Posts tagged "will power"

Will Power For Weight Loss And Other Goals: 3 Steps To Jump Start Your Will Power


By Diane Gold

Developing will power for weight loss and discipline to delay and then replace our cravings with better habits spills over into other aspects of our lives.  This article will discuss some corroborating research and some quick action steps to power it up.
By the 1980s, it was common knowledge that will power could be learned. However, when Mark Muraven was a PhD candidate in the mid-1990s, he questioned why will power doesn’t last and set out to look for a major determiner.

Cookies vs. RadishesUsing previous research, Mark created two groups of undergrad students from Case Western. After skipping a meal, they were asked to sit down. 2 bowls were placed in front of each participant: one with cookies, one with radishes. Students were each given an assignment: to eat only 1 particular food.

The researcher walked out for 5 minutes. The cookie eaters were happy and didn’t have to exert much control; the radish eaters had to exert will power not to eat the cookies. (Perception, which is usually true: cookies are more pleasurable than radishes.)

The researcher re-entered after  5 minutes and instructed the group it would take 15 minutes for their sensory memory of food to fade.

To pass the time, she asked them to do a “draw the geometric shape without lifting the pencil or re-tracing a line” puzzle. The cookie eaters spent more time on solving because they had not just exerted will power energy to resist cookies. The radish eaters gave up more quickly. The truth is there was no solve to the puzzle, but the activity showed what 200 other studies have shown. Mark puts it this way,

Will Power“Will power isn’t just a skill. It’s a muscle, like the muscles in your arms or legs, and it gets tired as it works harder, so there’s less power left over for other things.”

He also said,

”If you want to do something that requires will power—like going for a run after work—you have to conserve your will power muscle during the day.”

This sums up why diet plans and habit changing programs may work for some and not for others. Do you know any program that takes into account exhaustion level as a major factor? I don’t. In WarriorsOfWeight Consulting, we do. Also, in my upcoming work, How To Prevent Falling, we set exhaustion level as one of the factors to examine. I am breaking that down to exhaustion due to lack of sleep and exhaustion due to use of will power, since we know, now, that the amount we us our will power is a determining factor in our energy level.

Throughout our lives, we need will power in varying degrees. From the time we are young, we have to figure out how to get food without crying, comfortable sleep without being held or rocked and a shapely body without too much work.

 Will Power For Weight Loss TrainingWhether we are as disciplined as my loveable, meticulous  accountant, Charlie, or are as free as the spirit of the Flower Child Generation, we always come across choices that involve our ability to manipulate our decision making process. I use the word “manipulate” because, often, we have to mold our decisions through debating what we want the outcome to be.

Will power comes from working through in a systematic approach, acting a certain way under certain rules in order to successfully accomplish a task. So how do we get will power? Are we born with it?

Will power is a developed skill that dissipates when we deplete our energy levels. For some people, it is easier to make changes than for others. For others, they require a huge amount of will power to accomplish their task. But, the whole idea of will power is to use our will in a way that is monumentally difficult for a future outcome (even if the future outcome is 1 minute from now), rather than to gratify ourselves immediately.

From our youth, we have to learn that we can’t always get what we want. Every experience from pre-school and onward teaches it to us in some way. Is there a curriculum for will power to make sure we develop what we need? No, but there should be. If people who overeat had studied will power, they’d have special skills that we all need to use on themselves. Imagine how many problems wouldn’t exist.

For the people who make change easily or with little effort, they may not be exercising will power. They are often coasting through the change process. This is great and they are fortunate, as long as they can make all decisions this way. Sometimes, though, when a life and death situation greets these people, it is their first adult opportunity to build up their will power. At some crucial time in all our lives, the instance to use will power will come up. It always does. It can be considered an opportunity.

Will Power For Weight LossFor most of us, we begin to learn what will power is when our parents say no to our demands, and we have to slowly temper ourselves or stop crying from frustration or, in some cases, learn to tow the line to avoid physical punishment from our parents. Those parents who use a lot of corporal action on their young usually have issues with will power themselves.

When we learn to ride a bike, we want to give up, but we know the reward if we push through and continue is that we will get to ride down the street, feel the breeze, ride with friends, feel special and get praise from our riding teacher. So, we learn this self-temperance and improve on it throughout our lives. We will ourselves to continue to complete tasks.

Mom & Daughter With BikeIf we have family support, this process may or may not be easier. Yes, we will learn to ride our bike with less frustration, but we may use less will because we have more nurturing and soothing from family. Everyone is different, so we never know which combination of factors areis going to produce what reactions in us. We are all complex.

When we fail a test at school that we have studied hard for, we have to think about how important graduation is, or how important not disappointing a love one is, or how much we want to develop our skills to be able to create a great legacy, so that we don’t cater to the momentary idea of quitting. Whatever our reason, our reaction to failing the test is based upon our will to excel. The less the family unit is intact, the harder it will be to be positive; but the more will power will be created in the people who push through, even without being recognized and hugged for their efforts.

So how do we learn WILL POWER?


The following action steps can be done in 1 minute increments of work. That way, for those of us who get freaked out with frustration quickly, there are only 60 seconds to endure. After several sets of 60 seconds, these steps are not so brutal to do. In other words, once we take an action a few time, it starts to become a new routine or habit that is familiar. We have less resistance to it.

1)     For the next 30 days (or for a week, if 30 days is too long), leave 1 bite of the favorite selection of food on every plate every time you eat. This will become a habit, and the feeling of disappointment in having to leave food on the plate will become pride in accomplishment. It is better to waste this morsel of food than to overeat regularly.

2)    Buy 4 cases of bottled water, 16 ounce bottles. (The waste involved in purchasing manufactured plastic is minor if this one act helps you to help change. Do not throw the bottles out. You will refill them in the future.) Always take 3 with you in case you have 3 food cravings until you get home. At the first twinge of food craving, even if it is true hunger, drink 1 bottle. This should fill you and change the craving. It will also begin the habit of using water to refresh yourself. A new and healthy habit.

3)    For the next 30 days (or for a week, if 30 days is too long), as soon as you feel a food craving, go to the rest room or a park bench where you may have some privacy. With palms on the kidneys, make a hula hoop motion with the waist for 30 rotations. This should reduce your craving as well as maximize the flexibility of the waist which is always good for health and digestion. If you don’t feel any cravings during the day, make it a point to do this exercise anyway, once a day for the 30 days or as a general routine after that.


Will power can be learned, increased, tempered, fueled, created and regenerated. From the very first time we don’t get what we want, it starts to develop and continues to do so as long as we let it. When we get into a rut and need to change a habit or need to deploy adrenaline to save ourselves or another;  we use our will power.

The 3 simple action steps, above, can change us. They will build layer after layer of comfortable control that we can exercise “at will.” Taking repetitive action steps toward a goal produces the results we want. We just have to stick it out using the will power muscle.

Once we have used these techniques for 30 days, our will power, from disciplining ourselves, will be stronger than before, similar to a body muscle that has repeated an exercise routine for 30 days.

We should continue using the steps for another 30 days. At the end of the second 30 days, we should make these steps part of our daily routine. Not eating beyond capacity is always good; drinking lots of water is always good and being ahead of our cravings through exercise is always the way.

May our will power for weight loss and any other goal we have soar!


It is recommended not to stop these 3 steps so that you get some experience with understanding when your cravings increase and decrease and how much will power you have over them.

I would like to acknowledge Charles Duhigg and his book, The Power Of Habit for some of the research gathering used in this article.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Moms For Healthy Daughters, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert and a dedicated mom.
She knows ultimate will power is only an instant away. Diane says,

“One of the things I have learned is that we can muster up the strength to achieve whatever we want to achieve. The ability to do so is in our development of will power.

“We think we can’t go on, but we can, for just another minute. And, very often, all we need is that 1 more minute to achieve our weight loss goal, to complete an exam, to find our way when we are lost, to create a masterpiece. By following the 3 easy steps, I am confident that you can jump start your will power so that you will feel that strength for yourself and be able to reproduce it at will. Let’s begin now. ”

For help, check out 1-Step Consulting.

About Habits & Will Power

Habit Change In One Step

by Diane Gold on March 7, 2017.

Today’s issue, as most of them are, focuses on habit change. How about that one step technique!

Also in this issue….

Getting Rid Of Nausea – Move It! Move It!

by Diane Gold on Otober 18, 2016.

Today’s issue focuses on getting rid of nausea, a technique I rediscovered by accident.

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The One Step Technique For Imperfect Health

by Diane Gold on August 30, 2016.

Today’s issue focuses on using the one step technique for imperfect health. I get personal.

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Conflict Resolution Education

by Diane Gold on August 2, 2016.

This article focuses on conflict resolution education and how we need it as early as our first days in school.

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The Great Stress Relief Technique

by Diane Gold on May 31, 2016.

Today’s issue focuses on stress relief and the amazing impact focus has on it.

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Eastern And Western Medicine – The Hole

by Diane Gold on April 26, 2016.

Today’s issue focuses on Eastern And Western Medicine and the HOLE between them that exists because of lack of integration – and how to fix it.

Also in this issue….

Myth Of Meditation – And The Million Dollar Secret

by Diane Gold on March 15, 2016.

Today’s issue focuses on the myth of meditation and my very small but important secret to replace the myth with rock solid evidence. I am proud to share it.

Also in this issue….

Diane Gold – Saying Hello One Last Time

by Diane Gold on January 19, 2016.

It’s Diane Gold. I wanted to say hello one last time This may be my last mag, although I hope to write when I can.

Also in this issue….

Sexual Rights: The Right To Refuse

by Diane Gold on December 22, 2015.

Our main essay is about sexual rights and how being forced is a violation of human rights.

Also in this issue….

Supply Chain Transparency

by Diane Gold on December 15, 2015.

Our main essay talks about supply chain transparency. Most of the time, we don’t think about what goes into a product we use. Kudos to California for having a required disclosure of awareness.

Also in this issue….

The Road Of Peace Is Ours In One Step

by Diane Gold on November 24, 2015.

Our main essay talks about my favorite subject, being at peace, being on a road of peace. I have written on this subject to commemorate our 200th Issue.

Also in this issue….

Habits Formed By Our Belief Systems

by Diane Gold on November 17, 2015.

Our main essay talks about belief systems and the habits we form and can reform along the way.

Also in this issue….

Secret Of Vitamin D

by Diane Gold on November 10, 2015.

Our main essay gives the secret of Vitamin D, our habits and the action steps that help us help ourselves.

Also in this issue….

Food Habits – Continually Upgrading To Good Ones

by Diane Gold on October 27, 2015.

Our main essay talks about food habits and gives action steps that help us make them what’s best for us.

Also in this issue….

Recycling Is Our Responsibility

by Diane Gold on October 13, 2015.

Our main essay talks about recycling, why we do it and whose responsibility it is.

Also in this issue….

Conventional Produce – GMOs And Pesticides

by Diane Gold on October 6, 2015.

Our main essay talks about the term “conventional produce” and how it blinds us to the GMOs that are commonly included in this category.

Also in this issue….

Abuser – Why We Abuse

by Diane Gold on September 29, 2015.

Our main essay talks about people who are the abuser and why we abuse.

Also in this issue….

Abused At Home – Why We Allow It

by Diane Gold on September 22, 2015.

Our main essay talks about those of us who are abused at home and why some of us do not remove ourselves from the situation.

Also in this issue….

Good Food – The Most Potent Part Of Our Day!

by Diane Gold on September 15, 2015.

Our main essay talks about good food and gives food for thought to the reader.

Also in this issue….

Health Care Mistakes: Our Biggest One

by Diane Gold on March 24, 2015.

Our main essay talks about the biggest of health care mistakes and includes a what if scenario to get us thinking.

Also in this issue….

Water Shortage: Our Role

by Diane Gold on March 17, 2015.

Our main essay talks about water shortage and why we are involved, no matter how much water we have.

Also in this issue….

Learning How To Learn: Our Biggest Mistake

by Diane Gold on March 10, 2015.

Our main essay talks about learning how to learn, the mistake we make by not teaching the process as soon as we start school.

Also in this issue….

Balance In Our Lives

by Diane Gold on March 3, 2015.

Our main essay talks about balance in our lives, which comes from a systematic approach to living.

Also in this issue….

Plastics In Food And Bloodstream

by Diane Gold on February 17, 2015.

Our main essay talks about plastics in food and inside our blood.

Also in this issue….

Olive Oil Science

by Diane Gold on February 3, 2015.

Our main essay talks about what happens to olive oil when it gets too hot. We also take a look at the qualifications of people who give the answers.

Also in this issue….

Who Pays? Our Habit Of Not Paying For Our Food

by Diane Gold on January 27, 2015.

Our main essay talks about who pays for the land, oceans, soil, water that we overuse to produce food and the species we endanger or wipe out in the process. It applies to all people who eat.

Also in this issue….

6 Ways To Be More Productive And Love It More

by Diane Gold on January 20, 2015.

Our main essay talks about 6 ways to get productive and be gloriously happy while producing.

Also in this issue….

Making A Difference In 2015

by Diane Gold on January 6, 2015.

Our main essay talks about how everything we do is making a difference. The author lists what’s possible and mentions food labeling, wearing sustainable clothing, as well as topics important to her.

Also in this issue….

The New Year’s Resolution – How To Succeed

by Diane Gold on December 23, 2014.

Our main essay talks about the new year’s resolution and how to get it done.

Also in this issue….

The Airplane Workout Is Here: Stop In-Flight Clots

by Diane Gold on December 16, 2014.

Our main essay talks about the long awaited book by Diane Gold, The Airplane Workout, which helps in-flight clots and talks about how to prevent them, including one sample exercise from the book for your next flight.

Also in this issue….

The Secret Of Habit Change Is To Step

by Diane Gold on December 9, 2014.

Our main essay talks about the secret of habit change, which is to step, make that move, do.

Also in this issue….

A Simple Behavior Change Strategy

by Diane Gold on December 2, 2014.

Our main essay talks about what causes our urges and a simple behavior change strategy.

Also in this issue….

WarriorsofWeight.Com Water Campaign For Thanksgiving

by Diane Gold on November 18, 2014.

Our discussion today is to announce our water campaign. Together, we can build 1 single well that can provide for 500-1,000 people with 10 years of water. Please take a minute to ponder this one. Anyone who donates can have…at no charge.

Also in this issue….

Think Life Sucks? 10 Things That May Not

by Diane Gold on November 4, 2014.

Our main essay talks about 10 things that may not suck in the life of someone who thinks life sucks.

Also in this issue….

Being A Material Girl: Not I

by Diane Gold on October 28, 2014.

Our main essay talks about whether we choose to be material and pursue money in the hierarchical system or if we decide to focus on a life of freedom that works on spiritual benefits first.

Also in this issue….

Our Food Habit Of Not Asking The Right Question

by Diane Gold on October 21, 2014.

Our main essay talks about our food habit of not asking the right question. Easier than we think!

Also in this issue….

How To Replace A Habit

by Diane Gold on October 14, 2014.

Our main essay talks about how to replace a habit. Easier than we think, even if it’s been excruciating in the past!

Also in this issue….

Composting: How And Why

by Diane Gold on October 7, 2014.

Our main essay talks about composting and how to proceed successfully.
Also in this issue….

What’s On Your Produce?

by Diane Gold on September 23, 2014.

Our main essay talks about knowing what’s on our fruits and vegetables with some surprising information about what the National Organic Program allows.

Also in this issue….

Nutrient Composition, As Per T. Colin Campbell

by Diane Gold on September 16, 2014.

Our main essay talks about nutrient composition, the percentage of fats, proteins and carbohydrates that T. Colin Campbell, grand nutritionist, has discovered is the correct balance.

Also in this issue….

Recognizing 9 Early Warning Signs Of Depression

by Diane Gold on September 2, 2014.

Our main essay talks about recognizing depression and how we each can be aware if the signs in ourselves or others.

Also in this issue….

Our Habit Of War: 5 Mistakes We Make

by Diane Gold on August 26, 2014.

Our main essay talks about our habit of resolving aggression with aggression and how looking through the other person’s eyes is one way to get perspective.

Also in this issue….

The Habit Of Meditation: The True Mission

by Diane Gold on August 19, 2014.

Our main essay talks about the habit of meditation and what it truly does for us.

Also in this issue….

Inflated Ego At The Expense Of Others

by Diane Gold on August 12, 2014.

Our main essay talks about how, sometimes, our inflated ego can be cruel in order to cover up our own insecurities.

Also in this issue….

Prejudice Is A Habit We Can Replace

by Diane Gold on August 5, 2014.

Our main essay talks about how prejudice is a habit and how that habit can be replaced with a new and more useful one.

Also in this issue….

What If Nike’s Logo Meant Food For The Poor?

by Diane Gold on July 22, 2014.

Our main essay focuses on a “what if” scenario. “What if” the largest multinational companies’ missions were to benefit the world’s poor with food, water, clothing, housing, health care! This article suggests a possible model for this to happen. It also offers food for thought to encourage us to innovate the solution for ourselves.on patient’s rights and how our accepting doctor’s orders is not in our best interest until we’ve researched options and been given choices.

Also in this issue….

Patient Rights vs. Doctor’s Orders

by Diane Gold on July 15, 2014.

Our main essay focuses on patient rights and how our accepting doctor’s orders is not in our best interest until we’ve researched options and been given choices.

Also in this issue….

Our Habits Of Trusting Media: 5 Mistakes We Make

by Diane Gold on July 1, 2014. Our main essay talks about trusting media and the mistakes we make by not recognizing relationships that deter most media companies and their employees from reporting the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Also in this issue….

Profit From Peace-The Peace Industry TV Show

by Diane Gold on June 24, 2014. Our main essay talks about making profit from peace, rather than war, and proposes a competition based TV show to generate investors. Also in this issue….

Citizens For Change: No More Status Quo GMOs

by Diane Gold on May 27, 2014. Our main essay is about taking action toward protecting our food supply from genetic modified organisms (GMOs). Also in this issue….

Incomplete Medicine vs. Integrative Medicine

by Diane Gold on May 20, 2014. Our main essay is about integrative medicine and the possibilities of its being the standard way. Also in this issue….

The Habit Of An Eye For An Eye: Changing The Penal System For Non-Violent Crimes

by Diane Gold on May 13, 2014. Our main essay talks about the concept of an eye for an eye and some action steps to change the penal system for non-violent offenders. Also in this issue….

Move Over Botox, Exercise To Rejuvenate Skin

by Diane Gold on Apr. 22, 2014. Our main essay is about how exercise can rejuvenate the skin. It includes comment about injectable face fillers. Also in this issue….

7 Reasons For Workout Burnout: Then Do Tai Chi

by Diane Gold on Apr. 15, 2014. Our main essay is about workout burnout and how doing tai chi avoids it. Also in this issue….

Low Vitamin D Linked To Disease In 2 Big Studies

by Diane Gold on Apr. 8, 2014. Our main essay was written by Anahad O’Connor, our expert from The New York Times, and edited by the publisher. It is research about vitamin D and disease. Also in this issue….

Ignoring Conflicts Of Interest In Health Care

by Diane Gold on Apr. 1, 2014. Our main essay is about many of the conflicts of interest that cause some of the fractures in our health care system and how we are NOT doomed. Also in this issue….

The Habit Of Peaceful Conflict Resolution

by Diane Gold on Mar. 25, 2014. Our main essay is one of my favorites. It’s about cultivating peaceful methods to resolve conflict and how our actions may affect the future of peace. Also in this issue….

How Slouching Destroys Health

by Diane Gold on Mar. 18, 2014. This week’s main essay is about how slouching really destroys our health. Who knew? Also in this issue….

The Habit Of Eating Meat May Be Hurting Us

by Diane Gold on Mar. 11, 2014. Our main essay is about the habit of eating meat and what consequences come from that. Also in this issue….

Quitting A Habit!

by Diane Gold on Feb. 25, 2014. Our main essay talks about the the term “quitting” as it applies to habit change. Also in this issue….

The Real Scoop On The Health Care Law!

by Diane Gold on Feb. 18, 2014. Our main essay talks about the health care law and how it may cause people to work less as W-2 employees. Also in this issue….

The Number One Method For Habit Change

by Diane Gold on Feb. 11, 2014. Our essay delivers the simplest, universal formula for how to change a habit. This was inspired by my talk at the Women Referring Women luncheon. Also in this issue….

The Manipulation Of Evidence-Based Medicine

by Diane Gold on February 4, 2014. Our main essay shares many of the ways in which evidence-based medicine can be manipulated. (It also thanks those who are honest and noble in the industry.) Also in this issue….

Healthy Eating: Why Does The U.S. Fall Behind?

by Diane Gold on Jan. 28, 2014. Our main essay talks about the United States is not number one in healthy eating and why. Also in this issue….

10 Habit Change Mistakes Educated People Make

by Diane Gold on Jan. 21, 2014. Our main essay talks about habit change mistakes. We all tend to make them when we don’t ground ourselves first. Also in this issue….

How Personal Development Can Change The World

by Diane Gold on Jan. 7, 2014. This week, our main essay talks about personal development and how it can change the world. Also in this issue….

Habit Change: Our New Year’s Resolution

by Diane Gold on Dec. 31, 2013. Our Happy New Year main essay is about habit change and New Year’s resolution and, of course, success. Also in this issue….

The Habit Of Forgiveness: How To Forgive Even When It Seems Impossible

by Diane Gold on Dec. 24, 2013. This week, our main essay talks about developing the habit of forgiveness and how to go about it even when it seems impossible. Also in this issue….

Habit Change: Solving Not Complaining

by Diane Gold on Dec. 17, 2013. This week, our main essay talks about how we complain, exclusive of solving, and the importance of solutions. Also in this issue….

Best Ab Exercise In 30 Seconds Or Less

by Diane Gold on Dec. 10, 2013. This week, our main essay is a less than one minute exercise, in itself, along with an explanation about how to avoid injury during training. Also in this issue….

Hidden Clinical Trials

by Diane Gold on Dec. 3, 2013. This week, our main essay talks about clinical trials that are not reported. We rarely question this since we are in the habit of not questioning what doctors or medical professionals say. Also in this issue….

Are You An Enabler, Codependent On A User?

by Diane Gold on Nov. 26, 2013. This week, our main essay talks about being an enabler, someone so wrapped up in a user’s behavior, it’s bad news for both people. Also in this issue….

Habitual Behavior Develops Valuable Skills

by Diane Gold on Nov. 19, 2013. This week, our main essay talks about how, through learning how to maintain our habitual behavior, we develop very valuable skills that are beneficial to us and to the world. Also in this issue….

Pesticides: Which Fruits-Veggies Have Least?

by Diane Gold on Nov. 12, 2013. This week, our main essay talks about pesticides and includes two consumer guides to buying produce with the least amount of residue. Also in this issue….

6 Great Reasons For Plant-Based Nutrition

by Diane Gold on Nov. 5, 2013. This week, our main essay gives 6 valid reasons to consider plant-based nutrition. Also in this issue….

Is Sugar Good For Our Health?

by Diane Gold on Oct. 29, 2013. This week, our main essay talks about sugar and whether it is good for our health. Also in this issue….

The Habit Of Gratitude And 100 Ways To Feel It

by Diane Gold on Oct. 22, 2013. This week we are publishing our 100th Issue, which means we are celebrating our Second Anniversary. Therefore, we have a special main essay which is a list of 100 things that may make us feel gratitude. Also in this issue….

3 Habit Changes That Turn Sickness Into Health!

by Diane Gold on Oct. 14, 2013. This week, our main essay offers three habit changes that turn sickness into health. Also in this issue….

Social Influence, Habit Change And What’s Missing!

by Diane Gold on Oct. 7, 2013. This week, we bring you our main essay about groups that influence habit change and what’s missing from many of them. Also in this issue….

The One Secret To Habit Change: Get It And Use It!

by Diane Gold on Sept. 30, 2013. This week, we bring you the one secret to habit change. Also in this issue….

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Of Habit Change

by Diane Gold on Sept. 23, 2013. This week, we bring you THE mistakes of habit change that seem universal to humans. From these come the commandments to change a habit. Also in this issue…

Can Gut Microbes Help With Weight Loss?

by Diane Gold on Sept. 9, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on a study about gut microorganisms as a possible technique for weight loss. Also in this issue…

The Benefits Of Forgiveness And Revenge

by Diane Gold on Sept. 2, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on our ability to temper our forgiveness and our revenge. Also in this issue…

Our Path To Happiness:Do Our Genes Know Before We Do?

by Diane Gold on Aug. 26, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on how the significance of how we achieve happiness is detected and processed by our genes to our benefit or our detriment. Also in this issue…

Reading Food And Supplement Labels: How Habits Form

by Diane Gold on Aug. 19, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on food and supplement labels and how we form habits as a result. Also in this issue…

Habit Masters; We Are

by Diane Gold on Aug. 12, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on the idea that we are habit masters from all the training we have given ourselves with various life behaviors. There are 12 proposed action steps. Also in this issue…

Health Care Costs: Statistics And Solutions

by Diane Gold on Aug. 5, 2013. This week, our main article talks about the cost of health care. There are 11 possible action steps. Also in this issue…

Are You Liberated? And What That Means For Habit Change

by Diane Gold on July 29, 2013. This week, our main article talks about personal liberation and what it means for habit change. There are 10 action steps. Also in this issue…

How Water Works On Habit Change

by Diane Gold on July 22, 2013. This week, our main article talks about this simple technique that can mean the difference between habit change and frustration. And there are simple action steps to follow. Also in this issue…

The One Necessary Success Habit Anyone Can Learn: And How To Develop It!

by Diane Gold on July 15, 2013. This week, our main article talks about one habit that successful people all know about. Almost anyone can learn it through our action steps, included. Also in this issue…

Supplements vs. Pharmaceuticals: The Comparison

by Diane Gold on July 8, 2013. This week, our main article talks about some of the differences between supplements and pharmaceuticals, including a quote from Dr. Jaroslav Boublik. Also in this issue…

The Supplement Game: Are You In It?

by Diane Gold on July 1, 2013. This week, our main article talks about taking supplements at the expense of learning to eat well. Also in this issue…

Habits In Medical Care, Part Two: Pay That Bill!

by Diane Gold on June 24, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on habits in medical care: autopaying our bills. Also in this issue…

The Biggest Habit, The Inflexible Mind: 3 Scenarios

by Diane Gold on June 17, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on THE habit of the mind: inflexibility and three scenarios to recognize. Also in this issue…

Habits In Medical Care: Part One – What Certificate Is That?

by Diane Gold on June 3, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on habits obtained regarding medical care. Also in this issue…

Why Change A Habit? Your Legacy Awaits

by Diane Gold on May 27, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on why to change a habit and how that ties to our legacy. Also in this issue…

Changing Food Habits: Are You Eating GMOs, Organic Foods Or …?

by Diane Gold on May 20, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on changing our food habits as we have more knowledge of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and foods that are labeled “organic.” Also in this issue…

Education And Parenting: How To Build Good Habits

by Diane Gold on May 13, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on education and parenting, dedicated to all of us who have nurtured someone or something in this life. Also in this issue…

The Grade Game: Successful Habits In Education

by Diane Gold on May 6, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on using grades to measure success in education. Also in this issue…

Guru, Master & Mentor: Are You In The Habit Of Verifying The Title?

by Diane Gold on Apr. 29, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on the use of the words “guru, master and mentor.” Also in this issue…

Tai Chi, Walking & Other Fitness Training:Turning Exercise Into Habit

by Diane Gold on Apr. 22, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on fitness exercises and how we train them. Tai chi is first in the title in honor of World Tai Chi Day, Saturday. Also in this issue…

The Peace Process Formula: Phase 3

by Diane Gold on Apr. 15, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on the peace process formula. It is the third installment in the series. Also in this issue…

Women As Slaves: How To Change This Habit

by Diane Gold on Apr. 8, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on women as slaves and how we change this habit. Also in this issue…

What Martial Art … Helps Change A Habit?

by Diane Gold on Apr. 1, 2013. This week, our main article focuses on tai chi and how tai chi principle can help change a habit. Also in this issue…

Martial Arts Of The Mind

by Diane Gold on Mar. 25, 2013. This week, our main article is about martial arts of the mind. This article transpired as a discussion for a kung fu student who needed to understand that the physical exercises are the tools for the accomplishments of the mind. This article is a reminder of that truth. Also in this issue…

Change A Habit: How The Health Care System Has Taught Us Bad Habits

by Diane Gold on Mar. 18, 2013. This week, our main article is about how the U.S. Health Care System has led us to need to Change A Habit. Also in this issue…

Sprouts: 7 Reasons Why. With Commentary By Jason McCobb, aka Farmer Jay

by Diane Gold on Mar. 11, 2013. This week, our main article is about sprouting, with guidance from Farmer Jay of Farmer-Jay-Pure-Organics. Also in this issue…

The Gender Issue

by Diane Gold on Mar. 4, 2013. This week, our main article talks about the gender issue as it relates to women. Also in this issue…

Peace Needs A Bridge: How To Build It And Keep It Open

by Diane Gold on Feb. 25, 2013. This week, our main article talks about the fact that Peace needs a bridge in order to make it real. Also in this issue…

How To Change A Habit By Realizing Our Luxuries

by Diane Gold on Feb. 18, 2013. This week, we have an article about how to change a habit by realizing how much we have. Also in this issue…

Timing Of Meals Affects Weight Loss

by Diane Gold on Feb. 11, 2013. This week, we have an article on Timing Of Meals by Anahad O’Connor, followed by comments and action steps by me. Also in this issue…

The Protein Myth: That We Need All The Essential Amino Acids At Every Meal

by Diane Gold on Feb. 4, 2013. This week, we have an article about the protein myth, the fact that it’s not necessary to combine proteins to get all the amino acids in one sitting. Also in this issue…

Turning Habits Into Health: How 1 Step At A Time Can Make The Change

by Diane Gold on Jan. 28, 2013. This week, we talk about Turning Habits Into Health and the 1-step at a time approach to habit change. Also in this issue…

Water For Weight Loss, Emotional Eating Turned To Healthy Hydration

by Diane Gold on Jan. 14, 2013. This week, we talk about how drinking water can temper food cravings habitually. We also consider that water is not in abundance for all people. Also in this issue…

Food Cravings: How To Maximize Them For Our Good Health

by Diane Gold on Jan. 7, 2013. First issue in 2013, and we are raring to go! This week’s article talks about maximizing our food cravings so that we can be healthier. Also in this issue…

Plant-Based Nutrition And 3 Weight Loss Factors That Come Along, Too

by Diane Gold on Dec. 31, 2012. This week’s article talks about plant-based nutrition and 3 weight loss factors to look for. It is in this section so that we can make habits out of the 3 factors. Also in this issue… hr noshade=”noshade” />

Crossroads: Successfully Choosing The Way We Make Decisions

by Diane Gold on Dec. 24, 2012. This week’s article talks about crossroads and the ways we handle them when they come. Also in this issue…

Appetite Control: How Saving Someone Other Than Ourselves Balances Appetite

by Diane Gold on Dec. 17, 2012. This week’s article talks about the appetite and how saving someone other than ourselves can balance our appetite. Also in this issue…

Dancing For Weight Loss: A Fun Way To Firm It, Move It, Remove It

by Diane Gold on Nov. 26, 2012. This week’s main article is about using dancing for weight loss with 5 action steps from which to choose. Also in this issue…

Will Power For Weight Loss And Other Goals: 3 Steps To Jump Start It

by Diane Gold on October 15, 2012. This week’s main article is about will power for weight loss and other goals. It ends with 3 steps to jump start your will power that can really make a difference. Also in this issue…

The Habit Cycle: Cue-Action-Reward-Cue-ReplaceAction-Reward

by Diane Gold on September 17, 2012. This week’s main article is about habits and how we can examine them. We have an awesome infographic that tells the story. Also in this issue…

Anatomy Of A Habit: 10 Excuses That Don’t Work Any More. Or Do They?

by Diane Gold on September 3, 2012. A few weeks ago, there was an article on Habits. Due to the enthusiastic response and in preparation for the book on the subject, this week’s main article is Anatomy Of A Habit. Also in this issue…

Bad Habits: How To Change A Habit

by Diane Gold on August 20, 2012. This week’s main article is about Changing Bad Habits. We have included access to a flowchart with a step-by-step diagram. Also in this issue…