message across.

4)   Commission an elementary school teacher to do a creative project on the subject of right to freedom and the right to know movement (knowing what’s in and on our food).

5)   Write a book or an article on the subject, and speak about it.


Our Right To FreedomWhatever the method honoring the right to freedom with respect for the results of a vote,  majority or any other democratic process; it is important to be aware of the process and its effect on the public, big business and other future projects. Let’s congratulate Vermont for being the first state with a GMO labeling law that does not depend upon laws passed by other states. If we believe it is the right way, let’s mention it on social networks. If we disagree with the disclosure (I can’t see what sense it would make not to label the food we eat, but…),  we can do the research as to why so many people want to remove GMOs, starting with labeling them.

Strive to be proactive, rather than passively hanging on. Each small incremental movement helps the whole to thrive.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition and habit change.

She believes in full disclosure when it comes to food. She says,

“For many years, I have experienced non-disclosure of the source of ingredients in foods. Does the ingredient come from a cow, a pig, a tree, a microbe? Although the labeling system in every nation in the world is inferior to what I would like, there has been a tiny change for the better in the 40 years of my research.

“The fact that GMOs are not labeled is only a result of the influence of the companies who manufacture them. This makes me sad but reminds me that I have to take responsibility to educate myself and the community about this situation. The fact that Vermont passed a GMO labeling law means there are others who agree with me.

“Let’s speak, write, draw, educate as many people as we can on whatever our belief is. Our action makes the difference, so let our voices be heard, whichever no matter which way we feel. Let’s exercise our right to freedom in a big way.

“Finally, let us all take good care of ourselves because we are so worth it!”

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When We Delay Gratification…

(ISSUE 132) JUNE 10, 2014

By Diane Gold

Delay GratificationWhen we delay gratification, we use one skill which allows self-control: we replace the behavior that would have led us to the immediate reward. Whether we are young children or adults, it is the same strategy. Whether we can throw ourselves deeply enough into a new activity to control our behavior is different for everyone.

When we are adults, we can reason a little more easily than when we are kids; but the ease of control may be the same. Our discussion, here. will slant toward the cravings that occur in people whose urges make it impossible to delay gratification without habit replacement rather than those who can delay at will for fuller satisfaction.

Some people may say, why delay? Let’s have fun; no need to wait. We each make choices about when to hold off on receiving a reward, often based on whether the reward is good for our lives. Take the example of love making. Some people will want to rush to receive a reward, and some will want to savor the act for a long time. Or another example is drinking alcohol. Some people will want to savor the great taste, and other people will hurry to finish one drink to compound the psychoactive results effects of alcohol with the next drink.

Always a factor is whether someone has the personal discipline necessary to delay gratification and whether not delaying will harm us. Some people have the self-control. Some people need to create it through hard work and continual effort.


Marathon TV Episodes
I was reading a current article about the way certain online TV and movie providers supply a full season of one show , aka, marathon TV episodes, as opposed to week by week content, and the delay of gratification issue came up. Some of us look forward to setting up our schedule around a schedule that entertainment companies created for what they envisioned as the most profit. Others of us prefer to view a season of TV as one longer movie available all at once. (TV episodes shall refer here to entertainment that can be viewed on a TV or other media device.)

I was reading a current article about the way certain online TV and movie providers supply a full season of one show , aka, marathon TV episodes, as opposed to week by week content, and the delay of gratification issue came up. Some of us look forward to setting up our schedule around a schedule that entertainment companies created for what they envisioned as the most profit. Others of us prefer to view a season of TV as one longer movie available all at once. (TV episodes shall refer here to entertainment that can be viewed on a TV or other media device.)

The craving to watch a season of a single TV series all at once instead of once a week creates the same urgency for some people as  anticipating the taste of a favorite cake or the initial effects of alcohol. This may seem highly unlikely to occur. But, I guarantee I experience this type of craving. Having the ability to choose my viewing preferences, that is, once a week or all at once, brings out this urge I know so well. I always choose to watch all of a series at one time. And I am compelled to continue watching.

Watching TV or cable episodes may not seem like a harmful habit. However, what would happen if there were 10 seasons of episodes to watch and I kept watching them without doing my work? That would be problematic. And so it happens that I have to curb my behavior in a similar way as I curb alcohol, food or drugs.

Changing Behavior Requires Immediate New Action

This urgency to continue watching these episodes requires immediate new action in order to replace the behavior or watching the episodes with my work. The optimum word is IMMEDIATE. That is the trick.
Which takes me to talk about a strategy to delay gratification I read about in a book. The book is fiction, but the strategy is brilliant.



I just finished Robin Cook’s latest novel which is all about a phone app’s replacing the primary care doctor. Currently, we can measure our heartbeat by downloading a free app. Tomorrow, maybe we will have an app that acts to measure all our vital signs by our grip on the phone or a drop of our spit on the screen. Hopefully, there will be enough transparent monitoring so that the app can’t hijack our bodies. (The book was quite impressive as Robin Cook, an MD, himself, is vividly creative about how problems can occur should we turn over part of our healthcare to an artificially intelligent doctor, built to learn as it goes. What if it doesn’t learn the value of human life?)

One of the functions of the app doctor in the book briefly mentions the benefit of having an immediate medical doctor with whom to speak 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This brings up the immediate support system need for cravers, aka, people who cannot control their passions, to have an instant intervention directed at them. This fictitious app doctor could be modified into an actual real app for emotional issues, especially with the urge behaviors.

When the craver grips the phone too tightly, or when the heart rate increases in a certain way or when hormonal changes – which are similar every time – appear; this often would indicate that urge behavior was present. The support app could then suggest a set of behaviors to replace the one we want to replace. By a support system’s being in place, the craver can execute the new behavior and get into a new, more beneficial habit.


We Need A Cheerleading TeamThe biggest downfall in the ability to delay gratification happens in the first 10 to 30 seconds after we have an urge: we haven’t planned for our replacement behavior or we need a cheerleading team to provoke our behavior change and don’t have one. We have ourselves. Of course, the goal is for us to create this gallery of cheerers within ourselves so that we can do what is best for our lives, immaterial of what our hormones tell us to do. This may take time.

What if there were a phone application that would immediately tell us a choice behavior to do to take us in the completely opposite direction from the craving behavior? A cheerleading app specifically for cravings. Wow! Until then, we plan and use the plan. Until such time as we have consistent success with doing our new behavior and stepping away from our old, we can work! After we have success, we will have to work, too.


In the late 1960s-early 1970s, at Stanford University, Walter Mischel did several famous studies published in The Journal Of Personal And Social Psychology, where he put a cookie, marshmallow or pretzel in front of 600 young children. He gave them a choice of eating the food immediately or waiting for him to walk out of the room on an errand and come back; those who waited would get an extra cookie, marshmallow or pretzel. He learned, through this and follow up studies 20 and 30 years later that the children who waited for the extra prize had higher SAT scores, were more likely to finish college and had seemingly happier lives.


This leads us to ponder whether the delay of gratification can be taught since there are indicators that control in gratification leads to more success.

To some people, no matter how long they have been in a teaching program to learn restraint, it is always difficult. They will have the urge to revert to their old lack of control behavior in a flash. There are fancy names for this, but I prefer to keep it simple and lead to action steps.

Delaying gratification builds foundation and may require replacement of behavior. This is true. However, it does not work the same in each person. Some people can turn their backs on playing the slot machine one more time or on drinking one more drink of alcohol or watching one more episode in a TV marathon. Others have to go through a tedious process on an ongoing basis in order to continue the behavior replacement.

Many techniques of delaying reward teach that we need to look at a variety of things. Then we can build our characters because we want quality of life through many changes. It’s important to consider that people are different and must be treated as such.

How To Delay Gratification


My technique of teaching delay of reward is simple: plan a few new behaviors and do one over and over again. Congratulations. That’s it.




Here are some action steps for working to delay gratification. They can be used by anyone.

1)   Plan ahead only as far as the next time we get an urge we want to delay (or put into dormancy). The plan would require, at least, 3 behaviors to execute within 10 to 30 seconds of the urge such as:

a)   Drink two 12 ounce glasses of room temperature water.

b)   Run around the house, office building, office bathroom if you can’t leave, for 5 to 10 minutes.

c)   Go into the bathroom and jump up and down for 30 seconds. Rest. If you are not feeling sick, do it again. Rest. If you are not feeling sick, do it again. If you feel sick after the first or second set of 30 seconds, walk in place instead.

d)   Run in the opposite direction from the one you want to get away from for a full minute. If you can continue, go for 4 more minutes.

e)   Speak to a person or to the coming soon non-fiction supportive cheerleading team app on your phone.

2)   Stop thinking anything judgmental about yourself. You are too busy doing one of the planned steps in 1) right now.

3)   Resist the urge to celebrate your success. Once you have had 1000 successes, know that once a habit, always a habit. So what you have succeeded in changing 1000 X is within you and requires diligence on an ongoing basis to keep it dormant. Be cautious not to think you have changed for good, since the work is ongoing.

4)   Enjoy the journey. There is light after a while.

5)   Whether you are a craver or find it easy to delay gratification, show understanding to everyone with regard to this issue.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition and habit change.

She is very interested in expressing how it feels to delay gratification. She says,

“Many people find it easy to hold off on giving themselves a reward. Then, there are others who can wait with great effort, or sometimes, not at all. For those who delay, sometimes there is extra pleasure at the end. For those who do not, sometimes there is out-of-control painful outcome as a result.

“It’s important to know that, with a tiny plan, anyone can begin to charm this process: if only by replacing the original action that rewards us with something else. Analyzing our desires is not as helpful as taking a new action. Thinking about how we compare to the rest of the world in self-control is not as helpful as taking a new action. Blaming ourselves for the last time we did not delay gratification that harmed our life never helps. Focusing on our new action does.

“With repetition, we can get used to taking a new action no matter how many times we have taken the same, old one in the past. Take one new step, and take it again.

“Finally, let us all take good care of ourselves because we are so worth it!”
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Citizens For Change: No More Status Quo GMOs


By Diane Gold

More people are becoming citizens for change, rather than accepting the status quo, GMOs, genetically modified organisms. This means more of us are educating ourselves, more of us care about more than “what’s in it for me?” and more of us are ready, willing and able to stand up and act.

Citizens For ChangeIf we look at the predominant age group of people who know about GMOs and who just marched against the biggest seed and pesticide company that genetically modifies our food, we see lots of people between 10 and 40. This is great. It means that the more current generations are educated about food or are more savvy at realizing the mis-education they have gotten from food company’s who trade human health for profit. And the families who stand up against GMOs have children whom they have taught or who have been taught in school.

Baby boomers and older have been hearing food propaganda for so many years, they may have been hard pressed to believe there is harm being done to them by their government’s food agencies and industry giants on whose food they grew up. Of course, if they are ill now and they find a food correlation; they are motivated to act, whether they are set in their ways or not. There are also those of us who have been investigating the bastardization of food since the (19)70s, either watching with dismay as packaged goods in supermarkets took over and were called food while some of us have been standing with our lone flag so that people would take notice.

Stand TogetherNo matter what age, the time is now to stand together, jump together, march together, dance together, and educate together that genetic modification of food is not the way, while we still have other options. We can look at the great example of marchers against the big seed company, that took place the last Saturday in May, 2014, and be inspired – over 50 countries, over 400 coordinated marches.


For those who are not familiar, back in the (19)80s, the company whose initial is M was one of the big creators of genetically modified seeds that would be resistant to pesticides and herbicides so that their produce would grow even while sprayed. By the way, the M company was one of the main contractors with the US Military to manufacture Agent Orange during the Vietnam War (an herbicide whose purpose was to kill off enemy food supply that has been found to cause cancer and other physical anomalies).

These GM seeds were marketed to save world hunger, by allowing developing countries’ crops not to die from pestilence and producing better food. With this marketing, we might believe the company would give away its seeds. No, they are expensive.

Seeds1) Catastrophically, these genetically modified (GM) seeds were made sterile so farmers who paid their precious money for these new type of seeds cannot use them the next year, or they were forbidden to reuse non-sterile varieties. Not only did they pay a high price for the seeds in year number one, this meant the M company was creating farmer dependence.

(This story parallels the philanthrocapitalisms who donate money with profit in mind but the donations cause the populations to become dependent financially.)

Many of us are dependent upon systems that own us. And that is why it’s hard for us to take action, because we don’t want to be in worse shape than we already are.

2) Pesticide/herbicide that is sprayed over GM seeds leeches onto farms of other farmers who use non-GMO seeds. The result is the pesticide/herbicide kills their crop.

3) The herbicides/pesticides used in this method of farming have been found to horizontally contaminate us. This means that animals who eat GM feed have been found to possess the herbicides in high quantity and people who eat the animals or the crops of this process have been found to have these chemicals passed on to them in high doses.

4) It is no longer a maybe that GMOs cause disease. There is a truly important paper that details GM science well:

5) GM seeds cost double, triple, quadruple their counterparts. This is justified by the fact that crop is supposed to reduce famine. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee for crops that do not produce or survive, and farmers are left holding the seed.


The Need To Label GMOs And Ban ThemLuckily, we are citizens for change; and we see the need to label GMOs and ban them. Kudos to the State of Vermont for passing a bill that will require labeling of genetically modified anything by 2016. Hopefully, this action will not be politically undone.



Something else to think about. Why was the March Against the big M company not covered in the Sunday New York Times on the day following the action? Do big corporations stick together and not allow negative press due to in-bed-with relationships? Other large media outlets did not carry the story either. Smaller media outlets that are not affiliated with the big advertisers (who are affiliated with the big M company and the likes) ran stories.

Which leads me to mention that there is another in-bed-with angle to look at. Many ex-officers of the big M company left their company for the US FDA. One of these, wrote a paper for her company supporting the safety of genetic modication. She left her company job in time to get a job with the FDA and, ludicrously, to be the reviewer of the same paper that she wrote. Check here for some interesting cross-pollination “of people:”

Some Ways We Can Take ActionWe are all citizens for change. We can uplift ourselves and move away from the status quo. We all need more knowledge of our food supply and what is best for our bodies and minds. Let not one day go by where we are not on the lookout for good information given with for humanitarian concern only. Let us also be aware of commercial information that may be manipulated to benefit its supplier, manufacturer, distributor or other profiteer. Our lives depend upon our proactivity, so, to follow, are some ways we can take action.


It’s great once a year to march. The sheer numbers are very helpful. However, on a regular basis, we can take action. Here are some easy ways.

Tell One Person1) Know that if produce or products made with corn, soy (yes, that’s also textured vegetable protein in veggie burgers), canola, sugar beets, payapa do not say they are organic, they are genetically modified, and tell one person. Also note, there are a few companies that will not use GMOs sometimes, but cannot list this fact because sometimes they do.

2) Declare that you will not use one of the following: corn, soy, canola, sugar beets, papaya unless it is certified organic for one week. That means you have to read box/package labels and look at the produce signs. If you pick corn, remember to include high fructose corn syrup products (which sometimes say only the words corn syrup)which are found in many cereals, colas and other soft drinks, fruit drinks, salad dressings, condiments, granola bars, other snacks and more.

3) If you have lasted a week eliminating any non-organic of a certain food on the list, keep this up for another 2 weeks. When you get to the end of the third week, choose whether it’s a good idea to continue. If yes, ask a friend to do it with you, but remember to start the friend with one type of food for 1 week only. It’s a big commitment to make a change for more than that. If that works, ask the friend to continue for 2 more weeks. If that works, ask the friend to ask a friend. And keep it going.

4) Keep an eye out for the latest research on GMOs.

5) Keep reading labels to become aware of the purity of our food.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition and habit change.

She has been watching the way the food industry works for many years. Starting inquiries in the (19)70s to procure information about the source of certain ingredients (as in meat, chicken or fish, etc.), she says,

“The corporate yield kept growing and growing. Corporate entrepreneurs saw the profit in consumerism. That’s how the idea of tempering agriculture by tampering with seeds was born.

“There are 64 countries that require GM labeling. That’s a start. Here’s hoping we can act in ways to prod our lawmakers in every state to label, stop and ban GM food or seed. For the sake of our health.

“Finally, let us all take good care of ourselves because we are so worth it!”
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Ignoring Conflicts Of Interest In Health Care


By Diane Gold

Health Care means taking care of our bodies, minds and spirits. We do it in many ways: through eating food that nourishes us, doing great exercise, connecting with friends and family, being creative and productive, giving ourselves daily relaxation and getting good rest.

Conflicts Of InterestIn all sectors that touch upon health care, there are conflicts of interest. We have the habit of ignoring them. In order to do research, we need money, so we sell products. These products may be less than perfect to save money and to make more. In order to live well, some of us may create partnerships and agree to job restrictions we never would have if we didn’t need the money. These are compromises. We all have made one. These are not unethical moves, in themselves. Ignoring the huge conflicts of interest that develop because of them is. Not making this disharmony common knowledge is!



Pharmaceutical companies are in the business of selling drugs. They are so strong that their global marketing messages lead people to become dependent upon drugs rather than interdependent upon a health care system that includes drugs as medicine. Since non-pharmaceutical cures for illnesses can reduce the profit to big pharma, the pomp and circumstance of big pharma overshadows preventive or non-drug therapies that treat or remove illnesses.

Drug companies don’t publish all their negative results so that they will have higher marks with the FDA; this event endangers health.

Drug companies pay for a great deal of research in medical schools. The results of these studies are privy to the drug company. Not that drug companies set out to change data, but the access they have may urge them to present the result in their favor.

Drug companies pay for doctor’s continuing education. Although doctors are not required to use the sponsoring company’s products, studies have shown that even the most ethical doctors are swayed by the sponsoring drug company.


Health Insurance Health insurance companies are another sector that creates conflicts of interest. The cost of insurance-reimbursable health care is so high that these companies foster the habit that they are the only way and that they are required. True, I would not want to be without health care as an almost 65-year-old citizen, but I do want to honor these comments from Jon Raymond, founder of Out In The Streets Films, from his article The Sadism Of American Health Care,


•    Insurance is not healthcare.
•    Insurance is premiums and co-pays
•    Insurance companies are known to deny claims for expensive catastrophic conditions, such as cancer treatment.
•    61% of bankruptcies are due to medical debt.
•    Many people in debt had insurance when they first got sick, but claims were denied.
•    There are no regulations to require insurance companies to honor claims, or to regulate premiums.
•    Cancer is a multi-trillion dollar annual industry
•    Most all processed food outlets and chain restaurants sell carcinogenic foods.
•    Good food, such as organic food, is more expensive than bad food.
•    Health care costs are multiple times higher for the insured than the uninsured.

Because many government healthcare providers require that we have no assets or less than $2000 per month in assets, many middle class-ers are not willing to sell everything we have and go with no insurance so that, when we have a catastrophic illness, we can use government funding. Which is a great reason why the Affordable Care Act asks that we all have insurance of some kind.

There are multiple conflicts when it comes to insurance. When we go to doctors of our choice, they may cost more or not be part of our insurance carrier’s group. In order for doctors to be part of an insurance network, they have to reduce the amount they are willing to be paid. If they stay off the network, they don’t get all that free advertising that comes as part of a network.


DpctorsOur doctors may be promoting a drug or treatment protocol so that they receive a bonus or good connection from a drug company or an insurance company. Most doctors will not promote what they don’t believe in; however their discussion of drugs from a company that favors them they give their patients urges other doctors to do the same, benefiting the original prescriber and the drug company. If the drug could have been replaced with exercise or good food, this non-drug strategy gets lost in the shadows.


Hospitals may charge extra amounts of money for insured patients because they know they will get reimbursed by insurance companies and not have to go to collection companies to collect their accounts receivable. Over-prescription of procedures has been found in hospital studies just to receive the insurance reimbursement. These factors increase health care costs.


Most major corporations don’t get paid if they don’t have a product. So their research and development scientists rarely work on proving how mind/body workouts improve health. Corporations do make significant donations to companies for the greater good, but hardly ever in the sector that could reduce their own profit by our learning health care that didn’t involve a purchase. Therefore, we can’t depend upon scientists to do research to prove how exercise and mind techniques enhance and fix health, unless they are independently wealthy or want to do it on the side.

The fact that there is no scientific method study of mind/body work only means no one did the study, because there was no monetization from its positive outcome on the other end. Since marketing is everything, even when massive breakthroughs in medicine are realized; if there’s no product for capitalization or delicious marketing budget to publicize it, the public doesn’t get the information en masse; so research on the technologies of tai chi, meditation, yoga get neglected as to how they affect disease.


The other day, I saw a headline in The New York Times that mentioned how science had just proven the effectiveness of some mind/body technique. I burst out laughing because it seemed odd to me that a sophisticated newspaper in the year 2014 would headline a strategy that has been in glorious use for 5000 years as if it had just been discovered. Ludicrous!


The meat and dairy industries sell meat and dairy. So, naturally, they would not want to do studies proving that animal-based nutrition is bad for our health. Further, they would want to word their product descriptions in ways that the layperson would understand as,

“This product is good for your health.”

The perils of animal product in heart disease are becoming a more popular fad. We know that social proof(seeing lots of other people do the same thing) drives us to make that same decision. Therefore, plant-based nutrition is becoming more popular, in part because more voices are speaking out about it, including doctors and scientists, and, in part, because those voices who have been speaking out for years are being heard. Plus, the very youngest children are learning about the perils of meat and dairy at very early ages.

But, the more people learn about the benefits of plant-based nutrition, the more lobbyists the meat and dairy industries hire; and the more Congressional deals are there for the taking.

Pigs In Tiny CagesWe might also consider the ethics of raising animals for slaughter, or, in the case of dairy cows, shortening their lives by 80% as long as cows who do not get milked by machine on a dairy farm or traumatizing pigs in tiny cages.


The food industry is out to sell its products. Companies that make all the products in the middle of the supermarket – those in boxes or packages – test their food to be safe. The safety requirement measures how a food affects a living animal or human on a short term basis.


Why would government regulators allow possible carcinogenic ingredients in our foods?

ANSWERPerils Of Certain Pesticides

Many ingredients are questionably carcinogenic, meaning there is inconclusive evidence about these ingredients. It took 50 years for us to realize the perils of certain pesticides.


FDA regulators are friends with food manufacturers as well as big pharma. If they allow certain ingredients or substances to be approved for production, they are racking up points with these companies to become consultants at a later date. Kind of like, I’ll scratch your back now, so will you give me a consulting job in 5 years?

My solution is that one stipulation for every FDA and government regulator be that each is not permitted to consult or CEO for any company that has to do with food or drugs.


As with meat and dairy, the agribusiness companies that assist farm food to market make huge profits from the produce that is sold. This means that the production and promotion of pesticides and genetic modification have an opportunity for big profits, which is great, if we need the pesticides and if genetic modification is safe, since capitalism is good. However, powerful groups control this sector and may promote the use of pesticides that are not needed and genetically modify seeds/foods that have not been proven safe. Don’t we want our food proven safe beyond a reasonable doubt, rather than not yet proven harmful by all testing?

The conflict comes when we are harming our health for the sake of profit.


Journalists Have To OmitFinally, although there are conflicts in finance and natural resource manufacturing, too, we will close with media conflicts. Journalists have to omit some news. They report what their corporate heads allow, which often coincides with the voices of their advertisers.



Did you know there are only a few (6 or 7, depending upon whom you ask) major news companies? This means that the voice of media is controlled by a few men (yes, each CEO of these companies is a man).


For many industries, there are opportunities for conflicts with health care. The fact that they exist does not mean that we are doomed. It means we would do well to take it upon ourselves to be aware that they exist. The above categories are the major sectors that can conflict with our health care. There are more. Greed can make us lose our way. Power can do the same.

It is our responsibility as ethical humans to understand that we all form habits, habits of greed, power, consumption. It is not the fault of an industry to want to make money. Profit is healthy. It drives human productivity and discovery. It is not the fault of good human beings to be paralyzed by what these situations bring.

Instead, these conflicts of interest in health care are huge opportunities for us methodically to recognize them, discuss how they can compromise our well-being and sprout new solutions that will complement and balance out the wrongs. If we see what some people call greed mechanisms and others call capitalism, we can decide to devote our time to educate others. For some of us, this is a duty. For others, we can pass this article on just to one person.

Knowledge and awareness are power. Let’s no longer ignore the conflicts of interest in health care. They are real and are part of the human network.


Jigsaw PuzzleKnow the conflicts of interest in health care, and eat well. Consider how funding drives decisions for all of us. Know that all our industries, factory farmers, health insurers, medical personnel and facilities, our research companies, government regulators are run by profit. And all the sectors fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.

Think about it. If I do you a favor, according to scientific studies, you will unconsciously be more amenable to doing me a favor. If we all do each other favors, our impartiality has a strong chance of being compromised, no matter how objective and unbiased we say we are.

So, we must trust that the news is written so that advertisers are happy. Drugs are regulated so that drug companies who donate doctor education, academic research funding, and money to all who promote them, are happy. Academia likes companies who give. Doctors and hospitals are bound by insurance companies. The world of marketing creates stories about food and health for profit so that we buy more pharmaceuticals, meat, dairy, GMO seeds, pesticides and addictive sugar products.


Now that we know, we can pass it on by having a discussion about it with, at least, 1 person.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition and habit change.

She loves to facilitate learning. She says,

“As long as we are breathing, doomsday is not here. If we see conflicts running through the fabric of our societies, this is a great discovery and a wonderful chance for change. Aside from educating others, it is motivating for me to create some different infrastructure. By ignoring the conflicts of interest among all the different sectors, we put aside our great gift to help fix society.

“And that’s OK, except we might be really good at it. So, let’s take the opportunity to create new pathways around these conflicts and excel. The relationships that cause the conflicts of interest will not be changing slowly. Therefore, let’s get started by walking around them.”

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The Habit Of Peaceful Conflict Resolution

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By Diane GoldConflict Resolution

I have been considering the idea of the habit of peaceful conflict resolution and how it affects world peace. This kind of thinking comes from deliberating about the anger and hate that lead us to vengeance, jealousy and greed. I am always examining new ways of conflict resolution and looking at how our reactions to these fight or flight emotions can be tempered.

Are we uncontrollable animals who need revenge to survive, or are we civilized beings who can calmly resolve our differences without annihilating each other if someone steps on our prideful ego in some way? The microcosm, meaning conflict resolution between two individuals, mirrors the macrocosm, meaning conflict resolution, country to country. And vice versa. As we work it out individually, we can work it out globally. As I see it.

This leads us to the “habits vs. instincts” discussion.


I have been searching for the words that define the difference between habits and instincts. Here’s a quote from the differencebetween website which had a brilliant and superlatively simple way of putting it,

“Habit is a fixed tendency or pattern of behavior that is often repeated and is acquired by one’s own experience or by one’s own learning, whereas an instinct tends to be similar in nature to habit, but it is acquired naturally without any formal training, instruction or personal experience.”

Charles DarwinWhat makes the above quote a great definition is that Charles Darwin alludes to something similar in his Origin of the Species as did his predecessor, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, 500 years before Darwin. They both arrived at the idea that traits can be passed down generationally even if they are acquired through acquired training of the previous generations. Another way of saying this would be that the offspring of parents who are trained in a certain behavior are born with the behavior and no previous training in the future generations.

For example, if it became necessary for all of us to swim a lot to survive well, we, primates, might, in generations to come, be born with the ability to swim without being taught.

The Domesticated Wolf Became The DogWe can look at the domestication of one or two wolf species. The domesticated wolf became the dog, according to James Serpell, professor at University of Pennsylvania’s School of Vet Medicine in his 1995 The Domestic Dog. Through teaching the wolf pup of the wild wolf to be calm, gentle and social with humans; the offspring of the tamed wolf pups began to exhibit the gentler traits at birth, without any training.


Peaceful CoexistenceSo, the way of our evolution has to do with the training we are given which, if ingrained in us well, can be passed down to our offspring or to their future generations from birth. What could exist is our own domestication, cultivating the habit of peaceful coexistence.

We are no longer savagely beating each other for food, land, shelter. We are civilized society. Unless someone takes our food, land, shelter. Then our survival instinct comes into play, and we become original savages. We create laws to temper our survival instincts. Good. This is civilized. But isn’t our penal system based on vengeance and our forgiveness based on remorse?

Example 1: When someone commits, some of us say an eye for an eye.

Example 2: When someone commits a crime and shows no remorse, we want to penalize that person with the maximum sentence. When the same person with the same crime shows remorse, we show leniency, and it is easier for us to feel for this person as a human being and forgive. Those of us who can forgive the non-remorseful who laugh at the pain they have caused have developed inner wisdom. I aspire to that, although I am far, far away.


Peaceful SolutionsThe point here is if we start role playing peaceful solutions to different circumstances when we are young, we will be very experienced at conflict resolution by the time we reach 25 when our voices can help run the world. We will recognize human rights violations and know how to use our voices against them using our peaceful methods. This means we may be interested in letting go of our old ways.

We know that repetition develops a habit. So, if we continually come up with solutions using peaceful methods, we eventually will develop the peace habit. If we then cause peace to happen due to solution-based strategies rather than problem-centric ones, several generations down the line can be born with the peace gene more inherent than ever before.


Educating our young is the way to world peace. Changing ourselves is another way, but this may the hardest of all endeavors. The subject of peace must be added to the worldwide curricula, not for one unit in fourth grade, but every day and week of every year through graduation. If we begin the process today to regularly replace our own fight or flight emotions when we are not really in danger of losing our lives, future generations have the chance to be born with more tempered spirits. Instead of keeping our eyes closed, we can see that cultivating the habit of peaceful conflict resolution is our responsibility. We can make an effort to balance ourselves; we can also volunteer to teach the way to do this.

Becoming involved in educating about peace is worth everyone’s time. Make some.



a)   Gather a group of 5 family members, friends or associates.

b)   Agree to do an exercise where none of you will be speak or act disrespectfully or raise her voice.

c)   Agree to speak about your emotions during the exercise.

d)   Put names on individual pieces of paper, and put papers in a top hat or bag. Draw two names out without looking to see whose turn it is.

e)   Neighbor A will be the aggressor neighbor, and neighbor B will be the neighbor upon whom aggression is taken.

f)   Neighbor A takes 25% of Neighbor B’s land. The town in which they live has given jurisdiction to the individuals to work out their own issues, so there is no town board to intervene. Both Neighbors A & B say their ancestors owned the land.

g)  Neighbor B will come up with one possible peaceful solution to this issue.


Follow all steps a) through g), but reverse roles.





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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition and habit change.

She is concerned with the peace of the world and believes educating youth at an early age holds the key. She says,

“We defend ourselves for no apparent reason other than soothing our egos. And we are encouraged to do so. This behavior perpetuates the war mentality.

“Consider that if we could tame ourselves, we could create world peace. Isn’t it worth it to learn peaceful conflict resolution? Isn’t it worth it to teach it early?

“It starts with each of us individually. We may even begin our personal journey by teaching the peaceful way to our young ones. Through our teaching, we will learn.”

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