Posts in "Power And Purpose"

Giving To Charity Can Help Our Daughters With Weight


by Diane Gold

Giving to charity is the strategy to end all strategies.


Give MoneyIt’s OK to give to charity so that we feel good because the result is that someone gets.

It’s OK to give to charity because it makes us realize others need us, because the result is that if we give, someone gets.

It’s OK to give to charity because the Women’s Club (or for Kid’s Club) or religious house says it is our duty, because the result is that if we give, someone gets.

Dressed UpIt’s OK to give to charity because we want to show off and wear fancy clothes, get our picture in the Society section of our paper,  compete with our neighbors or counterparts in charity; because the result is that if we give, someone gets.

It’s best if we give to charity because it’s part of our spiritual job in life; again, because the result is that if we give, someone gets. But we become a giver, less for what’s in it for us and more about doing what’s right in the world.



When we are giving to charity, we are doing something positive for the world. We are not having poor communication with our daughters. We are creating good energy. We are being a great example for our daughters and our community. And we are promoting good behavior by our donation of our time or money.


Here’s the mega tie-in that can actually help us help our daughters with their weight issues.

When we are at a charity event, we eliminate stress because we are happy, motivated and recognized for our time or money. We are more interested in helping others than in food.

Roll Red CarpetOur act of charity is separate from the dynamics of family life. Because we are working or socializing to help others, we don’t have enough time to worry about our home, our money, ourselves. We are too busy saying,

“You’re welcome,”

to the event leader for rolling out the red carpet to symbolize gratitude for donations or for walking down it as a donor of our hard-earned money, whichever we do to get involved.



Although choosing a charity to support is a very personal thing, if we want to use gifting as a way to bond with our daughters; we might pick a cause that has to do with animals or children or whatever we know our daughters like to pique the interest of our daughters. It should be an organization, ultimately, that we, as moms, care about because there is no guarantee our daughters will choose to become involved. In fact, our daughters may choose not to work for the same charity to show their ability to choose for themselves.
If the emotional climate is right, mom can ask her daughter what charity she would be interested in helping. This way, the daughter will feel important and respected.


Unless we have begun the work with our daughters, casually, without being too assertive, we can talk to our daughters about the work we are doing. The most enticing might be to show photos of the people we are helping, the people we are meeting because of the work and the events we are attending to do the work. Our daughters should know that we, their moms, are good citizens so that they can learn by example.



As mentioned in Choosing A Charity, above, it might work best for some moms to start the process with their daughters. For those who did not, there are several ways to invite: (1) mention a specific job our daughters can do, such as playing with puppies on display or reading to kids who are sick or (2) just  ask your daughter to accompany you.

We know the way our daughters respond and have to decide which of these invitation methods would be most successful.


No matter when we invite our daughters to join us or if our daughters have resisted charity work, it’s a good idea to talk about what good fortunes we have by stopping by an animal shelter, going to a cancer center for kids, watching a 5-minute video about poverty or hunger. Talk about the value of doing charity work, either for the benefit of helping or to explain why schools require community service hours in school – so that our daughters realize the importance of community work.

Animal CharityTake a look at programs like Just Like My Child, a foundation that has brought the first doctor, the first roof and floor to any school in Uganda. Watch The Ron Clarke Story, a movie about a creative teacher who got through to dissatisfied have-not children in Harlem, NY by introducing them to wildly happy have-not children in South Africa as part of their education; or Big Cat Rescue in Tampa that saves large and small cats that have been abandoned or abused.

But these may not be the charities your hearts are drawn to, and they may not be in your local area. Every community has many programs that need us and need our daughters. Do some local research before this discussion, which is important, whether our invitation has been accepted by our daughters already or not.


As compassionate as you are for the charity you choose, remember to be that compassionate toward the daughter you love so dearly. Make sure she knows she is more important than the charity.

Oftentimes, girls with weight issues have self-esteem issues. Because of this, be aware that your focus on the charity does not overtake your focus on your daughter, either in reality or in your daughter’s eyes.


Often, seeing is believing, meaning that when we experience something in actuality or see it in action; we believe in its worth more than if we talk about it or see a still photo.
When daughters hear that we have done a charitable act, they may start thinking about giving. They may not. But, when we ask them to join us, we offer an opportunity for our daughters to become bigger than their own personal scope of life and to focus on others who need their help.

They feel needed, their self-esteem grows, they meet good people, they have more confidence and trust in Mom. They also get the chance to mingle in a positive environment with happy people who are not pressuring their lives.

Giving for charity gets us out of our own heads. It is a perfect chance for moms and daughters to bond and get a step closer to better communication.

For daughters, if they are doing charity work, their focus will not be their own traumas with food and weight. They are focused outside their own struggle and are making a difference in someone else’s life.

When we begin to see the gravity of the problems of others, ours sometimes lessen, or we become stronger in working on them. This is a huge connection that charity has with weight loss and how it can help our daughters.


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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Moms For Healthy Daughters, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert and a dedicated mom.
She has watched how giving to others, sharing our time and money can make a big difference in our own lives. Diane says,

“When we focus outside our own personal worlds, we embark upon new ways to empower ourselves. We learn much, meet many and develop gratitude that stays with us forever.”

Moving To A New House: 3 Ways Changing Our Routine Gives Us Big Opportunity


Moving Locationsby Diane Gold on August 6, 2012.

Although I really wanted to stay in my previous house for at least another year, the time it took for my daughter to graduate with an advanced degree, I had to move last week, and opportunity showed itself. My landlord decided to sell the house I rented. So, I had to house hunt, pack and go.

How we deal with changing our routine is the issue at hand. So, here we are rolling along, working on our proposed food plan, communicating with our daughters in a non-smothering, non-judgmental, non-confrontational way, exercising regularly. And all of a sudden, we are doing something else.

Whether we have postponed our weekly publication, had a fight with our daughter, stopped our  exercise program or forgotten to act dignified; we are somehow in a different place from the one we were in before.
Opportunity knocks, even if we don’t see it. Pull out the “Everything happens for a reason” poster because we get to choose what is right for us, and change often leads us to get stronger and better.

If getting back to our routine is positive, the right choice would be to get back quickly so that we don’t lose momentum. Inertia in physics resists change in motion. So, if we are moving, there is resistance to stopping. If we are still, there is resistance to starting. If we stop production of our magazine for a week, it is more difficult to pick up and start doing it than if we hadn’t stopped at all. If we stop exercising for a week, it is more difficult to pick up our routine again than if we hadn’t stopped. How many times have we needed a vacation from our vacation? Same principle.

On the other side, if we stop being excessive, such as stopping eating too much, drinking too much or being too bossy; inertia is still in play. The difficulty we have continuing to cease the excessive behavior is because we have made that behavior a habit, so stopping for a week does not stop cravings that the body has experienced for years. Stopping takes time. Starting does, too.

Let’s get back to opportunity. When we go off path because of the unexpected circumstance of having to move, we have given ourselves a new set of circumstances, as I did.


Clean SlateBeing in a new environment has given me a clean slate. It was a disruption in my life that has been freeing, energizing and eye opening. As a matter of fact, the training I do as a tai chi mentor works on the premise that every day is a new day and is an opportunity for a new beginning.

Somehow, though, being in a new location makes this concept shout out at me. Plus, I get to create a more peaceful and more harmonious environment than the last time I moved.
No matter what change occurs, no matter what path we step off, as long as we awaken; our clean slate is created.

Imagine yelling at our daughters when our goal is not to yell or interfere in their daily decisions. At that very moment, we have created a new place in our lives, a space in which we get to start anew, no matter which direction that is, no matter what we have done to go off our path.

Now imagine, our daughters fell off their food plan and came to us for advice.


The biggest thing is to remind them (or tell them for the first time) that they have created a clean slate. They get to jump on their plan to pursue their goal at the very next meal or the next day. They need to know there is no tragedy in being human, and we must offer this advice to them.


This locational move has made me a raving fan of giving away what I don’t need. My new place is smaller than my old place, so I had to give away furniture before I moved. This led me to start giving away “stuff.” What I didn’t know was that some of the “things” I gave away were emotionally tying me down.

SocksI gave away a pair of socks that belonged to a previous relationship I had. Who would have thought this would make a difference? But the actual removal of this tiny little item from my drawer caused me to feel an emotional blockage empty itself and feel free.
I did the same thing with pillows whose color drained me of energy. Who knew?


Become a member of the network. This is a free group open to anyone who signs up with the local group coordinator. The purpose is to avoid putting things in the landfill. What has happened is that people in need watch for posts from people with excess. The result is that receivers get what they need, and people with excess give their excess a good home. (Technically, recycle means to take material and break it down for alternative use. Reuse is passing things on. But the network is huge and uses the term freecycle to mean passing it on.)


SimplicityOne of the most amazing things my move taught me is the importance of living simply. The amount of boxes that were in each room actually inhibited my respiration, plus the adhesive holding the boxes together affected my breathing. The biggest factor was that the collection of “things” I had accumulated over the years was resident in my mind. I realized the importance of minimizing.

Wherever we are, when we fall off our path or change our routine, we need space, free from things.

If there is a lot of “stuff” in the house, the “stuff” crowds us, even if the house is large. When we have “things” resident in our mind, these things take our clarity. When our clarity is muddied, it is hard to focus. When it is hard to focus, it is difficult to make our best choices.


Go through your “stuff” and give some away. It will make your environment cleaner. Ask your daughter to help. In this way , you will get her positive input and she can, at the same time, learn to keep it simple.
a)    Give away silverware and plates that are extra.
b)    Give away some clothing.
c)    Get a scanner, and digitize papers to eliminate the need for file storage.


Whether we go on a vacation, move our residence or fall off our path; we are changing our routine. This change is an opportunity, although, if we fell off our path, getting back on it is much harder than it was the last time we got on it. It is much more common to fall off a difficult path than to be on one. Why? Because we are human, and we like to feel good and do what is easy. But, because, for the most part, we were born with strength, skill and the ability to choose, we can pick ourselves up and get back on our path or change it to one whose choice suits us better.


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Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Moms For Healthy Daughters, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert and a dedicated mom.
She has just created a joyous clean slate by her unexpected residential move. Diane says,

“Being able to give away much of the “stuff” that George Carlin so aptly talked about in his routine of the same name, she is creating space in the mind, the heart and the environment for added peace, joy and centering. She highly recommends stuff removal as a tool to clearly proceed to reach any goal.”

Peace And Prejudice: How The Key To Peace Is The Same As The Key To Weight Loss


By Diane Gold

Peace among humans stems from sameness, not difference. When we are peaceful, things are harmonious. When we are prejudiced, there is unrest, internal to us and external within our world.

We all breathe the same air, have the same powerful epidermis to protect us (we share this with plants), respirate similarly, replenish regularly, get inhabited by viruses constantly (we share this one with plants and bacteria), are all subject to the perils of weather and do well when we honor ourselves.


So, with all these major similarities, what are our differences, other than melanin levels, pride in roots, levels of security, money and intelligence? It’s BELIEF IN OURSELVES, the level at which we LOVE ONE ANOTHER, tolerate, nurture, sanction, recognize and respect one another AND OURSELVES, the level at which we give our neighbor the same courtesy as our family, the same respect we should be giving to ourselves and our fellow humans.

Gold KeySo what is the key to this tolerance that is the same for losing weight, gaining weight, stopping our urges, removing our prejudice? And how do we get it?
Those of us whose urges take us to eat too much, drink too much, use or do too much lack a certain security in and love for ourselves. These urges drive our chemicals inside to run in ways we have not yet grasped. Happily, we can learn to understand them and work with them and adjust them.

The same urge chemistry occurs in our body when we cannot tolerate someone else’s beliefs or any of the traits listed three paragraphs below. This chemical imbalance strips us of our ability to be socially acceptable; and we bash, malign, plunder someone else’s appearance or belief. This is social prejudice.

If my family teaches me to believe in the golden calf, your family teaches you to believe in the family religion and our neighbor’s family teaches their daughter to believe that she is the master and controls her own life; these three different beliefs exist. We can learn tolerance if it is doesn’t come naturally by remembering that each of us breathes the same air, eats the same food and gives birth the same way. How much we remember our sameness determines whether we have social prejudice or peace.

Cutout SilhouettesSimilarly, the more we develop the ability to control our urges, such as eating chocolate, drinking soda or maligning a religion; the more we can exercise tolerance of ourselves and others.

So what can we do to raise THE LOVE LEVEL (which comes from BELIEF IN OURSELVES) and give ourselves the love that we deserve that will help curb our urges? What will help our health, our ability to feel good, and help us love our bodies and minds, know that we are assets to the world, know that weight, skin color, style, thoughts, feelings, hairstyle, differences, size, lifestyle, height, preference, orientation, age, race, religion, politics, color, nationality, wealth, language, beliefs, birthplace, traditions, economics do not define whether we are kind, fun, funny, loyal, honest, devoted, confident, uplifting, empathetic, charitable, attentive, considerate, dependable, generous, motivating, patient, perceptive, thoughtful, tolerant, understanding, warm and caring?

And what can we do to remove social prejudices when they appear?


Girl Cutout ReflectionsThe BIG ACTION STEP, should we choose to take it, is that we must look at our homogeneity. We must celebrate our sameness and be enlightened by it.

What if we used it to further our belief system and strengthen our tolerance?
What if we used it to help us be strong individually?

We are all a part of a body of humans and, I believe, can find a way to peace.

Whether we are too slim, too large or just right; we all enjoy the security of shelter, clothing that makes us feel beautiful, friends and family who really care for us; and we all love our own individual hobby, creative passion and cause.

World With CutoutsIf I could animate, I would draw a giant globe with people in every country representing all of us. Every time any one of us executed a prejudicial act, even if against ourselves; one of the cutout figures would collapse, only to be regenerated by a positive act, such as generosity or forgiveness. If we saw this visual representation on an ongoing basis, which measured our love and hate, we might more easily cherish, forgive and love each other.

Most of us don’t think that feeling bad about ourselves or treating ourselves badly is a negative act. It is, though, an act of social prejudice against ourselves, when we judge ourselves in comparison to runway models if we are not, or in comparison to the lifestyle of the latest female self-made billionaire if we are not.

We say what we feel for ourselves doesn’t affect others, but this is not the truth. Aside from the fact that we are all in this world together, everyone we contact is affected by our good or bad attitude. So how do we mend a bad attitude or social prejudice?


1)    Forgiving ourselves for whatever we think is wrong with us
2)    Forgiving what we did wrong
3)    Forgiving someone for having a different trait or belief
4)    Forgiving someone for a bad act
5)    Forgiving ourselves for being prejudiced against someone

are very hard to do, but great steps to take.

Shake HandsI can think of the many times I have said,

“I forgive him,”

in my head. I have also said,

“I forgive you,”

in person, to someone in my life who did not treat me well. The words have not created absolute forgiveness in me, but it is a work in progress. It is easy for me to forgive myself for the feelings of resentment I still have, but it is hard to forgive with full sincerity.

It is almost unfathomable for me to think how hard it would be to forgive someone who had physically harmed a family member. But, that is how hard peace is.

Over 90% of the people in the United States have a belief system with one deity. It could be as much as 92%. We also believe that this deity does not make mistakes. So, if we are in this category; we know that our lives are not mistakes, so we must forgive ourselves and celebrate our individual situations.

Less than 10% of the population in the United States is firmly rooted in the fact that we are strong, self-sufficient individuals who are part of the balance or order of nature that does not include a deity. This group could be smaller than 8%. (This group often does not list its participants because of the prejudice against it, so statistics are hard to confirm.) If we are in this group, we know we are good and worthwhile by the principles by which we live. Therefore we must forgive ourselves and celebrate our individual situations.


Those of us who are tolerant of our similarities must remind those who are not. It is difficult to bring these subjects to the attention of others because feelings run so strongly in each direction.

Prejudice of any kind is prejudice.  Some people frown upon people who eat a lot. Others think they are queens.  As we grow our spiritual library, we come to terms with how we see ourselves and how we see our sameness. Often times, unless we are experiencing the strife and misery that comes from prejudice, we find it hard to relate to it.

Here’s an example:

If I have grown up an extra, extra love size my whole life, I know what it’s like to be teased about my weight. I am so busy feeling bad about being teased that I do not realize that the teaser’s insecurity is causing the intolerant behavior.

I am grown up, I open a company, have 50 employees. No one has teased me in a long time. One of the people who has been hired has a twitch, which I continually joke about with the other workers. I only consider myself and never consider that the person with the twitch is always in earshot when I tease. She feels pain when I tell my jokes. Why am I doing the same behavior that people did to me? Don’t I remember how it feels? What feeling prompts this intolerance and insecurity on my part?

It’s all about BELIEF IN MYSELF. Poking fun at the twitcher buries the pain I felt when I was teased. It also makes me feel powerful now when people gather ’round and laugh at my jokes. What I don’t consider is that the employees may be gathering around and laughing because they feel sorry for my power tripping from pain. Others may be getting comic relief from someone else’s pain, also a common, but not admirable, human trait. Finally, most of the group is gathering because I am the boss, and it would be impolite not to gather.


Here are some small daily action steps to go along with the SEEING HOMOGENEITY and FORGIVENESS, above. When we familiarize our mind to kindness, we become kind. On the other side, when we fuel our intolerance, our prejudice (toward ourselves and others) grows.

1)    Upon awakening every day, take 10 seconds to acknowledge that we are as wonderful as our heroes, our love interest, the person we most want to emulate and our role model. This builds self-confidence in a subtle but constant way.

2)    After the first 10 second exercise, take 10 seconds to acknowledge that there are no mistakes in the natural order of things. Therefore, we are exactly who we are supposed to be. This will build strength that we are a firm part of the world plan.

3)    As we are sitting up from our sleeping position, take 10 seconds to realize our good fortune, such as having the use of our limbs, having the use of our senses, having whatever we do have. Each of us will cherish something else, but this gratitude is important to experience. Gratitude brings humility which brings understanding and peace.

4)    Sometime during the week, even if it’s only once:
a.    Tell a joke to someone sad
b.    Give a homeless person a book
c.    Go to and click a button to give a free bowl of food to an animal. (There are many sister sites here for other causes of your choice.)

The secret behind this action is that, as we are clicking our support for some outside cause, we are curbing our appetite for that very moment and making a difference to someone else. This type of action leads us to develop our character and become stronger to reach our goal in the food department. Both curbing our urge and building our character lead to the likelihood of our being a tolerant member of society.

Mirror5)    Once a day, we should look in the mirror at our lips smiling and know that we have just seen a very worthy human being.
Awareness of Homogeneity + Forgiveness = Urge Control + Peace, Inside and Out.


Please leave your comments below. We truly value all of them.


Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Moms For Healthy Daughters, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert and a dedicated mom. She is excited about discovering that the key to peace resembles the key to urge mechanics. She says,

“The key is examining ourselves. When we are willing to look at our urges, we can see our true selves in the mirror. With time, we can mold ourselves to be more in the direction that we wish. It may not be easy, and it will take time. In a lifetime journey, there can be no rush.”

Preparing To Thrive With Food Addiction: How Tai Chi Mind Readies Us For Change


by Diane Gold

Smooth TransitionsAs someone who enjoys teaching, my main focus in passing on self-help is to teach people that it is easier and more effective to create smooth, one-step transitions in our lives than heart-wrenching, deprivation-based pathways. I am not saying that we don’t have to work hard to achieve change. I am saying that our attitude about the work can come from a place of endowment and not of hardship.

Tai chi is a way of thinking, moving, emoting and living where it is easier to ripple like water in a pond than it is to navigate through a raging ocean storm. (All mind/body training has similar goals.) Many hundreds of students I have taught and I, personally, use this way to navigate life. With this in mind, I believe that all the programs each of us chooses for personal development give us a foundation in how to be happy, healthy and wise and not sad, repressed and stressed out. These programs teach us to apply the knowledge to our every day lives.

So let’s say we study tai chi, based upon circles and the lack of angles. When we apply the balanced movement of tai chi to our lives, we panic less, walk more confidently, breathe more evenly, are more productive and more motivated. When we ignore or forget these principles of balance; we become pinballs, maneuvering obstacles and have no roots to hold on to. When we apply tai chi mind, including the slow movement of tai chi, to other areas of our daily existence, we end up understanding Aesop’s Tortoise Philosophy, that is,

“Slow and steady wins the race.”

Meaning we have to be prepared, persistent and positive when embarking on an undertaking, no matter what it is. But how many programs forget to include preparation?

Let’s say we want to lose weight. We must start at step 1: GET READY, as in,

“Ready, set, go.”

Instead of focusing on the flood of thoughts in our head about how we couldn’t stop eating a minute ago or an hour ago or yesterday or for the last 10 years through 16 weight loss programs; let’s prepare now for this goal of weight loss.

Most program guides leave out the part about preparing the mind. This one secret will affect our journey’s outcome.


With a relaxed and focused mind, we begin a quest with the best conditions for victory. When we first learn to surf, we don’t go out on a raging ocean; we opt for a calm sea when the waves are more predictable. When we go out on the most important date of our lives, most of us won’t wear a sweatshirt (although I did; we dress up. As simple as it sounds, when we spill certain substances on our clothes, we prepare them with certain cleaning helpers before putting them in a washing machine.

These help techniques are what we must provide for our mind. We might as well grab every advantage we can so that we can reach our goal with as little effort as possible. We must take steps to reduce our anxiety, understand what is ahead of us, perceive our situation and be our own cheerleaders. Even if we don’t believe in ourselves today, if we

“Fake it to make it,”

we have the best chance of becoming what we  act we believe.

Another important quote, this, said by Ben Affleck in Boiler Room,

“Act as if.”

It’s not that we will immediately transform and believe in ourselves, with stability and nerves of steel, devoid of personal challenges; but we will have taken a moment to examine where we are and where we are going. This act of preparation gives us the presence of mind and the awareness upon which success is built.

(This article is the result of my considering the many food help programs that exist today. I included the word “addiction” because it is a buzz word. It is not a helpful word for the consumer; it brings a weight all its own and carries with it stigma and prejudice. Labels help researchers; they usually do not help the people who are labeled until the labels do not obviously apply.?


The truth is everyone can stop eating one specific food for a small part of one hour on a regular basis. After all, we breathe in between bites and do not consume our food while breathing in. So, if we break down our eating schedule, we already do what we wish to achieve. We already do not eat all the time.

Let’s say we eat 15 times a day, when we only want to eat 5 small meals a day. During those 15 times, though, there are always breaks between these meals. We will use those to our advantage.

We need to have a conversation with ourselves before we start out on our program, during one of those times we are not eating.

1)    This is what we should tell ourselves at the start of every day. (We can do so look in the mirror if we have one.)
a.    I am hopeful.
b.    I already know how to take breaks from eating.
c.    I am more likely to succeed by preparing my mind for my task.
d.    I have control over my actions, even if for a short time.
e.    I have the power to take a tiny step.
f.     I do not deserve to suffer over food.
g.    Making change can be my fun adventure.

2)    This step can be done once or continually.
Watch this You Can Do It movie clip

After taking these steps in (1) and (2), we can go about our day with a renewed attitude and our new food plan in mind.

If you would like help with a step-by-step food advocate, go to Food Advocate.

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For the first time ever, we offer FOOD ADVOCATE to help you thrive.
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Go ahead, check out FOOD ADVOCATE.


Your feedback is very important to us, and we appreciate your time in leaving it in the comment section below.


Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of, Moms For Healthy Daughters, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music, fitness and stress expert and a dedicated mom. She loves to be an advocate for people, whether it be with weight issues, in personal or corporate wellness. She says, “We all need someone to lean on . That’s why we she has begun Food Advocate.”


Motivation: 5 Ways We Renew It, But Do They Really Work?


by Diane Gold

When we want motivation, we consider changes in our lives. We will go to extreme measures to accomplish our goals. Our actions are not always the straightest path or the simplest way, but we, as humans, use very similar techniques.

Forest TreesI remember how I really wanted to motivate a great romantic relationship with my live-in partner. I was smothering, jealous, hovering and naggy, not so much, outwardly, but inside. I was, of course, not motivating the responses I wanted. I was acting from attachment, short- sighted perception and delusion. I couldn’t see the forest because the trees were blocking my view.

Or, as Bruce Lee said,

“Don’t think. Feel. It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don’t concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.”

I was so driven on building, fixing, motivating, roping in this relationship that I missed the fact that we cannot lasso love if we want an honest, mature relationship, and that strangling, oppressive thoughts always get in the way of the ultimate goal.

My biggest mistake for which I continue to pay a high price was that, during this period of time, my concentration on my children was shared with this negative smothering, jealous, hovering and nagging.

The reason I mention this anecdote here is to encourage people to look at the outcomes they want and determine their action plan as if they were looking at the actions of someone else and whether these actions would make sense or not. Of course, it is very much easier to see the forest when we are in a helicopter than when we are on the ground standing in front of a giant tree.

Here are 5 actions that many of us take in order to reach our goals. We must head John Heywood’s 1546 poem that tells us to look before we leap (actually, to looke ere ye leaped) to be diligent to act on behalf of achieving our goals before we take a step.


Here comes an anecdote again that you may have heard. When I was in kindergarten in Philadelphia, the teacher would make me drink the milk that was supplied at snack time. She would also force me to put my head down. To me, it was slavery, and I cried every day. My parents were quite aware that the situation was not good for me, so we moved to Queens, NY. I’ll never be sure the move was specifically for me, or whether my dad was changing jobs anyway. But here’s my conclusion now.

New SchoolWhatever made me cry may have come with me to NY since I didn’t get to deal with this teacher torture in Philadelphia. My point is that I could have had the same reaction to some issue in NY which stemmed from not being able to fit in. I didn’t have such issues, so maybe, in this case, it was the teacher.

Today, the teacher’s old-fashioned “you will follow my commands, young lady” attitude would be frowned upon by the principal (when my mother reported it) or framed as child abuse. Not so in 1955. But who knows how much stronger I would have been today had I learned to adjust to that situation.

There are lots of stories on TV about teens changing schools to avoid confronting a person with whom they had a bad experience. We always hope that the new school will change everything.


When we lose our motivation on the job, often times, it’s because the job is not creative enough. We are unhappy with the work or salary and want bigger and better horizons. When we don’t monetize what we deserve and we love our jobs, it usually doesn’t move us to leave.

Just as often, we are not happy with ourselves. So, we change jobs with the idea that many negative things will disappear. This strategy works only when we realize that we must change, too.  If we don’t change our education, our training, our attitude, our social demeanor, we will end up experiencing the same feelings at a lateral position which might not be very satisfying.


MovingThere are times when it makes sense to move. When we are teens and go to a particular school, if we have friends; moving is devastating. If we have none, it is a blessing. When we are adults and are leaving a broken relationship, a dead-end job, a family tragedy; we are moving ourselves. But we get to see new people, trees, streets. This is motivating and empowering. So many of the bonds that bear down on our ability to inspire ourselves or to be productive are left behind.

Of course, we take ourselves with us. Our fears, our anger, our discontent, our joy, families come with us. We still must make changes that got to have the bonds that made us move away. When we start looking at them but they have not built up in our new location, it is a little easier to work with them. This self-examination allows us to become energized because we are no longer expending a lot of energy on whatever made us move. Or, if we do, we can start working on it again.


When we have found a meal plan that works, we sometimes becomes too rigid because we don’t want to rock the boat of success. But, when we have not found one that is working, we easily jump ship and start a new one. We all do it, and it might be the right thing to do.

However, often times, when we have been looking for a way of successful eating for years, we want to see results in less than the time it takes for changes to start showing, and we lose our patience.

WhiteboardWhen we begin a new food plan, it is exciting. It’s a chance to succeed. We have that motivated feeling because we are ready, and nothing is there to stop us. We are working with that clean slate.


It’s amazing how similar we are as human beings. We have similar tolerances when it comes to self-defeat, lack of get up and go and patience. So when it comes to wanting results from an exercise program, we definitely want to see something right away. Or almost right away.

Like with the nutritional plan, we need a little patience. If we are unmotivated because we are sick of the same fitness regime, sometimes variation helps. If we are unmotivated to the point where we are not exercising, it is definitely time to change to doing exercise.

GiftingI have a special exercise gift I want to share so that we can all feel results almost immediately. It comes with a request, and that is that you commit to do it for 1 week. For those who choose to do it for 1 week, I ask that, if you want to continue, commit for 14 more days. After the 14 days, I ask for another 14 days. There are really no strings attached, but I want you to feel the present.

Why am I being so strict? This exercise is the one! It is so motivating that I want it to be special to everyone.

Lower Pelvic CirclesPlease read this lower back warning before starting.
Proceed with caution. Before going past step 6), make certain to care for the lower back. If any discomfort is felt, stop. It may be necessary to go only up to 6) or to shrink the diameter of the circles to 1 inch.

1)   Stand with feet shoulder width apart.
2)   Bend knees while keeping the butt tucked and shoulders over hips.
3)   Place tip of both thumbs at belly button.
4)   Place palms flat on abdomen with index fingers touching each other.
5)   Make certain the elbows, at 45-degree angles, do not move.
6)   Picture the center of the diamond made by the hands, maybe 2-inches below the belly button.

7)   If the back is OK, using that central point as a point of focus, make a 2-inch circle emanating from that central point, moving the circle counterclockwise.
8)   Do this 8 more times.
9)   Then reverse directions and make the circle clockwise.
10) Do this 8 more times.
11)  Rest.
12)  Check the back to make certain it doesn’t hurt. If it does, you are absolved from the commitment to continue this exercise.



If you have done this exercise with the hands in the diamond position at the belly as instructed, you have been holding the area which make the small circles with the ab muscles. Now it is time to change the hands only to the rear with 4th and 5th fingers touching each other and touching the tailbone. This change, for the person who has experienced the first position, will insure that you can correct yourself if you feel your butt sticking out. There should be as little movement of the butt and hips as possible since the exercise is for the muscles between the belly button and the groin. Have fun!]]


Whatever we use to motivate us is great, as long as it helps us develop. Changing our environment, our school, our job, our food plan, our exercise plan are only as good as the progress we make because of the change. If we start something new, we have given ourselves a new start. We need to use this fuel which can stimulate motivation to work on ourselves because, no matter what the change, we are the key.


We are still running the Contest for a Free Consulting Session.

All you have to do is ask your most pressing question here. We will enter your name in to win. We will report which questions were asked most frequently (anonymously, of course).

Go ahead, click here now.


Please leave your comments below.


Diane Gold, Founder of Warriors of Weight, Moms For Healthy Daughters, is a mentor in tai chi, kung fu and meditation, a music and stress expert and a dedicated mom. She believes we can motivate ourselves very well. She says, “When we believe a change can motivate us, then it will. We must find daily opportunities to clean our internal slate. This will activate our motivation.”

About Power And Purpose

Conflict Resolution Education

by Diane Gold on August 2, 2016.

This article focuses on conflict resolution education and how we need it as early as our first days in school.

Also in this issue….

Eastern And Western Medicine – The Hole

by Diane Gold on April 26, 2016.

Today’s issue focuses on Eastern And Western Medicine and the HOLE between them that exists because of lack of integration – and how to fix it.

Also in this issue….

Homeless – How We Can Help

by Diane Gold on April 5, 2016.

Today’s issue focuses on being homeless and how we truly don’t think about situations until we are in them.

Also in this issue….

Rebirth – She Not Busy Being Born Is Busy Dying

by Diane Gold on March 22, 2016.

It’s doing well Diane Gold. Lovin’ it and grateful.

Today’s issue focuses on rebirth, cathartic experience, becoming new again and again and again. This one was inspired by my dancing for 2 1/2 hours at a 5Rhythms dance workshop.

Also in this issue….

Party Time – Saying Hello Again – Feeling Good – Out Of Danger

by Diane Gold on March 8, 2016.

It’s doing well Diane Gold, 1000% better than last time I wrote. I wanted to say hello again, thank you for reading my last issue, and let you know I am feeling good. Breathing normally and strong. Still and forever living each moment as it comes. Don’t know why I’m better; don’t know why I was sick. Lovin’ it and grateful.

Also in this issue….

Diane Gold – Saying Hello One Last Time

by Diane Gold on January 19, 2016.

It’s Diane Gold. I wanted to say hello one last time This may be my last mag, although I hope to write when I can.

Also in this issue….

Supply Chain Transparency

by Diane Gold on December 15, 2015.

Our main essay talks about supply chain transparency. Most of the time, we don’t think about what goes into a product we use. Kudos to California for having a required disclosure of awareness.

Also in this issue….

Habits Formed By Our Belief Systems

by Diane Gold on November 17, 2015.

Our main essay talks about belief systems and the habits we form and can reform along the way.

Also in this issue….

Recycling Is Our Responsibility

by Diane Gold on October 13, 2015.

Our main essay talks about recycling, why we do it and whose responsibility it is.

Also in this issue….

Conventional Produce – GMOs And Pesticides

by Diane Gold on October 6, 2015.

Our main essay talks about the term “conventional produce” and how it blinds us to the GMOs that are commonly included in this category.

Also in this issue….

Abuser – Why We Abuse

by Diane Gold on September 29, 2015.

Our main essay talks about people who are the abuser and why we abuse.

Also in this issue….

Abused At Home – Why We Allow It

by Diane Gold on September 22, 2015.

Our main essay talks about those of us who are abused at home and why some of us do not remove ourselves from the situation.

Also in this issue….

Water Shortage: Our Role

by Diane Gold on March 17, 2015.

Our main essay talks about water shortage and why we are involved, no matter how much water we have.

Also in this issue….

Learning How To Learn: Our Biggest Mistake

by Diane Gold on March 10, 2015.

Our main essay talks about learning how to learn, the mistake we make by not teaching the process as soon as we start school.

Also in this issue….

Extinction: Are We Responsible?

by Diane Gold on February 24, 2015.

Our main essay talks about extinction and our responsibility through a guest post by Richard Oppenlander, D.D.S., researcher, lecturer and author.

Also in this issue….

6 Ways To Be More Productive And Love It More

by Diane Gold on January 20, 2015.

Our main essay talks about 6 ways to get productive and be gloriously happy while producing.

Also in this issue….

Making A Difference In 2015

by Diane Gold on January 6, 2015.

Our main essay talks about how everything we do is making a difference. The author lists what’s possible and mentions food labeling, wearing sustainable clothing, as well as topics important to her.

Also in this issue….

The Secret Of Habit Change Is To Step

by Diane Gold on December 9, 2014.

Our main essay talks about the secret of habit change, which is to step, make that move, do.

Also in this issue….

A Simple Behavior Change Strategy

by Diane Gold on December 2, 2014.

Our main essay talks about what causes our urges and a simple behavior change strategy.

Also in this issue….

WarriorsofWeight.Com Water Campaign For Thanksgiving

by Diane Gold on November 18, 2014.

Our discussion today is to announce our water campaign. Together, we can build 1 single well that can provide for 500-1,000 people with 10 years of water. Please take a minute to ponder this one. Anyone who donates can have…at no charge.

Also in this issue….

Be Someone’s Vitamin: How Kindness Can Save Us

by Diane Gold on November 11, 2014.

Our main essay talks about how the act of kindness saves us from the act of rushing.

Also in this issue….

Think Life Sucks? 10 Things That May Not

by Diane Gold on November 4, 2014.

Our main essay talks about 10 things that may not suck in the life of someone who thinks life sucks.

Also in this issue….

Being A Material Girl: Not I

by Diane Gold on October 28, 2014.

Our main essay talks about whether we choose to be material and pursue money in the hierarchical system or if we decide to focus on a life of freedom that works on spiritual benefits first.

Also in this issue….

How To Replace A Habit

by Diane Gold on October 14, 2014.

Our main essay talks about how to replace a habit. Easier than we think, even if it’s been excruciating in the past!

Also in this issue….

Big Food And Drug Donate To Cancer Research

by Diane Gold on September 30, 2014.

Our main essay talks about donations that Big Food and Big Drug companies give to cancer research and other disease organizations so they will become beholden to them.

Also in this issue….

9 Ways Cacao Can Improve Our Health

by Diane Gold on September 9, 2014.

Our main essay talks about how cacao, the super food, first used by Latin Americans as early as 1400 B.C. E., benefits our health.

Also in this issue….

The Habit Of Meditation: The True Mission

by Diane Gold on August 19, 2014.

Our main essay talks about the habit of meditation and what it truly does for us.

Also in this issue….

Inflated Ego At The Expense Of Others

by Diane Gold on August 12, 2014.

Our main essay talks about how, sometimes, our inflated ego can be cruel in order to cover up our own insecurities.

Also in this issue….

Prejudice Is A Habit We Can Replace

by Diane Gold on August 5, 2014.

Our main essay talks about how prejudice is a habit and how that habit can be replaced with a new and more useful one.

Also in this issue….

Turmeric In The Modern World

by Diane Gold on July 29, 2014.

Our main essay is about turmeric, its benefits and its patentability and why drug companies don’t study what they can’t patent.

Also in this issue….

What If Nike’s Logo Meant Food For The Poor?

by Diane Gold on July 22, 2014.

Our main essay focuses on a “what if” scenario. “What if” the largest multinational companies’ missions were to benefit the world’s poor with food, water, clothing, housing, health care! This article suggests a possible model for this to happen. It also offers food for thought to encourage us to innovate the solution for ourselves.on patient’s rights and how our accepting doctor’s orders is not in our best interest until we’ve researched options and been given choices.

Also in this issue….

Patient Rights vs. Doctor’s Orders

by Diane Gold on July 15, 2014.

Our main essay focuses on patient rights and how our accepting doctor’s orders is not in our best interest until we’ve researched options and been given choices.

Also in this issue….

The World Is Flat: A Perception Of Truth

by Diane Gold on July 8, 2014.

Our main essay mentions a concept we used to believe and how we have moved to believe our current perception. It offers the reason for presenting new information to people so that they can evolve their thinking.
Also in this issue….

Our Habits Of Trusting Media: 5 Mistakes We Make

by Diane Gold on July 1, 2014.

Our main essay talks about trusting media and the mistakes we make by not recognizing relationships that deter most media companies and their employees from reporting the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Also in this issue….

Profit From Peace-The Peace Industry TV Show

by Diane Gold on June 24, 2014.

Our main essay talks about making profit from peace, rather than war, and proposes a competition based TV show to generate investors.

Also in this issue….

Our Right To Freedom-What If Big Biz Sues To Repeal Vermont’s GMO Labeling Law?

by Diane Gold on June 17, 2014.

Our main essay is about how to stand up for our right to freedom using the example of the GMO labeling vote in Vermont.

Also in this issue….

When We Delay Gratification…

by Diane Gold on June 10, 2014.

Our main essay is about the process of delaying gratification, how it’s done, when we might decide to do it and what it builds in our foundation.

Also in this issue….

Citizens For Change: No More Status Quo GMOs

by Diane Gold on May 27, 2014.

Our main essay is about taking action toward protecting our food supply from genetic modified organisms (GMOs).

Also in this issue….

Ignoring Conflicts Of Interest In Health Care

by Diane Gold on Apr. 1, 2014.

Our main essay is about many of the conflicts of interest that cause some of the fractures in our health care system and how we are NOT doomed.

Also in this issue….

The Habit Of Peaceful Conflict Resolution

by Diane Gold on Mar. 25, 2014.

Our main essay is one of my favorites. It’s about cultivating peaceful methods to resolve conflict and how our actions may affect the future of peace.

Also in this issue….

How Slouching Destroys Health

by Diane Gold on Mar. 18, 2014.

This week’s main essay is about how slouching really destroys our health. Who knew?

Also in this issue….

The Real Scoop On The Health Care Law!

by Diane Gold on Feb. 18, 2014.

Our main essay talks about the health care law and how it may cause people to work less as W-2 employees.

Also in this issue….

The Number One Method For Habit Change

by Diane Gold on Feb. 11, 2014.

Our essay delivers the simplest, universal formula for how to change a habit. This was inspired by my talk at the Women Referring Women luncheon.

Also in this issue….

The Manipulation Of Evidence-Based Medicine

by Diane Gold on February 4, 2014.

Our main essay shares many of the ways in which evidence-based medicine can be manipulated. (It also thanks those who are honest and noble in the industry.)

Also in this issue….

Habits In Medical Care-Part 3: Ready For Change?

by Diane Gold on Jan. 14, 2014.

Our main essay is the third installment of habits in medical care.

Also in this issue….

How Personal Development Can Change The World

by Diane Gold on Jan. 7, 2014.

This week, our main essay talks about personal development and how it can change the world.

Also in this issue….

Habit Change: Our New Year’s Resolution

by Diane Gold on Dec. 31, 2013.

Our Happy New Year main essay is about habit change and New Year’s resolution and, of course, success.

Also in this issue….

The Habit Of Forgiveness: How To Forgive Even When It Seems Impossible

by Diane Gold on Dec. 24, 2013.

This week, our main essay talks about developing the habit of forgiveness and how to go about it even when it seems impossible.

Also in this issue….

Habit Change: Solving Not Complaining

by Diane Gold on Dec. 17, 2013.

This week, our main essay talks about how we complain, exclusive of solving, and the importance of solutions.

Also in this issue….

Hidden Clinical Trials

by Diane Gold on Dec. 3, 2013.

This week, our main essay talks about clinical trials that are not reported. We rarely question this since we are in the habit of not questioning what doctors or medical professionals say.

Also in this issue….

Are You An Enabler, Codependent On A User?

by Diane Gold on Nov. 26, 2013.

This week, our main essay talks about being an enabler, someone so wrapped up in a user’s behavior, it’s bad news for both people.

Also in this issue….

Habitual Behavior Develops Valuable Skills

by Diane Gold on Nov. 19, 2013.

This week, our main essay talks about how, through learning how to maintain our habitual behavior, we develop very valuable skills that are beneficial to us and to the world.
Also in this issue….

The Habit Of Gratitude And 100 Ways To Feel It

by Diane Gold on Oct. 22, 2013.

This week we are publishing our 100th Issue, which means we are celebrating our Second Anniversary. Therefore, we have a special main essay which is a list of 100 things that may make us feel gratitude.

Also in this issue….

3 Habit Changes That Turn Sickness Into Health!

by Diane Gold on Oct. 14, 2013.

This week, our main essay offers three habit changes that turn sickness into health.
Also in this issue….

Social Influence, Habit Change And What’s Missing!

by Diane Gold on Oct. 7, 2013.

This week, we bring you our main essay about groups that influence habit change and what’s missing from many of them.

Also in this issue….

The One Secret To Habit Change: Get It And Use It!

by Diane Gold on Sept. 30, 2013.

This week, we bring you the one secret to habit change.

Also in this issue….

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Of Habit Change

by Diane Gold on Sept. 23, 2013.

This week, we bring you THE mistakes of habit change that seem universal to humans. From these come the commandments to change a habit.

Also in this issue…

Demystifying Traditional Chinese Medicine

by Diane Gold on Sept. 16, 2013.

This week, we bring you the highlights of our interview with George Love, Doctor Of Oriental Medicine who demystifies it for all of us.

Also in this issue…

Can Gut Microbes Help With Weight Loss?

by Diane Gold on Sept. 9, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on a study about gut microorganisms as a possible technique for weight loss.

Also in this issue…

The Benefits Of Forgiveness And Revenge

by Diane Gold on Sept. 2, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on our ability to temper our forgiveness and our revenge.

Also in this issue…

Our Path To Happiness: Do Our Genes Know Before We Do?

by Diane Gold on Aug. 26, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on how the significance of how we achieve happiness is detected and processed by our genes to our benefit or our detriment.

Also in this issue…

Reading Food And Supplement Labels: How Habits Form

by Diane Gold on Aug. 19, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on food and supplement labels and how we form habits as a result.

Also in this issue…

Habit Masters; We Are

by Diane Gold on Aug. 12, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on the idea that we are habit masters from all the training we have given ourselves with various life behaviors. There are 12 proposed action steps.

Also in this issue…

Health Care Costs: Statistics And Solutions

by Diane Gold on Aug. 5, 2013.

This week, our main article talks about the cost of health care. There are 11 possible action steps.

Also in this issue…

Are You Liberated? And What That Means For Habit Change

by Diane Gold on July 29, 2013.

This week, our main article talks about personal liberation and what it means for habit change. There are 10 action steps.

Also in this issue…

The One Necessary Success Habit Anyone Can Learn: And How To Develop It!

by Diane Gold on July 15, 2013.

This week, our main article talks about one habit that successful people all know about. Almost anyone can learn it through our action steps, included.

Also in this issue…

Habits In Medical Care, Part Two: Pay That Bill!

by Diane Gold on June 24, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on habits in medical care: autopaying our bills.

Also in this issue…

The Biggest Habit, The Inflexible Mind: 3 Scenarios

by Diane Gold on June 17, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on THE habit of the mind: inflexibility and three scenarios to recognize.

Also in this issue…

Why Change A Habit? Your Legacy Awaits

by Diane Gold on May 27, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on why to change a habit and how that ties to our legacy.

Also in this issue…

Changing Food Habits: Are You Eating GMOs, Organic Foods Or …?

by Diane Gold on May 20, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on changing our food habits as we have more knowledge of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and foods that are labeled “organic.”

Also in this issue…

Guru, Master & Mentor: Are You In The Habit Of Verifying The Title?

by Diane Gold on Apr. 29, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on the use of the words “guru, master and mentor.”

Also in this issue…

Tai Chi, Walking & Other Fitness Training:Turning Exercise Into Habit

by Diane Gold on Apr. 22, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on fitness exercises and how we train them. Tai chi is first in the title in honor of World Tai Chi Day, Saturday.

Also in this issue…

The Peace Process Formula: Phase 3

by Diane Gold on Apr. 15, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on the peace process formula. It is the third installment in the series.

Also in this issue…

Women As Slaves: How To Change This Habit

by Diane Gold on Apr. 8, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on women as slaves and how we change this habit.

Also in this issue…

What Martial Art … Helps Change A Habit?

by Diane Gold on Apr. 1, 2013.

This week, our main article focuses on tai chi and how tai chi principle can help change a habit.

Also in this issue…

Martial Arts Of The Mind

by Diane Gold on Mar. 25, 2013.

This week, our main article is about martial arts of the mind. This article transpired as a discussion for a kung fu student who needed to understand that the physical exercises are the tools for the accomplishments of the mind. This article is a reminder of that truth.

Also in this issue…

The Gender Issue

by Diane Gold on Mar. 4, 2013.

This week, our main article talks about the gender issue as it relates to women.

Also in this issue…

Peace Needs A Bridge: How To Build It And Keep It Open

by Diane Gold on Feb. 25, 2013.

This week, our main article talks about the fact that Peace needs a bridge in order to make it real.

Also in this issue…

How To Change A Habit By Realizing Our Luxuries

by Diane Gold on Feb. 18, 2013.

This week, we have an article about how to change a habit by realizing how much we have.

Also in this issue…

Turning Habits Into Health: How 1 Step At A Time Can Make The Change

by Diane Gold on Jan. 28, 2013.

This week, we talk about Turning Habits Into Health and the 1-step at a time approach to habit change.

Also in this issue…

Water For Weight Loss, Emotional Eating Turned To Healthy Hydration

by Diane Gold on Jan. 14, 2013.

This week, we talk about how drinking water can temper food cravings habitually. We also consider that water is not in abundance for all people.

Also in this issue…

Food Cravings: How To Maximize Them For Our Good Health

by Diane Gold on Jan. 7, 2013.

First issue in 2013, and we are raring to go!

This week’s article talks about maximizing our food cravings so that we can be healthier.

Also in this issue…

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Crossroads: Successfully Choosing The Way We Make Decisions

by Diane Gold on Dec. 24, 2012.

This week’s article talks about crossroads and the ways we handle them when they come.

Also in this issue…

Appetite Control: How Saving Someone Other Than Ourselves Balances Appetite

by Diane Gold on Dec. 17, 2012.

This week’s article talks about the appetite and how saving someone other than ourselves can balance our appetite.

Also in this issue…

The Peace Process Formula: Phase 2

by Diane Gold on Dec. 10, 2012.

Our main article offers phase 2 of the peace process formula begun last week. It has great promise, so it would be great if you would participate.

Also in this issue…

The Peace Process: A Step-By-Step Formula To Achieve Peace And Replace Overeating At The Same Time

by Diane Gold on Dec. 3, 2012.

This issue is dedicated to my father who passed 49 years ago yesterday at age 49. To Harry!

Our main article offers a strategy for the peace process whose doing can reduce one’s weight by the very focus of the activity.

Also in this issue…

Belief In Self: 5 Ways To Create Belief

by Diane Gold on September 24, 2012.

This week’s main article is about Belief In Self and how it is possible to create this belief through a 5 simple techniques.

Also in this issue…

Writing For Weight Loss: A Way To Curb Our Urge To Eat

by Diane Gold on August 27, 2012.

This week’s main article is about Writing For Weight Loss. The idea is that when we are writing, we are focused on writing.

There’s also a link to get your own blog within 15 minutes.

Also in this issue…

Giving To Charity Can Help Our Daughters With Weight

by Diane Gold on August 13, 2012.

Last week, our main article mentioned freecycling. This week, our main article is about charity and how it can help our daughters look outside themselves.

Also in this issue…

Moving To A New House: 3 Ways Changing Our Routine Gives Us Big Opportunity

by Diane Gold on August 6, 2012.

As a treat, we offer 3 life-changing action steps that are so simple, even though they are right under our very noses on a daily basis. And, yes, our main article, as promised, is about moving.

Also in this issue…

Peace And Prejudice: How The Key To Peace Is The Same As The Key To Weight Loss

by Diane Gold on June 4, 2012.

Our main article is about how the uncontrollable urges to eat are like the irrational prejudices we have for other people.

Also in this issue…

Preparing To Thrive With Food Addiction: How Tai Chi Mind Readies Us For Change

by Diane Gold on May 21, 2012.

Our featured essay is about preparation. There are always start up steps when we embark on a new program. We are so driven to start our new meal plan that we sometimes forget to prepare.

Also in this issue…

Motivation: 5 Ways We Renew It, But Do They Really Work?

by Diane Gold on May 14, 2012.

Our featured essay is about motivation and the things we do to get it. When must we change circumstances; when must we change ourselves?

Also in this issue…

Tai Chi: How Tai Chi Can Position Us To Change The World

by Diane Gold on April 23, 2012.

Because World Tai Chi And Chi Kung Day is this coming Saturday, April 28, our main article talks about its true purpose, and, more than that, the real mission of doing tai chi. This is an impactful subject, and comments are requested.

Also in this issue…

Creating Power:5 Opportunities To Build It And Keep It

by Diane Gold on April 2, 2012.

Our main essay in this issue, I’m happy to say, talks about Creating Power. There are so many reasons we need power in this world. We need to stop giving it all away.

Also in this issue…

Tai Chi For Weight Loss: Preparing Yourself For Your Journey With Weight

by Diane Gold on March 5, 2012.

I am happy to bring you a discussion about one of the most impactful studies of my life. that of Tai Chi. Our main article talks about how this is a wonderful tool for weight loss in so many ways.

Also in this issue…

Subliminal Seduction: How We Are Seduced And How Weight Loss Suffers

by Diane Gold on February 27, 2012.

Our main article talks about how we are affected by media underneath our consciousness and how this can affect the way we eat.

Also in this issue…


I Don’t Have Time For Weight Loss: 7 Steps To Get It!

by Diane Gold on February 6, 2012.

Our main article is dedicated to all those moms and daughters who are juggling many of life’s challenges, including weight issues. May they choose to find the time.

Also in this issue…

How To Change Your Life Through The Power Of Words

by Diane Gold on January 30, 2012.

Our main article was written by speaker and author, Suzanne Kovi, whose mission is to inspire women and kids to move into courageous action.

Also this issue…

Get Your Wish: 10 Steps To Discovery

by Diane Gold on November 7, 2011.

If we could have one wish to change one thing about ourselves, what would it be?
This main article looks at the importance of focus and follow-through. It contains a 10-point outline of how to find your way and get your wish.

Also in this issue…

Making A New Decision: Deciding Not To Decide Or Deciding For One Hour Only

by Diane Gold on October 31, 2011.

In our main article, we talk about decision making. Most of us concern ourselves that, if we make a decision, we are locked into it. This causes inaction and tension. It is also far from being written in stone in most cases. Yes, if you write in stone, it’s hard to erase; but we can ease into many decisions by making short-term commitments, such as an hour at a time.

Also in this issue…