Posts in "Articles"

Balance In Our Lives


By Diane Gold

Balance in our lives seems like a “played out” expression, verbal hype that marketers, coaches or therapists (sometimes hard to tell them apart until we look at their wall) use to lure us into buying their coaching programs. But the reason so many people seek out the programs (like warriorsofweight-consulting), even if advertising leads us to them, is that many of us don’t have a system that works.


I believe that we each need some sort of balance formula, a set of categories within our systematic approach to living our best life. For me, today, I have included:
1)   body-mind rest and renewal, without which we are not good to ourselves or others;
2)   support and love from family and friends, without which we stagnate;
3)   a satisfying way to be creative, without which we leave our artist untapped;
4)   a satisfying way to self-sustain, without which we are less productive (please note that not everyone needs to have a job or career; some choose to trade services; others choose adventures other than the regular work model);
Balance In Our Lives - Something Spiritually Rooting

5)   something spiritually rooting, without which we look for a root;

6)   non-chemical, non-polluting nutrition, which means without plastic and metal leaching from cookware and dishware, which means no genetic modification in the seeds, which means no type of food that causes global depletion (such as methane run off from livestock, dead zones from overfishing, soil depletion and desertification of land from animal grazing in dairy farms or cattle ranches) which leaves us with organic plant-based food;
7)   ethics, music, art, without which we are not whole human beings;
8)   joyful physical activity, without which we do not stimulate our body’s systems to stay healthy.

Which ones of mine are yours?


This formula does not include shelter and clothing, although these are quite necessary. It also does include something spiritual which does include self-esteem and other things that do not have to do with our physical nature. It is a general outline.

Suffice it to say there is no one right way or best way. I prefer this way, you prefer that way, she prefers a completely different way and he prefers a combination of yours and hers. The idea is to have one, or, at least, think about developing one. It’s handy, not too tough to create and comes in, oh, so handy, on a daily basis.

We may have heard someone say,

“I’m missing something,”


“I feel like there’s a hole inside me.”

Even the expression,

“I have to get myself together,”

means a gathering of behaviors, reactions and choices so that we more clearly live our best vision of and for ourselves and others at that point in time and onward.

We all feel, at least, a little as if we have to make some adjustment at one time or other. It’s part of the process we go through where we reshuffle ourselves to become more (here comes the word again) in balance, where we make personal changes to become more supportive of our goals and ourselves.Balance In Our Lives - Wheel Of Balance


We can almost think of the formula as a wheel of balance with each category a spoke. What I would put in as the categories that we need to balance life are these. As I said before, each of us may differ; although, we, humans, are not all that different and most of us would include these in our list.



Now that we have an infrastructure, a framework, an outline from which to work; we can decide what to keep, what to add, what to omit. So let’s self-evaluate, slowly, consistently and on a continual basis. Once we get ourselves in balance, we change. And we actually do change daily. So, it would make sense to go through this process frequently to see whether the balance in our lives required major or minor tailoring.

A good example might be for us to look at an aircraft in the wind. Whether it’s a hang glider or a jet, as the wind changes, which it does continually, the pilot makes changes to accommodate it, from mini-changes all the way up to rerouting or not flying.

This adjustment is something we should look at daily. It will serve us well.


Balance In Our Lives Conclusion The balance in our lives is really a process. It’s not one place we obtain and stay. As with the wind, there are always new goals, new conditions, new feelings, new advantages, new obstacles for which or from which to adapt.

Whether we compromise to accommodate a loved one or change a spiritual outlook or activity; it is important to include the entire assortment. In the meantime while each person is figuring out balance in our lives, the outline above is a starting point.


I always say I am a better editor than I am a writer. In seeing the balance in our lives wheel, above, I immediately began to edit it. But, when we put too many things in, we get lost in the weeds.

So this is good for now. I’m sure tomorrow, I will see something new because I will be new. And so will you.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying peaceful conflict resolution and habit replacement, certified in Whole-Foods Plant-Based Nutrition.

She believes that small, consistent changes in our lives mount to ever improving quality of life improvements. She says,

“If we are consistent and relaxed, we will make ourselves more fluid, more powerful, more meaningful, more healthy than the day before.

“We each look at life from a different perspective. Most of us require similar things, though: love from other people, creativity, productivity, music, art, fitness and a way to make some sort of difference. We each decide how to balance ourselves.

“And, then, there’s the great opportunity. We can make changes at any time. As we feel the need, we change to support our own balance.

“In the meantime, let us all take good care of ourselves, because we are so worth it!”Border ff99cc

Extinction: Are We Responsible?


By Diane Gold

Extinction: Are We Responsible?Let’s talk about Extinction and Loss Of Species, and are we responsible?

Yes, of course, we know that biology of a species, weather conditions, habitat destruction and ocean overuse, air quality or availability of whatever the species needs to breathe, food availability, water pollution, how the inhabitants of a planet nurture it and natural planetary cycle, all have to do with how long a species survives and how strong that species is.

Today’s article is written by our friend and colleague, Richard Oppenlander, D.D.S., dedicated researcher, who is one of the premier experts on how our food choices affect the sustainability of and species on our planet. He, in his very evidence-based and organized fashion, brings us information on how our food choices tie us to extinction and loss of species.

His last sentence is our ACTION STEP.


by Richard Oppenlander (originally published at

Extinction: Animals, Plants, InsectsThere needs to be a correction, and also modification of a particular concept, to the recently published article I had written for the North American Vegetarian Society (“Meat: no longer just a factory farm issue” in Vegetarian Voice 2012) regarding biodiversity loss.

The “30,000 per year” extinction or loss of species statement I made is actually referring to species of animals, plants, insects—not simply animals (although the “animal” kingdom technically includes insects).

This figure was first brought to light by Harvard naturalist and emeritus professor of biology, Edward Wilson (The Diversity of Life, Harvard University Press 1992) and supported by Niles Eldridge (Life in the Balance, Princeton University Press 1998). Others such as Georgina Mace, Paul Ehrlich have extinction estimates as high as 70,000 to 130,000 species per year (7,000 to 13,000 times the background rate).

After speaking with and interviewing numerous researchers with the Species Survival Commission of IUCN (The World Conservation Union) and COBD (The Convention on Biological Diversity), about this topic over the past four months, I now feel there are many uncertainties surrounding attempts at quantifying the exact number of species becoming extinct per year. For this reason, it is more meaningful to view our planet’s current loss of species and the impact of our food choices in the following manner:

Extinction - Loss Of Habitat1) We are losing species of life as well as ecosystems on Earth at an unprecedented and alarming rate, estimated to be anywhere between 1,000 and 10,000 times the “background rate”—that which had been seen for the previous several thousands of years. Therefore, it is this massive rate of extinction rather than number of loss that becomes a more meaningful metric and cause for concern.

Extinction - Number Of Species Loss Per Year2) It is difficult, if not impossible, to accurately predict the number of species loss per year because of a number of factors. One of the largest unknowns is the exact amount of species that we have on earth, which is a needed component when attempting to determine total numbers of species loss when using an extinction prediction equation. This is one of the reasons the Species Area Curve Relationship method of extinction calculation has led to speculation and wide ranges of numbers of extinct species.

It is the feeling of most researchers today that although we have identified approximately 1.8 million species on our planet, there are most likely between 10 and 30 million that exist.

3) Regardless of the exact number of species becoming extinct per year, it is alarming at best and can be most attributed to loss of habitat—and the predicted future escalation will be due to habitat loss combined with climate change.

4) With estimates of 45% of all the land mass on Earth used by animal agriculture and 1 to 2 trillion fish extracted from our oceans each year (by fishing methods such as trawling, purse seine, long lines, explosives and other techniques that are damaging ecosystems)—eating animals (fishing and livestock production) is the largest contributing factor in habitat loss and constitutes the second largest sector implicated in anthropogenic [human caused] greenhouse gas emissions which lead to climate change.

Extinction - Fish Vulnerable To ExtinctionThere has been widespread thought that marine species were more resilient to extinction and our further exploitation. However, there is finally a growing amount of evidence that fish and wildlife in our oceans are as, or more, vulnerable to extinction than many terrestrial and freshwater species. Extinction – Fish Vulnerable To Extinction

Despite continued massive harvesting of sea life from our oceans, it is generally agreed upon by researchers not affiliated with sustainable certifying organizations that the amount and distribution of threatened marine species is, at best, “poorly known.” Our demand to eat fish cannot be taken out of the equation when discussing our abuse of natural resources, eventual loss of species, and climate change.

Habitat loss is far and away the most pervasive threat to terrestrial animal species, impacting 86% of all mammals, 88% of amphibians, and 86% of all birds. One in every eight birds, one in every three amphibians and one in every four mammals is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the near future. Overexploitation of animals for consumption remains a second major factor for extinction such as can be seen in wild meat trade in Africa and Southeast Asia and all hunting endeavors on land, globally.

Current biodiversity assessments (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, IUCN Red List, and the Global Environmental and Biodiversity Outlook) now generally agree that land use change, modification of river flow, freshwater pollution, and exploitation of marine environments are the most significant drivers of biodiversity change and loss of species. Eventually, ocean acidification and climate change will become increasingly important. With overharvesting sea life in our oceans and raising livestock on land (grazing or CAFOs [factory farms]), our demand to eat animals and animal products remains the largest contributing anthropogenic factor to those accepted drivers of loss of species on Earth.

Extinction Prevention - Eat Plants, Not Animals


Let’s eat plants, not animals, and inspire others to do the same.





Dr. Richard Oppenlander is a researcher who studies the effects of food choices on health and environment. A dentist by day, he lectures about how animal agriculture is the biggest driver of global depletion and talks about solutions we can implement. He has written Comfortably Unaware and Food Choice And Sustainability, both flowing books with a wealth of scientific back up about how our food choices affect our land, oceans, water, air, soil, health. A copy of both books resides in my local public library ready to be read. And yours?

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition in certificate course, peaceful conflict resolution and habit replacement.

She is so pleased to bring Richard Oppenlander. She says,

“Richard brings with him the honesty to speak about what we eat and how these choices affect our planet. He is always interested in the truth, and, at the same time, cares about the lives of animals. He offers the idea that becoming moderate will not work because we won’t be able to change our climate and our planet in time if we take our time. His message is clear, and that is to stop eating animals, fish, fowl, dairy and eggs.

“I second that, since I think it is the right way to live.

“And, finally, let us all take good care of ourselves, because we are so worth it!”

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Plastics In Food And Bloodstream


By Diane Gold

Plastics In Food And BloodstreamMost of us consume plastics in food. We don’t set out to do it, but some of our plastic technology disintegrates into our food and, therefore, into our blood.

We buy cellophane wrapped produce which leaches into our food. We warm take-out dinners in plastic containers which leach some of their composition. Almost every can we use is coated with plastic-like substance to protect us from toxic aluminum. Bottles from beverages leach toxins. And then, there is plastic dinnerware that is easier to use than any other. Sadly, it allows for plastics in food.


Plastics In Food - Bisphenol ABisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that has been studied to find that it can disrupt estrogen. It is found as one of the ingredients in many plastics.

Anila Jacobs, senior scientist at the Environmental Working Group, says,

“Although most of the chemicals making the culinary crossing are considered safe, it’s not because they’ve been proven safe; it’s because no one has proven them unsafe.”

Laura Vandenburg, post doctoral fellow, biology, Tuft U, Boston, mentions the amounts of BPA that leach are small and says,

“Almost any plastic container can be expected to leach trace amounts of plastics into food,”

“The levels of BPA in people frequently exceed the levels shown to have effects in rodents in these studies.”

She also mentions that BPA can be found in the linings in cans.

Plastics In Food - In The Linings Of CansThe National Congress Of Legislatures lists the following:

FDA has “expressed some concern” about BPA.
FDA bans BPA from baby bottles and sippy cups as of July, 2012.
The following states have banned BPA in plastic bottles or baby food containers that are intended for young, ages and exact items varying by state:
Washington prohibits sale, distribution and manufacture of empty bottles that contain BPA.
DC has banned BPA empty bottles if they are to be filled with liquid.
3 years earlier, Suffolk County, Chicago and Canada had banned baby bottles containing BPA.

Another 2 notes on BPA: the U.S. Senate has banned use of thermal receipt and cash register receipt paper because its BPA absorb into the skin at high levels.

According to a Journal of Environment Int’l. March, 2014, issue; BPA disrupts endocrine function and may change signals in feeding behavior. This may directly be related to obesity as neural circuits do not tell the body it is full.


As a result of pressure to remove BPA from many of our plastics; on some occasions, we have substituted BPS, bisphenol S. People are just hearing about BPA, so companies know that advertising BPA free on items plays on the public’s ignorance.

According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science study , published January 12, 2015; both BPS and BPA have caused abnormal brain development in zebrafish, a species deemed to be a good medical models for studying prenatal brain development to relate it back to humans. It also caused hyperactivity later in the growth cycle.

Unfortunately, BPS may be no better than BPA. So beware of the next chemical that arrives and know its safety first.


Plastics In Food - IV Bags Up On A PolePhthalates are chemicals used in plastic to make it softer or more pliable. Picture one of those IV bags up on a pole that we see on TV or have received in the hospital to get fluids or medicine. The ones in the hospital contain DEHP, diethylhexyl phthalate. It makes the plastic less stiff so bags can be made with thickness to insure non-breakage.

Although the substance does not leach a great amount if the bag is used right away, for those of us who use the 1000 ml sterile bag 100 ml at a time, as many of us do for our animals’ kidneys; DEHP free is always best and poses no phthalate danger.

So, in humans, phthalates can disrupt hormones, particularly testosterone.
They are found in PVC pipes, perfumes, glue, detergent, paint, kids’ toy packaging, shower curtains, food containers, liquid soap, milk, butter, meat. It leaches into our food.

It is banned in the EU as well as Japan, Argentina, Mexico and 6 more.



Plastics can contain chemicals, like BPA and BPS, that cause estrogenic activity. These chemicals mimic estrogen and have effects on reproduction and health.

George Bittner, professor of neuroscience and CEO of two plastics companies, warns very clearly that consumers shouldn’t settle for products that were merely free of BPA. They should demand products that were free of any chemical with estrogenic activity.


Although this article is about plastics, it may be worthwhile to research aluminum leaching from pans, a variety of chemicals getting into our food from the non-stick pans we use. Ceramic coated pans break down quickly and toxify, whereas pure ceramic pans last a long time. Glaze on porcelain is probably passing lead into your food and, therefore, your bloodstream.

I looked into buying an all ceramic pan to replace my $30 wok from the discount store. It retailed for $135.


Why would no company or agency do research on whether or not plastics are safe? The answer has to do with, you may have guessed it, profit. If companies did research about plastics in food, chances are, someone would hear about it and publish the results The big D companies and the conglomerate cookware companies don’t want to do any research that might show their products are dangerous. They also discourage others from doing them.

How? They don’t donate money to any entity doing this type of study; and, even if they were to commission a study, they have full rights to the information done in every study so that the researchers MUST share findings with these study donors and approve or disapprove publishing the finds.

Or they may make a donation to a research firm, entity, school so that the team does research on some other project. This is perfectly legitimate though not ethical. But the game of business sometimes chooses money over the greater good.

If it happens that some brave soul funds the project herself or gets a benefactor for the research; these mega companies will somehow promise ongoing donations to the university research lab or government agency research lab so that results from the independent study do not go poorly in favor of how unsafe plastic is for our food because the lab wants its money for next year and next year and the next.


Plastics in food are a reality. Our super solutions, like water bottles with BPA, BPS or our canned goods with phthalates were great ideas. Testing them did not go on long enough. Telling the public did not go on at all. And educating the public to how to choose utensils, cookware, drinkware is just starting to happen.

We are responsible for the knowledge. We are also responsible to know that manufacturers’ labels are put there to sell product, not educate us. Therefore, for everything we buy, it’s always a good idea to do the research first.


1) Research containers that hold your water. Make sure you don’t research from the seller. Research the entire class of bottle for which you show interest, and see what the most current papers say. Again, make sure they are not authored by the manufacturer or on the manufacturer’s website.

2) Know that it is not enough to ask your friendly, neighborhood mall worker what’s in the cookware. Most people have no idea other than that someone said BPA was bad and the manufacturers’ sign says BPA free. Do the reading so you can help educate that mall worker and buy the best product for you that is certified Estrogen Activity free. And be on the lookout for the next chemical replacing BPS that may, again, be unsafe.

3) Pass on what you learn. Someone will be grateful.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition step and scertificate course, peaceful conflict resolution and habit replacement.

She broke her last bowl the other day, Melamine, made in China. She says,

“I was graced to have broken my melamine bowl. In looking for another bowl for salad/dinner/etc., I realized there is very little out there that is leach free. When something says BPA free, it’s probably true. The formulation does not, however, tell me what it’s not free of, meaning what replaced the BPA.

“It’s probably time to replace the dishes; its definitely time to buy a few pots. All the new information has me doing research as to what might be the least harmful of each, with eye appeal and low enough price. It’s a fun adventure I look forward to sharing.

“Finally, let us all take good care of ourselves, because we are so worth it!”

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6 Ways To Be More Productive & Love It More


By Diane Gold

More Productive - Be More Productive And Love It MoreTo be more productive and love it more, (1), because we actually will be making a critical difference and (2), because we will be having a great time doing it, is a common aspiration. Who can make that happen, though? There are so many compromises and lots of complicated layers to everything.

True, life is multifaceted, but we can set ourselves on a path of productivity, combined with one of ethical action and awesome happiness. To follow are 6 distinct ways we can do this, any one of which may enhance our lives. We are all unique and worthy. Loving what we are doing is part of it. Contributing through productivity is another.


More Productive - Manage A ProjectLet’s say we wish to manage a project, but no one has assigned us this role. We can create our own project so that we create our own role as project manager. This can be done as part of what we do for our daily livelihood or as our own personal project. It can be for 1 minute a day. Everyone has that much time. It can also be for an hour.

In doing so, we feel satisfied that we have begun a project. Our actions lead to experience in the particular area of our project which lead us to being more productive as we become more familiar and thus more efficient at the project process. We engulf ourselves in work we love because it is our project. If we work for someone else and that someone else finds out about the project, that someone may get to see our project management skill. If we work for ourselves, we accomplish something directly related to our own passion or objective.


No matter what we are doing in our lives, taking a class makes us more productive. We will be around someone else who is passionate about the particular subject which excites us, raises our focus, raises perceived value on the competition grid of industry and usually makes us happy. One of the biggest reasons we get happy is that, during the interval of time when we are studying, whether online or onsite; we are not washing dishes – our own or someone else’s; we are not thinking about daily living items such as finance, relationship and we are in a different mental environment. We are increasing our ability to focus, and we are drinking from the well of knowledge that exists in the classroom. Learning new material about our subject may also enhance our livelihood. This spans courses from janitorial techniques to peaceful conflict resolution role playing to executive training on how to choose a productive team member more efficiently.

If we work for ourselves, we will branch out in course knowledge for ourselves or our business. If we work in the hierarchy of a company, we will bring more to the table and see the job that we do with new eyes.


More Productive - Cook Or Raw A New MealWhen we make our own food, we are caring for ourselves. We get to create nutritious art plus we get to make ourselves healthy by choosing ingredients that include vitamins, minerals, nutrients and phytonutrients that fortify us from harm and make us strong.

Making this meal, we have a chance to be super productive by choosing to use ingredients that have been sustainably grown with no pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or genetic engineering; without rainforest destruction, without soil depletion, without using excessive land or water, without human exploitation for labor, without taking an animal’s life.


Whether we are working on self-esteem or want to gain more from the way we sound; the camera and the mirror always help us see ourselves as others see us. The voice recorder allows us to hear what we sound like. We can go to the webcam or the mirror once a day and tell ourselves how amazing we are. We can start by saying,

“I’m wonderful. I’m kind. I’m happy. I’m helpful. I’m hopeful. I love my life. I love where I live. I love my team. I love the animals in my house. I love my town. I love you. I love myself. Thank you, self, for being who you are.”

But any words can be used. As long as we’re consistent, we’ll get great at it.

If we’re using the webcam, we might also get proficient at making videos for family greeting cards or making videos for marketing our product or service. If not, and, if possible, let us record what we say so we can hear our great message to ourselves.

Here’s a sample video of a young girl doing it some 5 years ago:


More Productive - Meditating, Dancing, Running All Teach Focus

There are a few choices when choosing to meditate. They fall into the category of moving or not moving as in doing tai chi or sitting in the corner.

Dance comes in many styles. We all like a different one.

Running can mean in place or moving distance. We can do it in place, on a track or on the street.

These methods all have one thing in common. Meditating, dancing, running all teach focus. This means grabbing the mind so that we control what it does. The better we get at this, the more time we’ll have because we won’t be thinking about a different task as we are doing our initial task. This makes us more productive.

These activities also recharge us so we can be fabulous and productive in anything we do. All we need is 1 minute a day to succeed. To meditate, we can stand with knees slightly bent, feet shoulder width apart, butt tucked. For dancing and running, we can pick our favorite style, as long as we are moving the body nicely. For all three, we can watch the breath we breathe in and the breathe we breathe out. All we need is 15-60 seconds.


More Productive - Enough RestThis one seems easy. Because we have such full days, we sometimes tend to overdo it before settling down to sleep. At these times, we might find we have not left enough sleep time to feel rested and awesome for our next day.

A quick trick that can give us enough rest if we should awaken and need more sleep, is to do one single liquid-like tai chi movement for 30 seconds, focusing the attention on the center in front of us. This exercise will make us feel as if we have just napped. I have even experienced the feeling that I have taken a 5 hour nap from one small tai chi experience.

When we have enough sleep, negative attitudes disappear; and we are in better condition to produce and love it.


Our 6 ways to be more productive (and love it) are action steps in themselves. They create a type of clarity through focus and self-nurturing that develops drive which causes productivity which leads to enjoyment and satisfaction. Simple steps, all less than a minute.

Here’s the review of the ACTION STEPS:

1) CREATE A PROJECT to manage and complete.

2) TAKE A CLASS in something to self-enhance.

3) COOK OR RAW A NEW MEAL for power, purpose and health.


5) MEDITATE (standing or sitting with straight back), DANCE OR RUN, focusing on our breath.


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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition in certificate course, peaceful conflict resolution and habit replacement.

She is grateful to be focused. She says,

“If we take on what we want someone else to give us, we will get our wish without waiting, and we will gain experience. If we take on a project that we have interest in, we will be fulfilling a dream. Either of these actions make us productive, the acts themselves as well as attitudes about them. They also make us love the productivity. And all we need is a minute a day. So, let’s begin.

“Finally, let us all take good care of ourselves because we are so worth it!”

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5 Ways To Improve Your Health And Mine In 2015


By Diane Gold

Improve Your Health In 20155 Ways To Improve Your Health And Mine will pick areas that are commonly important to us all. How can we go wrong with these options? Feeling healthy makes us feel happier, be more self-sufficient, be stronger on a daily basis, build our body’s foundation and position ourselves for a longer life. So, let’s consider whatever of these ways makes sense and add one to our lives for the new year.


Improve Your Health - Breathing Obviously, we are involved in breathing all day. The body regulates this action automatically, if we don’t. But we can pay deliberate attention to it for extra health. When we slow down and pay attention to the air that goes in and the air that comes out, we build up life energy, almost as if we are storing valuables in a vault. Not much time is needed here, either. Just consistency.


For, at least, one moment during each day, for a minimum of a week, but, hopefully, for each day to follow yesterday ; agree to take a moment out of each day. This can be a 5 second interval up to 60 seconds, sitting or standing. It’s best to be alone, in silence, with minimal smells around, with no artificial light.

Close the eyes and watch the air as you breathe in through the nose.
Keeping the eyes closed, watch the air as you breathe out through the nose.

That’s it. The valuables you will be storing will make you strong of will, strong of body, strong of mind. The longer number of days you continue to do this action, the better it is for a balanced and increasing quality of life.


Improve Your Health - Water Is CrucialWater is crucial. The more fruits and veggies we eat, the more water we have to drink as water. As long as we keep our body’s water balanced, 65% of our body mass, we will be in good shape. The body has water inside our cells, called intracellular fluid. It also has water outside the cells, extracellular fluid, such as water in blood, spine, stomach, both of which have to be kept balanced. Food and salt intake concentrate the “out of cell” fluid while less dilute it.

Drinking more isn’t the answer. Drinking well is.


Drink one extra glass of water a day. But, for this glass, let’s focus our attention on the water as it travels down from the mouth to the stomach, rather than mindlessly gulping it. At least, one time a day, we will drink slowly and thoughtfully, for health.


Improve Your Health - StretchingThe great news about stretching is that we can do it almost anywhere. We have joints that move while we are stationary, so we can think of a body part and begin to move it. Moving it brings heat, blood with life-sustaining oxygen, and flexibility. We do not need any special exercise.


All we have to do is to move a joint, the head, the hands, feet, limbs, butt, belly button as far as possible in any one direction and then the opposite of that. An example of this would be pointing the toe downward and then flexing it or bringing the elbows as high as possible in front of the body and then as high as possible behind the body. Every movement requires care and focused attention on the body part of choice.


Improve Your Health - Goji BerriesIn the past several decades, in the United States, there has been talk about superfoods. The word, superfoods, has been so overused by the nutritional supplement industry that it’s hard to know what’s marketing and what’s science.

My definition of superfoods is those plant-based foods that single-handedly have a huge supply of one or more nutrients and/or phytonutrients.

All of these substances have been used by indigenous people for nutrition and healing, such as maca (for the immune system and vital energy), cacao (for mood stabilizing and bones), spirulina (for vast nutrition), goji berries (for protein and high in anti-oxidants), and, recently, the mainstream media has caught on.


Add one serving of one superfood on a daily basis for one month or to follow from yesterday. I became fascinated with these foods as my energy soared. Maybe you will, too.


Improve Your Health - Put A Smile Into OurselvesWhether we sleep alone or together, taking a short moment to put a smile into ourselves before we fall asleep will cause relaxed mind and muscles and make for good dreams and restful sleep.


Before getting into bed, or, if you were there already, before deciding to go to sleep, decide to take a moment of time to think about happy sleep, putting worries aside, any heated arguments aside. This moment can take as little as 15 seconds. This is enough.



Improving your health takes a moment. Improving my health takes that same moment. I am ready. Are you? I look at it this way: every effort on behalf of our health gives us an extra day or week or month to create, learn or just sit. We have that extra moment that it would take to do any of these 5 exercises. They can only help.

Let’s be proactive to improve your health and mine in 2015, starting now.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition in certificate course, peaceful conflict resolution and habit replacement.

She is grateful to be able to write and spread the word about so many great topics. She says,

“We have great opportunity to care for ourselves. Small efforts on our part make a huge difference in our lives if done consistently. Let us consider one small move on behalf of what our parents would want for us, and take one step to improve our health.

“This step takes good care of us, and we are so worth it!”

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The Airplane Workout-Here-Stop In-Flight Clots


By Diane Gold

The Airplane Workout Helps Stop In-Flight Blood ClotsThe Airplane Workout, just in time for the holidays, can stop in-flight clots. With almost no effort on an airplane flight, we can do the simplest and most effective thing to protect ourselves from getting a blood clot while we’re on a plane.

Did you know that you could get blood clots from flying – and they are often invisible and come without warning?

As a matter of fact, according to the World Health Organization’s Research 1 in 6,000 healthy travelers will have a life threatening blood clot on a flight over 4 hours long as clotting enzymes increase. Frequent travelers are at much greater risk.

815 Million U.S. TravelersThere are 815 million U.S. travelers per year (, meaning 135,000 are subject to clotting in flight . According to, 3% end up with a pulmonary embolism that ends up in death. That’s 4,000 people per year in the U.S. alone who could die from a clot that originated on an airplane.

With similar statistics worldwide, this number would triple to about 12,000 people a year!

Furthermore, says that people who suffer from obesity, use contraceptives, are extreme in height and have thrombotic blood (which points to those with clotting problems to begin with) multiply the calculation of risk. These added risks have been repeatedly corroborated in other research.


But here’s the good news . . .

We can prevent this silent and deadly killer in its tracks just by doing certain exercise activities on the plane. We can significantly reduce chances a blood clot might happen to us.

Would deterring a possible life-threatening embolism be a good reason to do a workout when we fly?


Now, if I’m thinking – I can just get up and walk to the back of the plane. Well the truth is, sometimes we can’t, with the food and drink service, and, other times, turbulence may have taken over and the pilot specifically asks us to remain seated.


A Sample Exercise From The Airplane Workout

That’s why, today, I want to share a fun and easy exercise you can start doing immediately. You will see that it moves a large portion of your body while you are seated.


1) Sit with your back straight and shoulders forward of the hips with space between the chair back and where you place your personal seat.

2) Place relaxed elbows against rib cage with palms on the thighs.

3) Place feet flat on ground, shoulder width apart.

4) Relax the shoulders and lower the chin.

5) Simultaneously, place left and right feet together, and lift the toes.

6) Then come through the flat foot and lift the heels.

7) Then come through the flat foot, and repeat the sequence 29 times, ending with the feet flat.

8) Keep the shoulders forward of the hips with elbows on the rib cage.

9) Relax, and say,


This exercise will get you started, whether at home or in-flight.

This is just one of the simple exercises you can do on a plane. As a matter of fact, I created The Airplane Workout as an entire “workout” plan.



The other amazingly valid reason to do a workout on an airplane is to give us the energy and creativity we need to rock any business presentation, social event, family adventure at our destination.


How We Perceive The FlightLet’s talk about how we perceive the flight itself. Most of us figure we can get some rest, listen to music, engage in friendly talk with our neighbor, or do some business with no interruption. We could also dedicate our time to eating genetically modified peanuts, full of the worst kind of salt, as we progress along on our journey.

We don’t give much time to the idea that we, an integrated set of body/mind systems, have the ability to become more relaxed, more productive, more creative, more energetic, and more spiritually stable if we took the time to cultivate ourselves. And movement is the healthiest method to get us there.


The Airplane Workout Can Help With Tuning Up On FitnessWhen we think about it, airplane time is the perfect arena for tuning up on fitness. There isn’t the distraction of other gym goers with whom to compare or socially pursue. There isn’t a lot of space to divert our attention. We can’t leave. And we don’t need any equipment.

I use The Airplane Workout for inflight work. I know I need a set of exercises using multiple body parts and body alignment that will cater to an airplane. I want to be able to feel the body working from the very first exercise so that I know I’m making an effort to keep the blood coursing through my veins as best I can.

My workout offers a simple, concise, organized and fun way for us to systematically reduce the chances of our being victims of deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

Now that we know why it’s important to move, move, move inflight; all we have to do is do it.

Not only will we feel great from moving, but doing it with proper body alignment will reinforce correct posture for every other gym or fitness exercise we ever do. And being in a very small location, the airplane seat gives us the advantage of concentrating on this alignment. It will save our back from much of the pain we hear about from workout accidents. It will maximize any exercise we do in all our other workouts and sports activities as well as when standing, walking and sitting.

The inflight airplane workout idea offers a safe way to secure health and vibrant energy. The airplane is a natural place to work out to avoid those killer clots.

It also maximizes our time to the fullest and helps our creativity flow!

So have fun with the idea and get that advantageous edge!


The only workout specially developed for airline travel, this training gives you the finest workout for your airplane seat (or any seated space):


Get The Airplane Workout at

This ebook, which you can get in minutes, includes easy directions and photos, designed specifically for the confined space of an airplane. Click the image of the book, or go to the access link below.

Moving the body increases blood flow, enhances respiration, works the abdominal muscles, and deters clots. So get moving today. Go get The Airplane Workout with one click:


P.S. You can use this workout even if you are not flying! You can do these exercises in the office, at your desk or in your favorite pajamas at home.

DON’T JUST SIT THERE! Get access to The Airplane Workout today.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition, peaceful conflict resolution and habit replacement.

She is an expert at efficient and and no-stress body movement. She says,

“The airplane ride is a tremendous opportunity to move our organs around. Get The Airplane Workout to see how. Take every chance to make every minute count. If a tiny bit of movement can prevent a blood clot, can you spare the time?

You can. And, go ahead. Make my day. Get the book as part of taking good care of ourselves because, as we know, we are so worth it!”

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Diane Gold Interviews Richard Oppenlander, DDS

Articles, Interviews

November 10, 2014




How Health & Wellness Transform Us To Create Peaceful, Ethical Solutions For Others! Tuesdays at 2 pm

From integrative health to peacemaking, from disciplines, therapies, all world medicines, from nutrition to surgery to ethics to peaceful conflict resolution; join Diane Gold every Tuesday for a fun, thoughtful and informative journey into health, wellness and peace. ONE ACTION STEP will be shared during each show.

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Diane Gold Interviews Richard Oppenlander, DDS

researcher, global depletion expert, speaker & author.



Classic Player

Mobil Player

The main objective of RICHARD OPPENLANDER, DDS is both a writer and speaker. Within these, his main objective is to raise the level of awareness and accuracy of information as it pertains to the critical topic of a plant-based diet being the best and most sustainable option for our bodies, the animals, and the earth. He is the author of Comfortably Unaware and Food Choice And Sustainability and is a new expert at

Our Food Habit Of Not Asking The Right Question


By Diane GoldOur Food Habit Of Not Asking The Right Question

Our food habit of not asking questions is pretty common. We believe our grocers would never lead us astray, that they know more than they do about the foods they supply.


Prior to the year 2000, we were not taught to take responsibility for our foods. We were taught to budget enough for a meat-and-dairy-oriented pyramid of food that recommended too much protein, not from healthy sources, not enough plant-based phytonutrients and not enough raw food.

Schools after the second millennium are, at least, offering programs where students grow food in the school garden or in pots, for lack of land or portability and are conscious of too much fat, sugar and salt.

There are documentaries such as Lunch Hour that reveal how bad meat and dairy food may be offered in school because it is government subsidized. And, to reduce the amount of this type of food would require using school money that was earmarked elsewhere.

Here are a few questions we should have been asking all along and didn’t.


When We Went To Buy TomatoesWhen we went to buy tomatoes, we never thought about why they were shiny. We just thought they came that way. To this day, most people don’t know that most produce, including that which is certified organic, is sent to the finishing plant after the grower and before the retailer. It gets packaged for resale using lots of different questionably safe plastics. Plus, it often gets a coating that keeps the moisture in that we commonly refer to as vegetable or fruit wax.


(Then, there’s the paraffin wax that makes candy all sparkly and shiny. Although it’s food grade, so edible, it’s not digestible; it goes in one end and out the other, like produce wax – although some of the chemicals in the produce wax may be absorbed. Don’t we deserve to know which chemical foreign bodies are taking rides through our digestive tract, especially since some may stay in us?)


Studies Were Not Extensive Enough To Show Long-Term RisksThe Food and Drug Administration is responsible for the safety of food and drugs. Unfortunately, they are given information by industry giants aka Big Food, that may force them to allow certain chemical processes whose studies were not extensive enough to show the long-term risks. The FDA cares about protecting us from pathogens, like clostridium botulinum. Big Food & Chemical companies show them expensive studies where such and such a product, be it plastic wrapping or modification of the air used in packaging and storing or transporting, are safe for the consumer; the FDA approves this “finishing” process because they have seen the studies. Too bad the studies don’t go far enough.

Many of us know that bananas are gassed with ethylene when they are close to market. This allows the grower to harvest the banana before fully ripe and get it to market before it rots. This is a method of MAP, modified atmosphere packaging.

The FDA is swayed by companies with big studies. They are not, however, so quick to rescind regulations when cases of renal failure or accelerated growth of bacteria come to pass.

Dude, That Isn’t Wax On Your Apple!


What both my children and I would find amusing, is that, vegans, of which I am one, work happily but hard at reducing harm to animals by not eating them. The amusing thing, if we see it that way, is that, if we are not investigative and conscientious; the veggies and fruits we use, may have cow, pig, casein and insect emulsion or laminate.

True, there is more control over knowing what wax is used on organic produce; but there is, at least, as much beeswax or lac beetle wax as vegetable grade wax on organics. So, vegans, know thy wax because it is rarely labeled.


Little Bags Of Alien OriginWe know that in some of our bags, even in the super food bags with my maca or my cacao, there are little bags of alien origin in them to absorb moisture. Why isn’t the contents of this desiccant made known to us? We have heard it’s made of silicon which is supposed to be food safe, according to the current research, but what about the covering? How many sets of fingers have been on that little bag, or how many kinds of oils were on the conveyer belt it rode down?


This is just one of the many mysteries that are part of our world of food. No one thinks to ask about it. And no manufacturer is going to volunteer to identify the product so as not to scare the consumer.

After all, what we don’t know won’t hurt us, right? Wrong. There are so many new facts that show what we thought were advances of the past 50 years that are showing to be tragic miscalculations on our part: genetically modified seeds, modification of air on produce and chemical mixtures that make up, oh, so many plastics, paints, adhesives and pesticides. The negatives for our health may, sadly, outweigh any benefits we might have thought we received.

Our food habit of not asking the right question prevails. We are asking more, though.

We may be fooled into thinking that the word “natural” has something to do with the word “organic” or the word “vegan” or the words “non-GMO.” And very often, people mistake the word “vegan” for the word “organic.” It is quite common, although not at all surprising, when I ask a grocer, by phone or in person, about a product and hear,

“Oh, this must be vegan because it says ‘all natural,'”

orSoy Wax For US Candles Is Genetically Modified

“It’s ‘certified organic,’ so it must be ‘vegan.’

Even though candles are not food, we use a food to make them. I wanted to include the following comment which refers to this food.

“These soy wax candles are so lovely; they must be good for the environment.”

Unfortunately, the major manufacturers of soy wax for candles (in the United States) are made from genetically modified soybeans.


1) NOTICE THE CHEMICALS you are eating.

2) LOOK FOR THE FOLLOWING LABELS which conscious people are beginning to request:

eco friendly, gluten-free, cruelty free, organic, paraben-free, vegan, vegetarian, fair trade, kosher, halal, chemical-free, hexane free, B corporation, bpa-free, non-GMO.

3) NOTICE WHICH SUPPLIERS ARE BEING TRANSPARENT through labeling and are beginning to realize consumers have the right to know what’s in our food, even if our food habit of not asking the right question prevails.

4) NOTICE THE TERMS “CRUELTY FREE” or “GRASS FED.” It’s great when animals are treated with kindness or without testing and with free grazing before slaughter. But slaughter is cruel and companies that slaughter are not “cruelty free.”

In the end, the more we ask, the more we get to know. The more we teach, the more we learn. The more we team, the more we co-create. Let’s be conscientious about asking the right question so we can care for our health and our planet and our species.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition, peaceful conflict resolution and habit replacement.

She believes we can notice our habits the more we notice ourselves. She says,

“There are so many things that go on in our lives that we do over and over again, and we don’t even question them. They may not be in our best interest. They may not mesh with our own philosophy. Until we investigate and become aware.

“It is up to each of us to take enough time to realize what consumer goods we utilize and where they come from. Do we just buy without thinking about the ethics of the company that makes the product? Do we just eat with no regard for how the food has been grown, packaged, processed?

“Each of us decides the answers to these and our comfort level with each. Some people do not have enough food to consider whether a seed is modified genetically. Others don’t care. And others buy according to their philosophy of not supporting genetic modification because it is unhealthy and impoverishes the poor farmer, in the end.

“Whichever way we think, it is important to be aware of what is going on with our food. It will serve us well.

“Finally, let us all take good care of ourselves because we are so worth it!”

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At Peace


How Health & Wellness Transform Us To Create Peaceful, Ethical Solutions For Others! Tuesdays at 2 pm

From integrative health to peacemaking, from disciplines, therapies, all world medicines, from nutrition to surgery to ethics to peaceful conflict resolution; join Diane Gold every Tuesday for a fun, thoughtful and informative journey into health and peace. ONE ACTION STEP will be shared during each show.

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Diane Gold has been studying martial arts for almost 30 years. She has been teaching tai chi for over half of that. She has developed a method that is common to everyone. It is adjustable, pleasurable, meditative, powerful and healing, especially on stress. 

Diane trains people to take the first one step, whatever it is. It will change your life. Get a free consult with her here

Listen Online, Tuesdays at 2:00 pm, Eastern at:

1-530-881-1212, meeting ID 144-854-164#

If you know of someone whose invention, thought, technique or influence is making a difference, please let us know by contacting us.

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What’s On Your Produce?


By Diane Gold

Fruit And Vegetable Supply ChainWhat’s on your produce is a huge question for many of us, especially if we are brought up believing what we see on our fruits and vegetables. For those of us who know full well that we are eating pesticides and wax, there are still surprises. For many, we are not aware of any of the standard ways the fruit and vegetable supply chain works. We are also confused about why organic food matters and what all this talk has to do with our health.


We have probably considered the fact that some of our produce has pesticides, even organic product. That’s confusing enough. Now, we have to think about wax which is the generic name for a variety of coatings that are placed on our fruits and vegetables that are put on at the finishing processor.

And if we care about eating a plant-based diet or the ethics of saving the planet, what about the animal products that are used in the soils of the nicest organic fruits and vegetables? Do we even want to consider this?


In order to understand why we use wax, it’s important to know about plant behavior. Plants are living organisms, so they breathe or respirate. I am humbled by this fact and am working on accepting how sacred this makes plants. This happens after they are harvested at different rates for different plants.

Plants, Those That Ripen After HarvestFruits and vegetables produce a ripening hormone called ethylene. Plants are categorized into two categories: those that ripen after harvest (climacteric species), such as avocados or peaches, and those that do not like oranges or spinach (non-climacteric plants). The ripening process produces a hormone called ethylene, commonly known, not surprisingly, as the ripening hormone. All plants off-gas this substance, but some (the climacteric plants) produce more.

There are a variety of different waxes that we put on fruits and vegetables. The most important function is to keep the plant’s moisture in so it looks good, doesn’t ripen too quickly.


Most of us have heard about artificially ripening bananas (citrus and kiwis, too, by the way). For those who have not, synthetic ethylene is used so that when bananas get to market, they are the right amount of ripe. Bananas are harvested green. Because they are not ripe yet, the process of off-gassing ethylene, which is natural, has not started yet. What companies do is once the bananas arrive at the processing plant or toward the end of their journey inside the truck that is transporting them, they are gassed. This process causes the bananas to be almost ripe upon delivery and perfectly yellow for the consumer. This process emulates the natural process with synthetics but speeds it up at will.

Go to:

for the list of synthetics allowed by the National Organics Program, including ethylene. Depressing.


Wax On ProduceSo, when a fruit or vegetable is harvested, it goes through a cycle of maturation, or ripening, and then begins senescence, which is its final stage of life. We might wonder about this wax and its safety, but we should be aware that it exists.

Happily, I just went in to a national retailer that typically buys from the very same producer on a regular basis. This would mean any info about the waxes on produce would be consistent since the producers stayed the same.

What Produce Had What Wax

Wax Information Is Now Visible To Consumers








The store had a list of what produce had what wax. I was shocked, and I was doing a happy dance that they even bothered. I’ve been contacting producers, retailers, manufacturers since the 1970s, and this is the first time a list existed without my having had to have them create it. Wax information is now visible to consumers.

Score 1 for transparency.


Lots of my food gathering revolves around discerning whether the food I am going to eat has harmed an animal in the process of cultivating it or manufacturing it if I get a packaged good like rice pasta, whether it be in a package (like rice pasta) or grown (like carrots). What the great list (above) that the retailer had compiled did not specifically say whether some of the waxes were vegan. When the list said lac or beeswax, I knew one was from the lac beetle, and the other was from bees. Very helpful in making an informed decision to use or not to use animals in this way. When the list said the word “yes” delineating that wax was used, it was not helpful.

Fortunately, a very ambitious associate at the store is going to do research further. I have never had an employee or company be this cooperative on an issue that should be commonly displayed, as I see it.


Again, referring to the list referenced above, many synthetic products or combinations, unfortunately, are permitted to be used as listed. This means they are man-made and NOT ORGANIC, although they may be Certified USDA Organic products.


Are The Seeds Genetically Modified

Where did the seeds come from?

Are the seeds genetically modified? If the produce is organic, the seeds are supposed not to have been modified. The soil is supposed to have a history of three years after the last synthetic pesticides were used.

But what if the farm next door uses GM seeds? Well, this is debatable and is problematic.



As those of us who are gardeners may have realized, farmers use various things to make the soil richer. Nitrogen (protein) is one of the biggest things.

What I didn’t realize was that 25% of the nitrogen used in the soil of US farms comes from Trinidad & Tobago, and the toxicity from the island facilities as well as those in the United States is huge.

Organic farmers don’t use nitrogen which is synthesized in ammonia plants using natural gas or gasified coal. They do use fish from restaurant left over pieces or prepared foods markets throw aways. This means that all my vegan fruits and vegetables, save a few, are not vegan.

There is no label for the soil additives, including for urea which is used a lot. And lots of farms use manure which supports the animal industry.

There are a few vegan farms to whom I raise my glass.


Methane From Using Cow WasteSo, there are toxic chemicals being off-gassed from the fertilizer industry which is used on fruits and vegetables that don’t call themselves organic. There’s lots of methane from using cow waste in the soil and from cow waste that sits stagnantly.

Some of the waxes (palm and carnauba) used on fruit and vegetables use oil palm trees, which are cultivated by biomass burning to clear the land which emits CO2. According to a report by Mark Jacobson in Journal Of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, oil palm deforestation accounts for premature deaths as well as 18% of greenhouse gas emissions of CO2.


Is what’s on your produce and what’s on my produce healthy? Although something may be deemed not to cause a disease, it may do harm. We all need to do our own research. How good could wax be for us anyway? And how great can the soil used for farming be if areas that house petrochemical plants are named Cancer Belts due to higher rates of cancer?

The wax on the fruit or vegetable has not been found to cause a body malfunction, but that may be because it would be hard to isolate which factor is causing which problem of the many.


Eat What's HealthyTo find out what’s on my produce and your produce is very much a maze. If we are not professional growers, we don’t actually know about many of the items mentioned above. To find out the information is usually no one’s job but our own.


Here’s hoping the ideas in this article make us think so that we can better eat what’s healthy and know that believing what we see is not always prudent.


 Ask What Kind Of WaxIf you buy at a local large store, go to the produce department and ask what kind of wax is on your favorite fruits and vegetables. Be persistent since the grocer, most likely, will not know and will say she has no way to find out that information. To cut the process down for you, get the phone number to the store’s regional warehouse. There, ask for the produce buyer. This will start the process of someone’s doing some research for you.

Once you get your answer about the wax, ask the local store produce manager whether she can post the information publicly so that everyone knows what kind of wax there is.

If you get your food from a local market, ask the same way. The process will probably be shorter, since the owner may have a more personal relationship with a grower.

Good luck. May we, together, make a more transparent supply chain, which will lead to purer, safer and more delicious food.

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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Turning Habits Into Health, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert, dedicated mom, studying plant-based nutrition, peaceful conflict resolution and habit replacement.

She has been researching what we don’t always consider with fruits and vegetables: wax, seed origin, soil contents, fertilizer, global warming from the soil. She says,

“What if we really measured the negative impact we had on others and on the land? What if we didn’t settle for mysterious wax, unknown seed origin, undisclosed soil composition on our produce? What if we all asked our grocers to start putting up wax signs?

“We each impact each other and the earth in so many ways, constantly. We think we can “cheat” being responsible, but we can’t. It’s important to see the big picture.

I am the first to say,

‘Go relax, and take a break. And I will say this to every person every day,’

“But there’s no way to relax ethics. There’s no way to be half ethical. You know what comes next. That’s like being half pregnant. It’s not possible.

“So, let’s be diligent about increasing wax awareness, reading about what chemicals we might be eating. And let’s improve our health and have fun doing it.

“Finally, let us all take good care of ourselves because we are worth it, even if we don’t feel it!”

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