Posts in "Food Education"

Revelations Of A Weight Warrior: Trish Carr, A Testimony For Moms And Daughters, Part III


by Diane Gold

We are back with Part III from the interview with Trish Carr and her weight story. We open here talking about making an exception to the diet on Sunday and the cravings it causes.

We left off with Trish talking about the munchies she makes for good eating all week. She begins a conversation about the cycle sugar starts.


It’s the sugar. The sugar is really poison. Even on Sundays, when I choose to eat something that has refined sugar in it, I know it’s going to cause me to have cravings.

Well, that’s the thing. What I don’t get personally, I can’t just have one thing for one day. I am not that kind of addictive personality.
If I have something on Sunday, I will want to have it on Monday.



And I will want to have it double on Tuesday.

Yeah, absolutely.

And that’s how it will go. So, for me, I would usually prefer not to have it at all. And that’s fine. I’m good with that.

For me, it’s not usually food.

Diane Narrative
This comment is my testament to the fact that I have throughout life, had many urges. Food was not usually one of them but it tempts me now. Any urge, though, creates the same process in my body and requires the same control as for any other substance. I have even felt addictive feelings for a significant other.

Even though I’m slender, I could be unslender in a pinch. Sometimes, I’ll bring something home which might be sweet. And I know, well, I did that today, And, oh, well guess what? I brought the same thing home two day after that. And two days after that. And then, I’ll just not do it for a year. I absolutely have to control that very carefully.

Diane Narrative
Or I could be sucking up excess fats and oils in a heartbeat.

The urge cycle is rarely talked about. In many programs, we are encouraged to tell stories about events that have taken place such as,

“I went to the health food store and purchased two pints of coconut milk ice cream. I came home and ate them. I felt sick,”

Instead of being restricted from talking about events and still encouraged to talk about what made us act on an urge like this,

“I was feeling alone since I had no friends. Instead of going to the library group, the full moon celebration, the free dance session in the park, I ate too much coconut milk ice cream and felt sick.

If we spoke more about what led us to act on these behaviors, we might be in a better place.

Now I ask Trish what she would say to people who cannot control the cravings that come after the relaxed Sunday schedule. (And based upon the rate of relapse, most people do not control themselves well for any length of time.)


Accountability PartnersTrish
What I do is when I have something that’s going to cause a craving, I will tell someone else to please pay attention that I don’t have any more of this, and ask them to call me on it. So, I need an accountability partner.

Accountability partner is great. Which is why people who want to lose weight, have most of the time, used some type of group weight loss program. It’s the accountability. It’s also being able to communicate with others about it and the bonding.


Diane Narrative
Trish talks about enrolling other people in supporting you in being accountable.

How many times people say I’m going to …lose weight? But as soon as you say it to another person, it raises your level of accountability.

Group Weight ProgramDiane Narrative
There is an interesting article, from 2004, by Charlotte Huff. It’s called “Teaming Up To Drop Pounds.” She references a study that shows that participants who enrolled in a program with friends had higher rate of successfully keeping the weight off after six months than those who enrolled alone.


One of those people is your mom. But the mom’s got to come from ‘I love you,’ I care about you,’ ‘I see you greater than you see yourself.’

That is fantastic. I love that one.

Diane Narrative
I ask Trish about what she would suggest for warriors of weight whose families bring the wrong food into the house.

For me, it’s about having a conversation with the other person.

Diane Narrative
When it’s the daughter who needs a special food plan and the adults are not helping, it is very difficult. Listen to the other things that Trish mentions that will definitely help.


My JournalTrish
There are lots of things that I did.
1)    I journaled every day what I ate.
2)    I start the day with, ‘This is how I plan my day to go.’
3)    I set my intention for the day.
It’s not just the food. Let’s be clear. Food is not the problem. Again, my mind is the problem.

So, there’s a lot of mindset things to do. And … once I do those, … you can put in front of me [some tasty chocolate snack], and I won’t want it.

But, if I’m white knuckling it all the time, with ‘Oh, I’m craving, craving, craving,’ then eventually you’re going to give in.


It’s very hard for many people who don’t have that support system. And the other thing you had said that daughters should use the support system they have in the home which is the mom. What about daughters who don’t have a support system because either the mom isn’t going to listen or there isn’t one.

Right. And that’s where creating your own structure comes in…Every time you want to eat something that’s not on your food plan, pick up a pen and paper and write down what you’re thinking.


Food QuoteTrish
Why are you having these thoughts? What is really going on? Because food is just a therapeutic way to get past whatever it is you’re feeling. Just like drugs are. Food is my drug of choice.


It’s really those mindset things, Diane.You can work with the food and manipulate the food and get to the size you want, but I don’t want to be white knuckling it for my whole life.



I also very much kept track of my success. I have a spread sheet that I keep. Once a week, I weighed myself. Didn’t do it every day. Big mistake, getting on the scale every day. The greatest demotivator is when you’re not losing or you actually go up when you worked very hard.

I also did my measurements so that I could see. When I added exercise on a regular basis, I lost almost a whole size without losing one pound.

That is how it goes.

So, if I’m looking at the scale, I’m thinking, ‘Oh, wow. Too bad I haven’t lost anything. Well, why should I bother working out?’



Tape MeasureTrish
But if I take my measurements, I can see, wow, I’m [one size less than I was].

Great point.

The other thing is semantics. We’re always losing weight. What’s the first thing you do when you lose something?

You look for it. So get rid of that expression.

Yeah, delete.

People say, ‘I release it.’ That’s too gentle. This is something that you hate. This is something you do not ever want to see again. So don’t be gentle. You get rid of this stuff so that it doesn’t come back.


Preparing this set of articles was very enjoyable for two reasons:
1) because the interviewing process is such a great way to get to know someone and
2) because the 3-article-set is so chock full of amazing strategies.

We hope you take from the article and use a tip for yourself.  And, if you have a tip or story of your own, we’d love to hear from you.


Please leave a comment and LIKE at And, when you’re on Facebook, go to and click LIKE. We’re working on the page and would appreciate comments.


Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Moms For Healthy Daughters, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert and a dedicated mom.

She is on the look-out for the next story and has a new passion within interviewing: hearing about weight stories and turning interviews into articles so that all can benefit. Diane says,

“If you take any one tip from this set of articles and use it for a 3 days in a row or more, it will bring greater results than you can possibly imagine. Do it!”

Revelations Of A Weight Warrior, Trish Carr: A Testimony For Moms And Daughters-Part II


By Diane Gold

This is the second of three parts based on an interview with Trish Carr, a speaker, author and leadership expert, who has, in her words, “gotten rid of 100 pounds,”  rather than “losing” them, because she certainly doesn’t want to look for them again.

What actually made you gain weight, if you can remember, and if you would like to share that?

Trish Carr In Red SuitTrish
You know, because it’s been a lifelong issue, I can tell you that what makes me eat is what makes me gain weight. And that is, let’s see. It runs the gamut of happy, sad, frustrated, angry, elated, joyful, you name it. If I’m emotional about it…

Couch PotatoBored is big.


Bored is big. The worst thing for me is the couch. If I’m sitting on the couch, I’m thinking about what I can eat. So, I’ve got to stay relatively active.


Have you ever tried sitting on the couch sitting on your hands?

Oh, no.

Sit On HandsDiane
It’s really fun. It’s also a very interesting way of doing an abdominal exercise.
1)    You put your palms flat on the couch, which means the back of your palms is going to be right under your coccyx.
2)    And you just hang out there.
3)    You tuck your butt.
4)    And you raise your shoulders a slight amount.
While you’re on the couch, why not work?
5)    Hold for between 15 and 30 seconds.

Diane Narrative
This exercise can be done sitting on the couch or lying on it. Make sure to keep the back straight and elongated so that the abs are working the whole time.


The top photo has no pillows to obstruct the view of the straight back. For those who are just beginning working on the abs, a pillow is a good choice so as not to strain the back or neck. In the second (lower) view, the fluffy white pillow is lifted up by position of the hands to hide the straightness of the back; the back is NOT caving downward but is straight, as in the upper photo.


This exercise can decrease the appetite and make us feel very focused, powerful and confident.

Let’s say you wanted to help moms of 13-year-old girls who were an extra love size. (There’s a fashion designer who has a size extra love, extra extra love, so I love that expression ‘cause a lot of times girls don’t want to hear “big, large, extra weight.”)

Diane Narrative
We will be featuring Sabrina Barnett, Empowerment Clothing, in the coming weeks. Watch for it on July 16.

Right away, we know that the daughters are going through or will going through hormonal changes. They’ll be feeling unattractive because they have pimples, their body changes and now they have a little extra weight ‘cause their muscles are also growing.

And they’re probably ready to fight with their moms because they are going to be going through feelings of wanting to be independent and also feelings that they don’t belong.

So what would you say to moms from your experience with weight, knowing what you know about the eating cycle that would put moms on the right track to communicate effectively with their daughters so that the daughters don’t snap at them or ignore them?

And partly, I’m asking you this because you deal with a lot of people and you’re a speaker and you also coach people individually. So I know that you know the human reaction spectrum. So I’m asking on that level. How can you help moms approach their daughters, or can you not?

That’s a good point. Can you not!


Balancing MomsThe most important way to help your daughter is to model the behavior that you want your daughter to have. And not be obsessive about it. It’s just, ‘Oh, this is how I eat,’ not, ‘Oh, I’m watching what I eat so I can stay thin and I can look good’ because then it becomes around looking good and not feeling good and being confident. …”


You know how often we, as moms, jump right in to come to the aid of our daughters – or so we think. Here’s a great point that I consider every day with my own daughter so as to be supportive and considerate without being intrusive and selfish. I have a lot to learn.

…And as far as the conversation with your daughter, depending on your own relationship with your daughter, you know that your daughter often times won’t hear you, but the same thing can come out of a friend’s mouth or a sibling’s mouth and they’ll get it; so you’ve got to question whether you are the right person. And if you are the right person, then the conversation goes to,

‘Hey, look. I’m here to help. All I want to do is make your life the best that it can be. So you tell me what I can do. I can give you a couple of suggestions on what I think might help. But,it’s all up to you, and it’s all your choice what you want.’…

The worst part was when I was a fat kid, and my mother would want me to go on a diet or help me lose weight when she wasn’t doing it herself.


This goes back to leading by example. I asked Trish her feelings about the double standards her mother was conveying of asking her to go on a reduction diet while not progressing in that direction herself.

The same thing with anything that your parents do, ‘Do what I say, not as I do.’ …There was no way she was going to give me buy in in doing anything if she wasn’t doing it herself.

Yeah, be the example.

Absolutely. You’ve got to model what you’re looking for.


So the other thing to remember is that if your kid is overweight and you’re not, then they’re constantly beating themselves up. They are not happy. They are not comfortable. I was not a happy kid inside. Outside, I was fabulous. I was outgoing, But, internally, I was like, oh, my god, I’m so fat, I’m so fat. It would make me want to put another doughnut in my mouth.

I mentioned how daughters think moms will never understand. And we discussed the circumstance when the daughter may be overweight, and the mom is not overweight so the daughter is going to think, doubly, that the mom will not understand.

I asked Trish how a mom could maintain a daughter’s privacy and still get her daughter to believe in her and believe there is no competition. Trish brought up the point of our belief in our daughters.


Belief In My DaughterTrish
It’s all about seeing them for who you believe they are and not who they appear to be at the moment. So, if you see your daughter as confident, strong and powerful and you speak to her in those terms, then that’s what she will become. But if you say that she is confident, or you say to her, ‘Oh, you’re beautiful,’ or you say, ‘You’re a confident young girl,’ but you don’t really believe it, then the truth will no hit her. She’ll know that you’re insincere and there’s an inauthenticity there.

So the first place you’ve got to look is at yourself. Do you really believe that that’s who your daughter is.

I thought that was a tremendously good point. Often times, we, ourselves, get stressed out by the difficulties of our daughters, such as unhealthy weight in our daughters. We may lose sight of how much we really believe our daughters and focus on the the negative. This doesn’t help.

I mentioned how one of panel psychologists pointed out that when parents come to him to work with their children, the biggest thing is to work on the parent.

Trish talks about her having supervised a large staff of people as training manager (a mentor or parent-type role). She talks about a woman’s coming to her who thought she was shy. She expressed that nobody ever comes to her for ideas.

In this woman, Trish saw something special. Trish’s nurturing instincts come out here as she says,

“That woman had something to share that no one else had tapped into. I just treated her as if she were fully self-expressed, as if everything she had to share was really important;
and she blossomed because I did that.


“And you have to do the same thing with your children. You’ve got to see in them what they don’t yet see in themselves.”


And the other thing is when it comes the whole food situation, the bottom line is having food in the house that really delicious, that they can open the ‘fridge and get it.


Trish’s Method: She shops and cooks on Sundays to have things on which to munch:
Fry Pan With Veggies1.    Fresh beets.
2.    Stir fry.
3.    Veggies on the grill.


I’m a muncher. And I’m not changing from that. So I need to have things in [the refrigerator] that I can munch on that are good for me and that I really find delicious. Not, like my mother would say, ‘Have an apple,’ or ‘Have a carrot.’

But you give me grilled vegetables that have balsamic vinaigrette on them – that’s good!


1)    The easiest, fastest thing to do is cut up a bunch of vegetables,
2)    throw them in a pan,
3)    stir fry them with a little bit of soy sauce,
4)    if you like curry, take a little bit of … curry, mix it with soy sauce and throw it on there,
5)    stir them, and you’re done.
6)    Then, they can sit in the refrigerator for 3 or 4 days; and you can eat them every time you’re hungry.
7)    SPECIAL TIP: make it pretty with red pepper and carrots. Make it vibrant looking.


Farmer's MarketTrish
I go to the farmer’s market and spend $12 to $16, and it feeds me for the whole week.

Diane Narrative
This dollar figure refers to fruits and vegetables, excluding protein. This means that, instead of buying 3 bags of junk chips or cookies a week, following this buying model, we could eat nutritiously wonderful snacks for the same or less money. And, of course, we’d be improving our health.


We have some really important tips in this piece on how to help our daughters with weight, the biggest of which is sharing our true vision and belief in our daughter.

The tip on how much Trish spends on her munchies may help put things into perspective. As a vegan, my fruit and veggie bill exceeds this, but it is an indicator of how well we can eat for a small amount of money.


We love your feedback. You make up the community.


Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Moms For Healthy Daughters, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert and a dedicated mom.

She is most pleased with the number of people who are getting involved in this story-telling part of Diane says,

“We all have these fascinating stories to tell, some about pain, some about pleasure, some about frustration, some about joy, others about failure and its levels up to success.

We should all have the opportunity to be heard, be nurtured and grow. I will work to create such an environment.”

Revelations Of A Weight Warrior, Trish Carr: A Testimony For Moms And Daughters-Part I

(Issue 34)

By Diane Gold

This article is based on an interview with Trish Carr, a speaker, author and leadership expert, who has, in her words, “gotten rid of 100 pounds,”  rather than “losing” them, because she certainly doesn’t want to look for them again.

Trish CarrTrish grew up in a family where her mom, an overeater, used to hide the good junk food and give the kids the less desirable junk food. When the kids would say they were hungry, her mom would tell the kids to eat an apple but would go off and eat a special high calorie snack that she made available to the kids only some of the time.

As an adult, Trish became a nurturer: in management,  with private clients and friends, much the way a mom cares for a daughter. Her candor in this interview offers many insights for those who are working with weight.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much did you know about eating the right foods before you changed sizes, that is, lost your weight?

I would say I knew 11 about the right things to eat. My entire life weight has been an issue. I can tell you the calorie count, the fat grams, the carbohydrates for every food and how many calories I’m supposed to have in a day. What I didn’t know was that calories in are not all equal.

So that was the big thing that I learned.

I could have an ice cream sundae of calories, or I could have something nutritional like fruits, vegetables and protein and that my body would react differently.

Growing up, were there snacks in the home? Was there junk food…?

Oh, yeah. You know it’s so funny when I look back on being a child and food around my house.

My mother was an overeater. My mother would actually hide the food she didn’t want the kids to get.

Meaning the junk food?

Well, the good junk food. There were these cookies out there. (Trish names a cookie.) She would hide those so we couldn’t get to those. We know they were good; we wanted to have some, right?

Whenever we said we were hungry, her response would always be,

“Have an apple.”

Or have something nutritious. But there was always junk food around.

Now, were the [named] cookies for your mom?

Yeah. Occasionally, she’d buy ‘em so we could have them, too.

What would you say was the food that gave you the most trouble? Was there one?

No. I don’t think there would be one. I think it was a whole general overeating the wrong processed foods my whole life. And I would say a lot of that was white flour, sugar, those things, cakes, cookies, pasta.

Was that financial or just choice?

Well, growing up we had low cost foods. We made Sloppy Joe’s. Things over rice, things over pasta. So it was a combination of both (financial and choice). But I think we weren’t around healthy food. It wasn’t about healthy food. My mother wasn’t eating healthy; therefore, we weren’t eating healthy.

Did you have a male influence in your home?

My father was around until I was around 12 or 13. [He] was a New York City Fireman, so he would work 4 days on, 3 days off, so he had a real weird schedule. But when it came to food, that wasn’t his conversation.

When you started to lose weight, did you use a group weight loss program or did you go about it on your own?

This last time, which is, literally, the LAST TIME, because, you know, I’m in my 50s. So I’ve done this before. I lost 100 pounds once before in 1980. I like to say that I was a size 12 for about 5 minutes. Literally, I got to size 12. I felt really good and started putting it right back on. This time, it’s been over a year, and I have not put it back. And I’m actually smaller than that; I’m a size 10, and my weight is lower and I’m much healthier.


Was there a different approach? Was there a different mindset?

Yeah, even though I’ve done it in the past, the first time I remember going on a diet was I went to Weight Watchers when I was about 12 years old. And I lost 16 pounds in 3 months. That was a lot, and I felt really good.

That’s very fast.

But, immediately, it came back…
Because I have a mind problem not a food problem.

I don’t know anyone else who is different.

So, the difference this time was I chose a product. It’s not a group thing, not like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig.I used a program called Isagenix.


And the program was created for health. It was literally created so that athletes could build lean muscle.


And what they found is that it also got rid of fat. It taught me what to eat, how to eat. And because I got my body “clean,” I actually can now feel what processed foods do to my body, what processed foods do to my energy. I never got this way before because I was simply managing calories in and out.

Diane Editorial
We as humans respond to social proof, acceptance of behavior and action of others. When everyone cheers out loud at a rock concert or basketball game, we do it, even if it is out of character for us. When everyone offers applause at the opera and no one cheers out loud, it is more likely that we will do the same so that we are not gawked at. I always enjoyed nonconformity, but that is another type of group norm.

I believe, and statistics back me up, that it’s the community of people in the weight loss programs that is attractive to us. This includes the believers in the product Trish chose to use. Of course, sometimes, we just fall into a program or product and it works for us for multiple reasons.

The fact that many programs call for fast weight reduction that people cannot maintain is something to think about. As we emphasize in tai chi, there is no rush. The student cannot absorb the information until she worked long enough to understand it.

This is why the premise of is to offer small steps to incorporate into everyday life that are easy to do and not too difficult to maintain.

Other than seeing success in others who do a group or a product, when we use a method that has worked for others and can read success stories of others (especially when the marketing campaigns are huge), we feel not so alone.

I still have the mental [state] of ‘I really would like to have that pasta’ even though I know when I eat that pasta, I’m not going to feel so good after.


ChoicesDiane Editorial
Trish and I spoke about the many choices there are of food. I referenced limiting choices through  being a vegan.

Another advantage that I have is there are so many foods that I wouldn’t be interested in eating because they have to do with harming animals that I have so many fewer choices. And I think that having many, many…choices is like a fantasy for somebody who likes to overeat.

Diane Editorial
That’s part of what “programs” do: they limit food choice.


There’s some security in knowing you’re going to have a piece of salmon and vegetables for lunch. And that’s what got me through a year or a little bit less than that of taking the weight off. I knew that was going to be my meal for the day, and I actually looked forward to it.

For me, the getting it off, once I got a routine going and I got comfortable with how I was doing it, it was not difficult.

The hard part now is the plethora of choices that I have and so many of them are not good.


What about giving yourself a day…

I do. Sunday.

Diane Editorial
We were talking about having a day off from the strict cycle of eating well so we don’t feel so trapped in a dietary plan.


There are some people for whom this break in routine might not work out well. If a special treat one day a week could wreck the momentum of success, leave it out. If the treat requires you to spend the entire rest of the week to gain control again because of your “holiday” from your food plan, don’t consider it for another two years. I, personally, would opt out of it. I would also only commit to one minute at a time rather than one whole day. This way, I am guaranteed success most of the time.

Drug and alcohol users say they have a one day at a time philosophy for abstinence. This is a misnomer and is really a one minute at a time strategy repeated over and over again. To abstain from something for 24 hours is very long for me. To abstain for 60 seconds is, most of the time, manageable.

And facing food several times a day for survival means being very familiar with the one minute at a time control method should we be determined to curb our urge to eat.


Balance the body, mind,spirit DAILY through tai chi, meditation, chi kung, yoga; reading a book, writing a poem or song, playing music, painting or doing athletics.


Limit the amount of choices per meal.
Make a food plan for a week that starts the following day; avoid getting hungry with no plan. If there is no food plan, repeat the previous week. The monotony may get us to plan ahead more efficiently.


Include a special something one day a week. If it can be a favorite food, go for it. Don’t go crazy because it could steamroll, but make time for it – a small treat that won’t upset the work for the rest of the week.

If food entitlement doesn’t work for us, we should go to a dance, watch a celebratory movie, go swimming, journal, attend a seminar, work in a soup kitchen, donate to a microloan, give the cat a bath, whatever fills the spiritual bank and fuels us for the coming week.
The first and third action steps increase our energy supply and fortify our reserve to march onto the battlefield of weight, which will, one day become a peaceful place to be.


Today’s interview covered childhood memories, knowledge of nutrition and current strategy for success. There are several action steps within the article to implement this week.

Next week, in part II of this interview with Trish Carr, we will hear about what causes Trish to eat and truisms for how moms can help their daughters with weight.

This very inspiring interview is a look into the life of someone who has been working on her weight her whole life. Some of her realities may be familiar to us. Certainly, her sharing her story shows us how very similar we are.    .


Please leave a common. If you relate to this story, let us know. We are always on the lookout for another story. And we appreciate them.


Make sure to read Parts II and III of Trish’s story.  If you want it sent to you, go to


Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Moms For Healthy Daughters, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert and a dedicated mom.
She truly enjoys hearing about people’s journeys with weight and believes that when people share, everyone communicates on multiple levels. Diane says,

“By listening to others, we always grow. By interviewing, we get to pass it on.”

Wheatgrass Juice: What’s So Good About It?


By Diane Gold

It’s no secret that many people ingest wheatgrass juice in one- to two-ounce shots on a daily or twice a day basis. They obtain it at the health food store, the juice store or, if they have know the merits of it, they do it at home.

What’s so special about wheatgrass is the question often asked.

Wheatgrass Juice1) It is one of the most alkaline foods known to us, and current research shows that foreign cells in our body, such as cancer cells, cannot live in an alkaline environment.

2) Secondly, it is high in oxygen, and current research links high oxygen with the death of cancer cells.

3) It is 70% chlorophyll, which cleans, heals and energizes. With the selenium that is present, it helps build the immune system.

4) Wheatgrass contains loads of nutrients: 13 (or more) vitamins, minerals, trace elements; all 20 amino acids and 30 + enzymes. There are not many foods this rich for our body.

5) Wheatgrass can balance the appetite because makes the body feel full, thus minimizing cravings.

6) Wheatgrass destroys free radicals by converting them to extra oxygen molecules.

7) In liquid form, wheatgrass is easily absorbed by the body, so it can add all those available nutrients without losing them in digestion.

8) Wheatgrass is a great detoxifier. With all the chlorophyll, it helps to purify the body. It’s almost like an internal deodorant.

9) Wheatgrass, with all its chlorophyll, rebuilds the bloodstream. Animal studies have shown that anemia has corrected itself with the administration of chlorophyll.

10) Scientific studies show that chlorophyll, the major component of wheatgrass, arrests the growth of unfriendly bacteria.

There are many other claims that have been attributed to wheatgrass: including that it regulates blood sugar, is good for acne, restores fertility, dissolves scarring, purifies the liver, regenerates tissue, prevents tooth decay and more.

It has been, at least, a year since I started a daily regimen of drinking wheatgrass juice.
I was lunching with a friend, and we decided that, if I researched the best wheatgrass extractor, he would spring for one machine for each of us, and we could do an individual wheatgrass regime as a team in our own homes. I came up with my choice and ordered the machine. In the meantime, my friend decided to go with another machine that did not process wheatgrass. But that got me started on my routine.

Yellow Streak TruckThe most striking feeling I get from ingesting wheatgrass juice is that I feel like a truck, every time I do it. Almost instantly after I drink my morning shot, which is usually two ounces, I feel powerful. It’s not the same kind of strength I feel from kung fu, tai chi, hanging from some exercise machine or doing an ab workout that makes my muscles feel good. It’s different.

It feels as if I am strong because I have been purified. No kidding. As if the wheatgrass has sucked out some of the toxin from my body. I even wonder whether it is providing harmony to my life and my body. For anyone who is fighting with her body, I would highly recommend doing wheatgrass for balance.

One of the things drinking wheatgrass does is that, because of its alkaline properties, it makes us more able to enjoy the healthy foods like fruits and veggies, mushrooms, soybeans, rather than the very acidy colas, meat, smoking and coffee. (I just read a food chart that said stress is on the Acidic PH side.)

Teeth CleanAn interesting thing happened to me a little over a year ago. I went to the dentist to get my pearly whites cleaned. As usual, the session took 30 minutes because I produce plaque which takes time and skill to clean. When I went back in three months for my next appointment, the session took 20 minutes, and the hygienist said that I must be brushing my teeth more or getting the hang of it.

It is possible that my skill, after half a decade with this hygienist, has improved. But then I realized what it was. The only routine I had changed was adding wheatgrass to my diet. Because of that, I have to say it has been helpful in keeping my mouth clean, personally proving 9), above.

Over 50 years back, Ann Wigmore, The Wheatgrass Queen, and Viktoras Kulvinskas founded Hippocrates, a wellness center in Boston, where they used living foods to treat disease. Wheatgrass was given several times a day with great results. Years later, many current wellness centers continue in the same way.

In West Palm Beach, at Hippocrates, which is the Boston inspired wellness center, they grow their own wheatgrass in their own organic greenhouse, and they have a master grower to oversee it. For clients who stay for a week or longer, wheatgrass juicing is strongly encouraged often, such as several times a day and is thought to be a necessary part of healing. (For those who come for the Saturday tour and lunch only, which is what I did, wheatgrass is available during the tour and then there is lunch, which, to my delight, consisted of sprouted beans and vegetables, all uncooked.)


Flat Of Wheatgrass


Based on the many healing properties that this plant has, wheatgrass juice consumption gives us a simple way to balance our alkalinity, get our veggies, get our fiber, get extra healing oxygen.

They say a balanced body makes for a balanced mind. Also, there is minimal caloric intake for this superfood.




Wheatgrass Juicer


Get a wheatgrass extractor. They start at $30 for a manual device. If possible, go up to $50 and get the Lexen Manual GP27.

There are two different philosophies. Some say it’s better to put your whole self into juicing and will only go with the manuals. If you are willing to spend time, go with the manual. It’s good work for the body and saves electricity.

If money is not an issue and you have interest in an electric, I use a Lexen. For me, it is important to minimize time, and the electric is quick.


Go to the store and purchase wheatgrass in a flat. This grass must be cut down with scissors or knife before use.

If it’s bought in a plastic container or bag, it is already cut. It is always best to buy the flat, because it stays alive until you cut it. I do not make time for this step.


Because the wheatgrass enzymes are alive, more of the nutrients will be absorbed if the stomach is empty. Therefore, it should be the first food of the day. Then wait 20-30 minutes so that it can properly digest before eating breakfast.


According to the experienced wheatgrass juicers, the wheatgrass juice is not supposed to be diluted for best results and to get the full absorption of the live enzymes. No exceptions, unless you will fold and stop the wheatgrass juice altogether if you are forced to be a purist.

I went to a relative’s Day After Wedding Day Brunch. It was very beautiful and at a posh hotel with all the bells and whistles. To my joy, they had wheatgrass juice for the guests. To myself, I called it designer wheatgrass juice. Why? It was 50% apple juice.

Of course, it is better to have a wheatgrass and apple juice combo than not to have any wheatgrass juice at all. But, when possible, drink it straight.


If needed , it’s OK to breathe through the mouth, closing the nostrils for a few minutes before beginning the juicing process all the way through to several minutes after you have consumed the juice – until you get used to it. This prevents any queasiness from the juice’s aroma, which is similar to freshly cut grass. It definitely smells fresh.

It’s been about a year that I have been juicing every morning, and I still use this breathing through the mouth method, more or less. I had to figure out some way not to deprive myself from such great food. I did, and it was well worth it!
Most people will not need this step, because they love the smell.


You have just embarked on the health of your body. This juice will do you well for a long time.

Good for you; good to you; spread the word.


Let us know what you think of the article in the comment section below.


Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Moms For Healthy Daughters, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert and a dedicated mom. She has been doing an average of two ounces of wheatgrass juice daily for a year and is excited to share her experience with this naturally wonderful grass, so good to and for the body. She says,

“Who would have thought that such a gentle and weightless food would carry so much power in each use including being an aid to weight loss!”

The Juice Cleanse


For people with a medical diagnosis or a prescription drug regimen, I’d like to begin with Elisa’s words in quotes below,

“Be sure to discuss the possibility of a Cleanse with your [health care professional]. Large and heavy doses of medication are especially hard on your organs without solid foods. As a result, juice cleansing may not be an appropriate option.”

Although not everyone will use the cleanse, this article gets us in the mood to consider the benefits of regular juicing for fun and health.


by Elisa Rodriguez


It’s essentially a liquid diet consisting of organic fresh fruits and vegetables (without the fiber), in most cases that take the place of solid foods for a day or certain number of days.


RestThe point is to allow the body a period of rest, free from breaking down heavy meals, which, in turn, enables the system to “clean house.” It’s a sort of reboot for all the systems of the body.

Since we spring clean our homes and regularly maintain our cars, we should also make it a priority to fine-tune our own uniquely crafted vessel. It’s the only one we’ve got!


My personal favorite is the Breville (any model), due to its large chute, quick speed and minimal prep required.


Any juicer will do a fine job. Do a little research to see which one is right. It’s an individual decision. There is also an alternate option below for those who don’t have a juicer.


Once you have a juicer, you want to select a 3-day period where you can focus on the Cleanse. This will mean:

•    Mentally preparing to consume fewer calories and to feel hungry.
•    Including one day pre and post juicing for fruits and veggies only.
•    Having the proper ingredients in your house for pre-, post- and during the cleanse.
•    Allowing time to prepare the juice despite your busy schedule, and, in fact, slowing down your schedule for the cleanse.
•    Allowing a period of minimal activity to deal with detox, which may or may not include headaches, fatigue and irritability.
•    Allowing time to rest and relax so your body can work most effectively.

Let’s break this down further.


BroccoliCucumber, celery, broccoli stems, and apples make a great simple starter. Believe it or not, the cucumber and broccoli stems have a mild sweetness, so they provide a nice neutral flavor.


The beauty of the cucumber/celery/broccoli/apple combo is that it provides a 3 to 1 ratio of non-starchy veggies to fruits and/or higher glycemic index veggies (like carrots), assuming that equal proportions are used.


1)    High glycemic fruits or vegetables are used more sparingly because they break down more quickly, raising the blood sugar level.
2)    The elevation in the blood sugar level produces insulin to transport the sugar to be used by cells as energy.
3)    When lots of insulin is produced from eating high glycemic foods (like high glycemic fruits or vegetables), this production tells the body it has lots of energy.
4)     Because the body thinks it has lots of energy, it stops burning fat and starts storing it.
5)    Another concern is that, the insulin removes too much blood sugar from the blood so the body feels tired and hungry.
6)    When the body feels tired and hungry, we crave sweets, overeat and start the cycle over again.

This ratio ensures that a less sweet beverage is absorbed into the blood stream to avoid a spike in blood sugar. The vegetables naturally reduce the sweetness of the beverage. The reduction in sweetness results in steadier serum values, less and lower spikes to reduce the occurrence of plummeting blood sugars, which follow an elevated glucose level resulting in a false sense of hunger and ultimately overconsumption of calories.

Therefore, to juice effectively, you want to maintain the 3:1 ratio at all times. This isn’t to say that carrots or fruit (higher glycemic index foods) are unhealthy. In fact, they are just the opposite, but the quantity and combination of such ingredients should be carefully considered when juicing for wellness.


Some non-starchy veggies are artichoke, arugula, asparagus, bean sprouts, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, daikon, kale, eggplant, greens leek, lettuce, okra, onions, peppers, radishes, zucchini.

Some starchy veggies are beets, carrots, corn, green peas, parsnips, plantains, pumpkin, sweet potato, taro, white potato, winter squash, yams.

High Glycemic Index veggies are potatoes, corn, carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips. Beans vary in glycemic index level.


Purchase as much organic produce as possible, since the pesticides are easily absorbed when the body comsumes juice.

CucumberCucumbers tend to be expensive, yet they contain some of the highest pesticides. I typically rinse them in vinegar to help strip the pesticide residue from their skins, which I peel for added insurance.

One item, which you might buy non-organic, would be citrus due to the thick protective peel or rind, unless you intend to juice the entire rind. Then, organic is recommended.

The other perk to organic is that, as you refine your taste buds by consuming a clean unprocessed diet, you will find that organic produce has added flavor.

Eventually you might combine and juice whatever collaboration of produce you conjure up from your fridge (provided it follows the 3:1 ratio); this is my norm. In fact, if you have an overflow of produce that is soon to spoil, juicing is a fantastic way to avoid lost nutrients to the trash.


If you’ve never purely juiced before, I suggest starting with a one-day cleanse and easing yourself into the juicy goodness. This requires one day of raw fruits and veggies pre-cleanse and one day of gently cooked/blended fruits and veggies post-cleanse.


AppleFor anyone and everyone attempting a juice cleanse, I suggest allowing one day of low starch fruits and veggies before and after the actual juicing. This allows your body to adjust to the lighter fare, while lessening the withdrawal effects from your usual routine.
Regardless of how many times one cleanses, this is a vital step to make the cleanse most effective.

Pre-fast, (the word “fast” refers to the juice fast and is synonymous with the juice cleanse) your stomach receptors are expanded and stretched and awaiting a larger quantity of food. By leaning in from large meals, to fruit and veggie solids, to fruit and veggie liquids (aka juice), it is much less of a shock to your system. This single step could make a BIG difference.

Similarly, post-fast, your stomach receptors have shrunken from a liquid diet. Your body has become content with less, and you don’t want to undo this hard-sought progress with a heavy meal. If you resume heavy meals too quickly, you may very well end up with a stomach ache, nausea or bathroom blues.

Post-cleansing, you should resume solids slowly by starting with ½ of a steamed organic zucchini, which is especially gentle on your GI tract. Cooked squash, pureed soups, and blended smoothies are all good options following a juice cleanse.

The day after the post-cleanse, you can gently ease into a high-nutrient diet style with solids such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts/seeds, beans and legumes.

1-Day Cleanse For Beginners


Raw fruits and veggies only. No animal products (meat, dairy, poultry, seafood), no nuts/seeds, no grains, no beans/legumes, no oil, no salt, no sugar, no flour, no alcohol, no coffee, no caffeine, no chocolate.


Green JuiceOrganic raw fruits and veggies juiced in the 3 to 1 ratio, meaning that each of the cucumber, celery, broccoli stems and apple must have equal amounts of liquid juice. The amount of juice for each food will vary based upon the age, quality and type of the food.


Gently cooked squash, pureed soups, blended smoothies and fruit whips.

Alternative if you don’t have a juicer or if medications preclude The Juice Cleanse

An alternative is a blended cleanse, where you blend fruits and veggies in a high-powered blender to create green smoothies, blended soups and fruit whips for a prolonged period of time. This can have a similar effect to juice cleansing without adding stress to your system in the presence of medications.


While cleansing seems like a hot trend these days, it has real sustainable power to promote longevity and to reduce aging when made a regular part of your wellness routine.
Juicing provides a form of calorie-restriction and low caloric intake over time that is associated with an increased lifespan.

As a result, juice cleanses can be an integral part of health promotion to enhance quality of life while reducing inflammation in the body.


Once you master The Juice Cleanse, I suggest making it a monthly occurrence to help recalibrate your taste buds, cravings, quantities and food habits. In other words, make juicing your lasting friend rather than a temporary trend.


Juicing on a regular basis really feels good. It feels as if I have taken a bath from the inside out.


Please leave your comments below. We value them very much.


Elisa Rodriguez is a registered dietician. She emphasizes a whole food, herbivore eating style in addition to promoting blending, juicing and fasting for health.
Elisa is a living example of the power of healthy food and has defied Lupus through her whole food, plant-based diet. She has her degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Delaware and is available to work with people on dietary health issues.


Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Moms For Healthy Daughters, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert and a dedicated mom. She believes in empowering the body through healthy foods. She says,

“The body loves fresh juice. It is so important that we give some to our bodies. We will be thanked a thousand times over.”

About Food Education

GMO Labeling Is Here

by Diane Gold on July 5, 2016.

Our main essay is about GMO labeling and kudos to Vermont that its state law has gone into effect. Also mentioned are the increase in pricing and the increase in environmental run off due to genetically engineered sprays, required for produce of GM origin.

Also in this issue….

Dear Organic Produce Retailer

by Diane Gold on June 28, 2016.

Our main essay is a letter to my organic produce retailer describing the hoops I have to jump through just to find out what’s on my food before I buy it.

Also in this issue….

What’s On Your Produce – Part II

by Diane Gold on June 7, 2016.

Our main essay focuses on our food supply, which is our very life force and the idea that we do not consider, rebuff, teach about chemicals we place on that supply.

Also in this issue….

Secret Of Vitamin D

by Diane Gold on November 10, 2015.

Our main essay gives the secret of Vitamin D, our habits and the action steps that help us help ourselves.

Also in this issue….

Food Habits – Continually Upgrading To Good Ones

by Diane Gold on October 27, 2015.

Our main essay talks about food habits and gives action steps that help us make them what’s best for us.

Also in this issue….

Recycling Is Our Responsibility

by Diane Gold on October 13, 2015.

Our main essay talks about recycling, why we do it and whose responsibility it is.

Also in this issue….

Conventional Produce – GMOs And Pesticides

by Diane Gold on October 6, 2015.

Our main essay talks about the term “conventional produce” and how it blinds us to the GMOs that are commonly included in this category.

Also in this issue….

Good Food – The Most Potent Part Of Our Day!

by Diane Gold on September 15, 2015.

Our main essay talks about good food and gives food for thought to the reader.

Also in this issue….

Water Shortage: Our Role

by Diane Gold on March 17, 2015.

Our main essay talks about water shortage and why we are involved, no matter how much water we have.

Also in this issue….

Extinction: Are We Responsible?

by Diane Gold on February 24, 2015.

Our main essay talks about extinction and our responsibility through a guest post by Richard Oppenlander, D.D.S., researcher, lecturer and author.

Also in this issue….

Plastics In Food And Bloodstream

by Diane Gold on February 17, 2015.

Our main essay talks about plastics in food and inside our blood.

Also in this issue….

Nut Milk Made Easily

by Diane Gold on February 10, 2015.

Our main essay talks about nut milk making it ourselves. There’s a recipe that’s easy, peasy.

Also in this issue….

Olive Oil Science

by Diane Gold on February 3, 2015.

Our main essay talks about what happens to olive oil when it gets too hot. We also take a look at the qualifications of people who give the answers.

Also in this issue….

Who Pays? Our Habit Of Not Paying For Our Food

by Diane Gold on January 27, 2015.

Our main essay talks about who pays for the land, oceans, soil, water that we overuse to produce food and the species we endanger or wipe out in the process. It applies to all people who eat.

Also in this issue….

5 Ways To Improve Your Health And Mine In 2015

by Diane Gold on January 13, 2015.

Our main essay talks about 5 ways to improve your health and mine. Each of the 5 is its own one minute exercise.

Also in this issue….

Our Food Habit Of Not Asking The Right Question

by Diane Gold on October 21, 2014.

Our main essay talks about our food habit of not asking the right question. Easier than we think!

Also in this issue….

Composting: How And Why

by Diane Gold on October 7, 2014.

Our main essay talks about composting and how to proceed successfully.
Also in this issue….

Big Food And Drug Donate To Cancer Research

by Diane Gold on September 30, 2014.

Our main essay talks about donations that Big Food and Big Drug companies give to cancer research and other disease organizations so they will become beholden to them.

Also in this issue….

What’s On Your Produce?

by Diane Gold on September 23, 2014.

Our main essay talks about knowing what’s on our fruits and vegetables with some surprising information about what the National Organic Program allows.

Also in this issue….

Nutrient Composition, As Per T. Colin Campbell

by Diane Gold on September 16, 2014.

Our main essay talks about nutrient composition, the percentage of fats, proteins and carbohydrates that T. Colin Campbell, grand nutritionist, has discovered is the correct balance.

Also in this issue….

9 Ways Cacao Can Improve Our Health

by Diane Gold on September 9, 2014.

Our main essay talks about how cacao, the super food, first used by Latin Americans as early as 1400 B.C. E., benefits our health.

Also in this issue….

Turmeric In The Modern World

by Diane Gold on July 29, 2014.

Our main essay is about turmeric, its benefits and its patentability and why drug companies don’t study what they can’t patent.

Also in this issue….

What If Nike’s Logo Meant Food For The Poor?

by Diane Gold on July 22, 2014.

Our main essay focuses on a “what if” scenario. “What if” the largest multinational companies’ missions were to benefit the world’s poor with food, water, clothing, housing, health care! This article suggests a possible model for this to happen. It also offers food for thought to encourage us to innovate the solution for ourselves.on patient’s rights and how our accepting doctor’s orders is not in our best interest until we’ve researched options and been given choices.

Also in this issue….

Our Right To Freedom-What If Big Biz Sues To Repeal Vermont’s GMO Labeling Law?

by Diane Gold on June 17, 2014.

Our main essay is about how to stand up for our right to freedom using the example of the GMO labeling vote in Vermont.

Also in this issue….

Weight Loss Secret Weapon

by Diane Gold on June 3, 2014.

Our main essay is about an accidental secret weapon I found for weight loss. And it’s a super food.

Also in this issue….

Citizens For Change: No More Status Quo GMOs

by Diane Gold on May 27, 2014.

Our main essay is about taking action toward protecting our food supply from genetic modified organisms (GMOs).

Also in this issue….

Maca: Superfood For Energy And Immune System

by Diane Gold on May 6, 2014.

Our main essay in this issue is about maca, the amazing superfood grown at over 10,000 feet above sea level.

Also in this issue….

Low Vitamin D Linked To Disease In 2 Big Studies

by Diane Gold on Apr. 8, 2014.

Our main essay was written by Anahad O’Connor, our expert from The New York Times, and edited by the publisher. It is research about vitamin D and disease.

Also in this issue….

The Habit Of Eating Meat May Be Hurting Us

by Diane Gold on Mar. 11, 2014.

Our main essay is about the habit of eating meat and what consequences come from that.

Also in this issue….

Quitting A Habit!

by Diane Gold on Feb. 25, 2014.

Our main essay talks about the the term “quitting” as it applies to habit change.

Also in this issue….

Healthy Eating: Why Does The U.S. Fall Behind?

by Diane Gold on Jan. 28, 2014.

Our main essay talks about the United States is not number one in healthy eating and why.

Also in this issue….

Pesticides: Which Fruits-Veggies Have Least?

by Diane Gold on Nov. 12, 2013.

This week, our main essay talks about pesticides and includes two consumer guides to buying produce with the least amount of residue.

Also in this issue….

6 Great Reasons For Plant-Based Nutrition

by Diane Gold on Nov. 5, 2013.

This week, our main essay gives 6 valid reasons to consider plant-based nutrition.

Also in this issue….

Is Sugar Good For Our Health?

by Diane Gold on Oct. 29, 2013.

This week, our main essay talks about sugar and whether it is good for our health.

Also in this issue….

Demystifying Traditional Chinese Medicine

by Diane Gold on Sept. 16, 2013.

This week, we bring you the highlights of our interview with George Love, Doctor Of Oriental Medicine who demystifies it for all of us.

Also in this issue…

Can Gut Microbes Help With Weight Loss?

by Diane Gold on Sept. 9, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on a study about gut microorganisms as a possible technique for weight loss.

Also in this issue…

Reading Food And Supplement Labels: How Habits Form

by Diane Gold on Aug. 19, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on food and supplement labels and how we form habits as a result.

Also in this issue…

How Water Works On Habit Change

by Diane Gold on July 22, 2013.

This week, our main article talks about this simple technique that can mean the difference between habit change and frustration. And there are simple action steps to follow.

Also in this issue…

Supplements vs. Pharmaceuticals: The Comparison

by Diane Gold on July 8, 2013.

This week, our main article talks about some of the differences between supplements and pharmaceuticals, including a quote from Dr. Jaroslav Boublik.

Also in this issue…

The Supplement Game: Are You In It?

by Diane Gold on July 1, 2013.

This week, our main article talks about taking supplements at the expense of learning to eat well.

Also in this issue…

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Habits In Medical Care: Part One – What Certificate Is That?

by Diane Gold on June 3, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on habits obtained regarding medical care.

Also in this issue…

Changing Food Habits: Are You Eating GMOs, Organic Foods Or …?

by Diane Gold on May 20, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on changing our food habits as we have more knowledge of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and foods that are labeled “organic.”

Also in this issue…

Change A Habit: How The Health Care System Has Taught Us Bad Habits

by Diane Gold on Mar. 18, 2013.

This week, our main article is about how the U.S. Health Care System has led us to need to Change A Habit.

Also in this issue…

Sprouts: 7 Reasons Why. With Commentary By Jason McCobb, aka Farmer Jay

by Diane Gold on Mar. 11, 2013.

This week, our main article is about sprouting, with guidance from Farmer Jay of Farmer-Jay-Pure-Organics.

Also in this issue…

Timing Of Meals Affects Weight Loss

by Diane Gold on Feb. 11, 2013.

This week, we have an article on Timing Of Meals by Anahad O’Connor, followed by comments and action steps by me.

Also in this issue…

The Protein Myth: That We Need All The Essential Amino Acids At Every Meal

by Diane Gold on Feb. 4, 2013.

This week, we have an article about the protein myth, the fact that it’s not necessary to combine proteins to get all the amino acids in one sitting.

Also in this issue…

Turning Habits Into Health: How 1 Step At A Time Can Make The Change

by Diane Gold on Jan. 28, 2013.

This week, we talk about Turning Habits Into Health and the 1-step at a time approach to habit change.

Also in this issue…

Juicing At Home vs. Juice From The Health Food Store

by Diane Gold on Jan. 21, 2013.

This week, we talk about juicing, the pros and cons to juicing at home vs. the health food store. We also define organic vs. natural vs. vegan.

Also in this issue…

Water For Weight Loss, Emotional Eating Turned To Healthy Hydration

by Diane Gold on Jan. 14, 2013.

This week, we talk about how drinking water can temper food cravings habitually. We also consider that water is not in abundance for all people.

Also in this issue…

Food Cravings: How To Maximize Them For Our Good Health

by Diane Gold on Jan. 7, 2013.

First issue in 2013, and we are raring to go!

This week’s article talks about maximizing our food cravings so that we can be healthier.

Also in this issue…

Plant-Based Nutrition And 3 Weight Loss Factors That Come Along, Too

by Diane Gold on Dec. 31, 2012.

This week’s article talks about plant-based nutrition and 3 weight loss factors to look for.

Also in this issue…

Appetite Control: How Saving Someone Other Than Ourselves Balances Appetite

by Diane Gold on Dec. 17, 2012.

This week’s article talks about the appetite and how saving someone other than ourselves can balance our appetite.

Also in this issue…

Mushrooms For Weight Loss: Nature’s Secret Strategy In A Small Package

by Diane Gold on November 6, 2012.

This week, our main article is all about mushrooms, their nutrition and how they satisfy our appetites and heal us.

Also in this issue…

Why Green Tea Can Help With Teen Weight Loss And What’s In It

by Diane Gold on October 22, 2012.

This week’s main article is about green tea for teen weight loss. There are action steps for both daughters and moms.

Also in this issue…

Teen Weight Gain And Sugary Drinks: A Closer Look

by Diane Gold on October 8, 2012.

This week’s main article is about teen weight gain and sugary drinks. How shocking that sugary drinks are the largest single caloric food source.

Also in this issue…

Weight Loss For Teen Girls: 5 Quick Appetite Tips

by Diane Gold on September 10, 2012.

This week’s main article is for teen girls. We give 5 quick tips to pick up and use today for the growing teenage girl having a hard time with weight.

Also in this issue…

Bad Habits: How To Change A Habit

by Diane Gold on August 20, 2012.

This week’s main article is about Changing Bad Habits. We have included access to a flowchart with a step-by-step diagram.

Also in this issue…

Get Your Weight Off: 10 Surefire Tactics That Will Reduce Your Weight Now

by Diane Gold on July 23, 2012.

Our main article was written by our panelist and registered dietician, Elisa Rodriguez. Her 10 tactics are so important because they can individually be implemented without much effort. The goodness we will feel from any 1 powers up our motivation to repeat the tactic the next day.

Also in this article…

Revelations Of A Weight Warrior, Trish Carr: A Testimony For Moms And Daughters-Part III

by Diane Gold on July 5, 2012.

Here is the third part in our three-part series based on an interview with Trish Carr, Warrior Of Weight. Within this article is Trish’s quote that food is just a therapy. Anyone who finds the quote…

Also in this issue…

Revelations Of A Weight Warrior, Trish Carr: A Testimony For Moms And Daughters-Part II

by Diane Gold on July 2, 2012.

This week, we have parts two and three of our three-part series with Trish Carr, Warrior Of Weight. Here is part two where Trish gives instructions on using stir fry for snacks.

Also in this issue…

Revelations Of A Weight Warrior, Trish Carr: A Testimony For Moms And Daughters-Part I

by Diane Gold on June 25, 2012.

We have interviewed Tris Carr. This is the first of a three-part feature where she shares her insights about her ongoing journey with food, filled with strategies and tips we can all relate to.

Also in this issue…

Wheatgrass Juice: What’s So Good About It?

by Diane Gold on June 11, 2012.

Wheatgrass Juice has some amazing, healing properties. We go over 10 of them and offer 4 or 5 easy action steps to help everyone get started with making it a regular habit.

Also in this issue…

The Juice Cleanse

by Diane Gold on May 28, 2012.

Elisa Rodriguez has written a wonderful article called The Juice Cleanse. She has prepared this discussion to instruct us how to go about it with the safest result.  have added some discussion where it says Publisher’s Note.

Although not everyone will use the cleanse, the article gets us in the mood to consider the benefits of regular juicing for fun and health. There is also a blender option later on in the article.

Also in this issue…

The Food Advocate

by Diane Gold on May 19, 2012.

This is a new program for anyone to get the help needed to THRIVE with food.

Lunch Hour, The Movie: An In-Depth Look At The Lack Of Nutrition In School Food

by Diane Gold on April 16, 2012.

Our main article is a review of the worthwhile documentary, Lunch Hour, a spectacular look at our school food system with ways we can help change it.

Also in this issue…

The O Word And How Education Develops Sensitivity In Speaking About Weight Issues

by Diane Gold on February 20, 2012.

I’m really excited about this week’s main essay. It touches upon some of the most important issues for family members and friends of and those who struggle with extra body weight.

Also in this issue…

Food Education: Who’s Doing It And Who’s Responsible For It?

by Diane Gold on February 13, 2012.

This week, our main article talks about food education and school nutrition. Our kids spend the bulk of their day in school. This means the food they eat will either come from home, school or a nearby store. Florence Bernard, our education expert, gives her insights on whether or not our education system prepares our kids with nutrition knowledge.

Also this issue…

The Avocado Story And Fat Can Be Good

by Diane Gold on January 16, 2012.

Our main article comes from Anahad O’Connor and Dave Lieberman from their book, The 10 Things You Need To Eat. It talks about why avocados are healthy for you and why their fat is good fat.

Also in this issue…

New Year’s Resolutions That Work: Weight Loss, 2012

by Diane Gold on January 2, 2012.

This article recognizes why we make New Year’s resolutions and targets weight loss resolutions and why some work better than others. Giant resolutions tend to be much harder to keep since they require much more staying or maintenance power, which can be a newly learned behavior, over time.

Also in this issue…

How To Break A Food Trance

by Diane Gold on December 19, 2011.

Our featured essay is an interview with Sharon and Glenn Livingston, PhDs and experts on emotional eating. This transcription and the audio below highlights some of the most straight forward ways to combat what happens when you go into a food trance.

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